PBIS Nuts and Bolts

Positive Behavior Support and Intervention

PBIS is a national initiative for teaching students responsible and safe decision-making.

Our Three Expectations: Respect Myself, Respect Others, Respect My School

My child’s positive behavior is recognized by:

  • Purple Positives-staff use these to acknowledge positive behaviors students show daily. Each week tickets are posted on the Proud to be Positive wall in the main hall and sent home when they’re taken down. One positive from each grade each week will be drawn randomly for a small prize.
  • Red Tickets-If you hear your student say "I got a red ticket!" you should be proud, too! These are earned by going above and beyond our normal expectations: 200%! Red tickets are taken to office and recorded. Students pick a numbered chip out of a basket, which matches a number on the 200 Club Bingo board and their ticket gets tacked to the board. Students also take a souvenir red ticket home. For a Bingo, all the students in that row, column or diagonal, get called to the office for a special mystery reward. It's a great day when we hear "BINGO"!
  • The BLASTINATOR!!!!!!!!The Franklin Flyer mascot aviator BLASTS classrooms recognizing students and staff who are HIGH FLYERS!!!! He's also been known to make surprise appearances at Spirit Assemblies, firing up students and teaching cool chants! The student who get “blasted” gets their picture taken, posted on the hall board, and a certificate of honor.

Supporting my child’s decision-making: sometimes my child needs a little help:

  • Re-Teaching – staff first re-teach by stating the expectation and giving an example of how that looks; helping the student practice it.
  • Minor behavior reports- these are used to document a behavior that has needed additional re-teaching and reminders to control. Some of these behaviors include off-task, disrupting, cheating, lying, etc. Minor behavior support includes re-teaching the expectation and practicing how to do it the right way. When a pattern of behavior continues, additional support is discussed and offered.
  • Major behavior reports-these are used for escalating or more serious behaviors: fighting, assaults, weapons, continued disrespect/defiance, harassment, vandalism, stealing, etc. The assistnant principal or principal contactsthe parent/guardian when this happens.
  • Ground School- students may spend time over lunch and recess at Ground School learning more positive ways to solve problems peacefully. Part of Ground School includes “refueling”, where students give back to the school by working and/or cleaning as a part of their restitution.

Find more information about Franklin and Montessori PBIS at or contact Behavior Coach Angie Ellsworth at 328-3281()

Or School Psychologist/Behavior Coach Kathy Quinn at 328-3273 ()