
Personnel Policies and Procedures / Page: 3 of 3 XXX of 2
Subject: / Original Date: 6/80
Employee Grievance/Problem Resolution / Revised Date: 2/95, 3/98
Revised Date: 1/01


To encourage dialogue between the employee and management in an attempt to resolve any differences that may arise between individuals in a fair and positive manner.


If at any time you have questions, concerns or suggestions about your work, Hospital/Facility policies or the operation of the Hospital/Facility in general, we encourage you to discuss them openly and directly with your department head. While your department head is not authorized to modify or amend a policy, nor is a department head’s interpretation of a policy or procedure final and binding, your department head’s insight may be helpful to you. Our experience has shown that when employees deal openly with supervisors and department heads, the work environment can be exceptional, communications can be clear, and attitudes can be positive.

Should you have questions or concerns about a policy after speaking with your department head, you should seek further guidance from Human Resources. Human Resources provides employees with information and assistance to understand the Hospital’s policies and procedures and are available to help you with any problems or concerns during your employment.

The Hospital promotes a commitment to employees by responding effectively to questions and issues. In an effort to protect and maintain direct communications, we encourage you to speak up. Our goal is to share with employees the Hospital’s Mission of providing high-quality health care services while promoting a sincere pride in the workplace. We can do this only by working closely together.


n  We recognize the right of employees to freely choose whether or not to join a union.

n  We believe that individuals should represent themselves and that a direct relationship is better for both our employees and ______.

n  We believe that employees are entitled to true, accurate information about unions in order to make an informed choice. We consider it a management responsibility to provide that information.

n  We are “union-free” not “anti-union.” We hope to remain union free by being an employer that is responsible to the legitimate needs and concerns of employees.

It is the belief and philosophy of ______that good employee-employer relationships can exist only if employees believe that they have been treated equitably and fairly. It is also recognized that there are occasions when honest differences of opinion may occur regarding the interpretation and application of policies and/or procedures and Counseling for Disciplinary Action, including termination from employment. The following process is established in order to provide an effective method for employees to bring problems to the attention of management for resolution without fear of recrimination or retaliation.

This procedure cannot result in every problem being resolved to an employee’s satisfaction. However, the Hospital values each employee’s input and they should feel free to raise issues of concern, in good faith, without the fear of retaliation.


Step 1: Supervisor

The employee should discuss the problem with his or her immediate supervisor. It is anticipated that every effort will be made to resolve the problem in a fair and amiable manner at this level. In situations where the problem is with a co-worker, the employee should first make an effort to discuss it with that person. If this does not resolve the issue, the employee should discuss the problem with his/her supervisor.

Step 2: Department Head

If the employee is not satisfied with the first attempt to resolve the problem, the employee should schedule an appointment with the department head or submit in writing to the department head a description of the problem. The employee’s description of the problem should identify all pertinent facts of which the employee has firsthand knowledge.

Step 3: Vice President

If the problem still has not been resolved to the satisfaction of the employee, the employee can request to meet or submit in writing to the vice president the description of the problem. The vice president will involve the Vice President of Human Resources as appropriate to conduct an impartial investigation of the circumstances surrounding the problem. The vice president and/or the Vice President of Human Resources will consult as necessary, up to and including the President. A decision will then be communicated to the employee as appropriate.

1.  Employees or supervisors, during any step in the process, may avail themselves to the Vice President of Human Resources or designee for advice and counsel, but it is encouraged that the process be followed.

2.  If the employee’s complaint or grievance is with the immediate department head and the employee believes that his/her problem would not receive fair consideration by the department head, then the employee should initiate communication directly with the Vice President or Human Resources.

3.  It is expected that employees will initiate and follow through with the process in a reasonable amount of time following the incident or onset of concerns and that management responses and determinations will be made in a timely manner that is appropriate to the issue under investigation.

4.  It is understood that any employee electing to utilize this process will be treated courteously and that the case will be handled confidentially and discreetly at all times. No employee shall be subjected to discourteous treatment, recrimination or retaliation due to utilization of the problem resolution procedure.

Responsibility for the review and revision of the Policy is assigned to the Vice President of Human Resources.

APPROVED: ______
