Alameda Point Collaborative


Internship Job Description

POSITION #1:Program Infrastructure Intern (F2M)

DIVISION: Services: Workforce and Employment

REPORTS TO:Farm2Market Project Coordinator

CLASSIFICATION:Part-time, Intern

SUPERVISED BY:Program Director

Farm2Market Project Site.

The APC Farm began as part of the “Growing Youth Project.” As the GYP Farm, the APC Farm served as an educational hub where young people experience and learned about food justice and food security issues. The small produce production was limited and managed in large part by volunteer groups visiting the farm. When funding for GYP ended in the fall of 2012, GYP was re-structured as an adult employment on-the-job (OJT) training program. When the first OJT Farm Crew significantly increased production on the farm, Farm2Market was born. The sales of F2M produce now helps to fund some operational expenses for the Farm.

Currently, the Farm 2Market Project is the primary structured employment training site with the APC workforce development and employment services. Using a Community Supported Agriculture membership as the major means of produce distribution, farm harvest is pre-paid and production must meet inventory needs. F2M is a small production farm that models a small business environment on which trainee learn a range of employment skills that can be transferable to almost any work setting. F2M employment training includes activities such as production planning, inventory development and management, product presentation and marketing, product delivery and customer service. Learning these operational tasks is combined with opportunities to learn and practice basic work place behavioral skills.

Farm2Market Intern Program.

The F2M Project has been a rapidly changing, growing program with very limited staffing and resources. As a result, the F2M Project has been unable to develop a sustainable program infrastructure. The Project Curriculum has not been written or documented into written or visual aids that would decrease dependence on the Farm Manager / trainer. Data related to the overall financial and organizational benefits derived from the F2M project as well as the overall program expenses have not been collected, reviewed and analyzed. As a result, F2M is Project that appears to provide significant social benefit to APC and its community but with little “cost – benefit information.

F2M proposes to host two interns to support direct F2M project capacity needs and to address the F2M infrastructure building needs. Each intern will work with the Farm Crew for up to 20 hours / week to support the Production and distribution activities. This time working as a member of the Farm Crew is essential to learning about, understanding farm operations and to provide a foundation for the infrastructure support functions in the internships. Each intern will have a focused outcome objective.

  • Intern #1:Program Infrastructure Support Intern: Complete a functional OJT training handbook using written material, graphics, photos and other presentation tools that support different learning styles.
  • Intern #2:Fiscal Infrastructure Support Intern: Complete a farm cost – benefit assessment and yearly cost analysis.

POSITION SUMMARY: Program Infrastructure Support

This internship has two priority functions:

  1. Learn and understand the complexity of tasks and activities that are contained in getting farm production to market.
  2. Create a curriculum “how to” handbook that includes the resources and support materials for Farm Crew members and or volunteer helpers to perform assigned farm tasks.



  1. Participate in and learn farm production tasks and activities by:
  2. Participate as a member of the Farm Crew garden maintenance & production maintenance team with soil preparation, seeding and planting, weeding and plant maintenance, harvesting, honey harvest, produce presentation, volunteer support, produce distribution and customer relations.
  3. Learn, understand the function of and practice and model program supply and facilities safety protocols.
  4. Help to organize and plan gardencommunity or volunteer events.
  5. Assist with CSA distributions both on and off APC site.
  6. Learn and incorporate the Marketing role of the farm into handbook materials.
  7. Plan, Coordinate and distribute CSA membership shares.
  8. Solicit customer feedback to assist in garden/farm production planning
  9. Implement a structure to ensure that a regularly scheduled F2M informational flyer is included CSA distributions.
  10. Learn and educate potential and current CSA members about the F2M role with food justice, sustainable food, employment training, health and nutrition.


  1. Willingness to work in an outdoor, farm environment.
  2. Physical ability and willingness to engage in physical labor that includes bending, squatting, lifting.
  3. Motivated to learn about food issues and how they affect your community.
  4. Personal interest and commitment to learning and change process.
  5. Ability to and willingness to confront and address personal learning within a diverse community and work environment .
  6. Ability to transfer experiential learning into visual leaning aids (e.g. written, photos, graphics)
  7. Proficiency with Microsoft Word and Excel. Experience Adobe Creative Suite particularly in Design and Photoshop and with Wordpress and social media a plus. Ability to learn new technology is highly valued.
  8. Positive work and accountability ethics.
  9. Good verbal and written communication skills.
  10. Trustworthy, hard-working, open-minded, and reliable.
  11. Model drug and alcohol free behaviors.
  12. Willingness to learn and practice management of personal boundaries related to living and working in community.

Intern Learning Opportunities.

In this internship, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Learn and experience a holistic, strength-based approach to working with/in challenged and disenfranchised communities.
  • Learn to use a whole person lens and work as a member of a multidisciplinary support team.
  • Learn and practice trauma informed engagement principles.
  • Develop interpersonal boundary and counter-transference challenges.
  • Develop greater knowledge and appreciation for the complexities of non-profit environments.
  • Work as a member of and learn from a diverse community of peers and community members.
  • Develop and practice behaviors and tools that facilitate empowered partnership between service providers and service recipients.
  • Develop skills and tools for writing and presenting program specific learning tools.

Internship Job Description

POSITION #2:Fiscal Infrastructure Support Intern (F2M)

DIVISION: Services: Workforce and Employment

REPORTS TO:Farm2Market Project Coordinator

CLASSIFICATION:Part-time, Intern

SUPERVISED BY:Program Director

Farm2Market Project Site.

The APC Farm began as part of the “Growing Youth Project.” As the GYP Farm, the APC Farm served as an educational hub where young people experience and learned about food justice and food security issues. The small produce production was limited and managed in large part by volunteer groups visiting the farm. When funding for GYP ended in the fall of 2012, GYP was re-structured as an adult employment on-the-job (OJT) training program. When the first OJT Farm Crew significantly increased production on the farm, Farm2Market was born. The sales of F2M produce now helps to fund some operational expenses for the Farm.

Currently, the Farm 2Market Project is the primary structured employment training site with the APC workforce development and employment services. Using a Community Supported Agriculture membership as the major means of produce distribution, farm harvest is pre-paid and production must meet inventory needs. F2M is a small production farm that models a small business environment on which trainee learn a range of employment skills that can be transferable to almost any work setting. F2M employment training includes activities such as production planning, inventory development and management, product presentation and marketing, product delivery and customer service. Learning these operational tasks is combined with opportunities to learn and practice basic work place behavioral skills.

Farm2Market Intern Program.

The F2M Project has been a rapidly changing, growing program with very limited staffing and resources. As a result, the F2M Project has been unable to develop a sustainable program infrastructure. The Project Curriculum has not been written or documented into written or visual aids that would decrease dependence on the Farm Manager / trainer. Data related to the overall financial and organizational benefits derived from the F2M project as well as the overall program expenses have not been collected, reviewed and analyzed. As a result, F2M is Project that appears to provide significant social benefit to APC and its community but with little “cost – benefit information.

F2M proposes to host two interns to support direct F2M project capacity needs and to address the F2M infrastructure building needs. Each intern will work with the Farm Crew for up to 20 hours / week to support the Production and distribution activities. This time working as a member of the Farm Crew is essential to learning about, understanding farm operations and to provide a foundation for the infrastructure support functions in the internships. Each intern will have a focused outcome objective.

  • Intern #1:Program Infrastructure Support Intern: Complete a functional OJT training handbook using written material, graphics, photos and other presentation tools that support different learning styles.
  • Intern #2:Fiscal Infrastructure Support Intern: Complete a farm cost – benefit assessment and yearly cost analysis.

POSITION SUMMARY: Fiscal Infrastructure Support

This internship has 3 priority functions:

  1. Learn and understand the complexity of tasks, activities and resources needed to develop, produce the harvest and get farm production to market.
  2. Complete fiscal analysis of overall costs from farm grounds and maintenance, production resources needs, marketing materials for F2M. Collect receipt data from all farm distribution including internal APC use of F2M products.
  3. Complete a Farm assessment of the role and function of the Farm at APC and the benefits derives from the existence of the APC Farm.



  1. Participate in and learn farm production tasks and activities by:
  2. Participate as a member of the Farm Crew garden maintenance & production maintenance team with soil preparation, seeding and planting, weeding and plant maintenance, harvesting, honey harvest, produce presentation, volunteer support, produce distribution and customer relations.
  3. Learn, understand the function of and practice and model program supply and facilities safety protocols.
  4. Help to organize and plan garden community or volunteer events.
  5. Assist with CSA distributions both on and off APC site.
  6. Plan, Coordinate and distribute CSA membership shares.
  7. Solicit customer and community feedback re: knowledge of and perception APC Farm.
  8. Learn and educate potential and current CSA members about the F2M role with food justice, sustainable food, employment training, health and nutrition.
  9. Track and collect data on resources needed to conduct all farm activities.
  10. Analyze and complete reports on farm resource needs, on APC Farm relationship to external APC community, expense reports and receipt reports.


  1. Willingness to work in an outdoor, farm environment.
  2. Physical ability and willingness to engage in physical labor that includes bending, squatting, lifting.
  3. Motivated to learn about food issues and how they affect your community.
  4. Personal interest and commitment to learning and change process.
  5. Ability to and willingness to confront and address personal learning within a diverse community and work environment .
  6. Ability to collect experiential learning and transfer into data formats and use learning and data to prepare reports.
  7. Proficiency with Microsoft Word and Excel. Experience Adobe Creative Suite particularly in Design and Photoshop and with Wordpress and social media a plus. Ability to learn new technology is highly valued.
  8. Ability to take initiative and schedule meetings, interviews as needed to obtain information needed to complete assigned tasks.
  9. Good verbal and written communication skills.
  10. Trustworthy, hard-working, open-minded, and reliable.
  11. Model drug and alcohol free behaviors.
  12. Willingness to learn and practice management of personal boundaries related to living and working in community.

Intern Learning Opportunities.

In this internship, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Learn and experience a holistic, strength-based approach to working with/in challenged and disenfranchised communities.
  • Learn to use a whole person lens and work as a member of a multidisciplinary support team.
  • Learn and practice trauma informed engagement principles.
  • Develop interpersonal boundary and counter-transference challenges.
  • Develop greater knowledge and appreciation for the complexities of non-profit environments.
  • Work as a member of and learn from a diverse community of peers and community members.
  • Develop and practice behaviors and tools that facilitate empowered partnership between service providers and service recipients.
  • Practice data collection, organization and analysis skills.
  • Develop skills writing in a report format.