Position Description / Scope of Practice
St Vincent’s Private Hospital is a world-class medical and surgical facility and provides overnight and day only care across a broad spectrum of specialties. The 270-bed hospital cares for local, national and international patients.
The values of St Vincent’s Private Hospital derive from the mission and traditions of the Sisters of Charity. Firmly grounded in the Christian tradition, our values seek to give form to our activities and are at the core of our Code of Conduct and Code of Ethical Standards.
Inspired by the values of the Sisters of Charity and Sisters of Mercy, our mission is to bring the healing ministry of Christ to all we serve.
Our vision is to serve the community through excellence in care, teaching and research in both public and private health and aged care services, and to reach out to the poor and the marginalised. In doing so, we maintain our fundamental respect for the skills and talents of our staff and our profound respect for the humanity of every individual patient.
To develop a level of competency to fill various positions as a cleaner or waste handler as needed. Maintaining a high standard of cleanliness and contributing to service improvements.
Key AccountabilitiesAccountability / Major Activities / Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
Expectations / Performing a full range of cleaning or waste related tasks within a Hospital environment, including public areas, offices, ward, patient and staff facilities areas. Includes equipment such as floor scrubbers, polishers, & microfiber systems.
Participate in quality improvement activities within the Environmental Services department and the Hospital
Comply with infection control policies and procedures
Have an understanding in job procedures in different areas. Multi skilled role to replace staff where needed in each area of the department. Clean to infection Control Standards as per Environmental Cleaning policy PD2012_061, Operate within Cleaning, Waste Management operations across multiple sites within the campus ( SVH,SVPH,SVC SHC and or Precinct Partners within Contract cleaning)
Participate in yearly staff appraisals
Attend Hotel services meetings
Complies with the Environmental Services dress code /
- Working within and full filling but not limited to:
- Manual Handling and safe work practices
- Environmental Protection Act 1997 and NSW Health Policy Directives 2005_132 and 2005_247
- Waste Segregation ASA/NZS 3816
- Australian/New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 816:1998. Management of clinical and related waste
- SVHA Microfiber cleaning and laundering policies are adhered too
- All Environmental Services Departmental Policies and Procedures related to and inclusive to the HACCP Manual
- Relevant Laundry and Linen Associated standards- Australian Standards, AS4146, AS3789, AS3900, AS3904, AS4187, AS1079
- SVH Policies and Procedures Manual & SV&MHS Code of Conduct
- Anti-discrimination Act (EqualEmployment Opportunity) Occupational Health and Safety Act 1983
- Industrial Relations Act, 1996
- Fair Work Act 2009
- Health Services Act 1997 & NSW Health Policy directives
Staff development / Participate in continuing education both internally and externally.
Complies to the commitment of the Hotel Services department in training multiskilled personal / All mandatory training is completed yearly.
Workplace, Health & Safety / Maintain a safe work environment by complying with Work place Health and Safety guidelines
Adhere to all policies, procedures and legislative requirements in relation to Workplace Health & Safety, Bullying & Harassment in the Workplace Policy requirement
Ensure that compliance with the code of ethical standards for Catholic Health & Aged Care providers, legislation, acts, awards and agreements is maintained
Operate within delegated responsibilities as set Mater Hospital Sydney
Attend yearly fire awareness and or other mandatory training
Participate in waste minimization by reduction, re - use or recycling of waste
Complies with the following government policy: Smoking is not permitted /
- Employee complies with the requirements of the WH&S Act and all relevant WHS, and injury management policies and procedures where industrial agreements required are met.
- RiskMan is used to report hazards and any workplace injuries.
The incumbent of this position will be expected to possess the following capabilities:
Capability / Demonstrated BehaviourPersonal / Personal Effectiveness / Operates within policies and regulations in line with the mission and values
Learning Agility / Is open to learning new skills and ideas and applies these in the workplace
Outcomes / Patient/Resident/Client Centred / Responds to patients as individuals while delivering care according to prescribed guidelines
Innovation & Improvement / Solves immediate problems on own tasks and is open to change
Strategy / Driving Results / Completes allocated tasks to prescribed standards and timeframes
Organisational Acumen / Understands role of own department and related departments
People / Working With & Managing Others / Modifies own behaviour and work style to be most effective
Collaboration / Cooperates with team members to deliver team goals
- 7 Day rotating roster availability
- Flexibility and ability to work within a team or unsupervised
- Hospital, Contract Cleaning or Hotel Cleaning experience
Pre-employment Check
In accordance with current legislation the Employee must be willing to undertake a police check, with ongoing employment dependant on a satisfactory check.
A performance review will occur after commencement of this position and annually. It will be based on the duties and responsibilities outlined in this position description.
Equal Employment Opportunity
SVHA is committed to equality of employment opportunity. The Employee will agree to adhere to the Equal Employment Opportunity policies and practices of the Health Service. Discriminatory practices, including sexual harassment, are unlawful. The SVHA will not tolerate discriminatory behaviour and any such conduct may lead to the invoking of the Disciplinary Policy and Procedure, which may result in termination of employment.
Any private and health information obtained in the course of employment is confidential and should not be used for any purpose other than the performance of the duties for which the person was employed. The Employee is bound by the Information Privacy Act 2009 and the Health Records Act 2002 and shall be required to sign a statement on commencement of employment agreeing to comply with SVHA Privacy Policies.
St Vincent’s Health Network Sydney
FREQUENCY DEFINITIONS / DESCRIPTIONO - Occasional / Activity exists up to 1/3 of the time when performing the task.
F - Frequent / Activity exists between 1/3 and 2/3 of the time when performing the task.
C – Constant / Activity exists more than 2/3 of the time when performing the task.
R – Repetitive / Activity involves repetitive movement.
O / F / C / R / N/A
Cognitive motor / Tasks require a person to control and direct their physical movements /
Kneeling/squatting / Tasks involve flexion/bending at the knees and ankles in order to access low levels /
Leg/foot movement / Tasks involve use of legs and/or feet to operate machinery /
Hand/arm movement / Tasks involve use of hands/arms eg. stacking, reaching, typing, mopping, sweeping, sorting, and twisting. /
Bending/twisting / Tasks involve bending forward or backward and twisting at the waist. /
Standing / Tasks involve standing in an upright position with little movement /
Driving / Tasks involve operating motor powered vehicles /
Sitting / Tasks involve remaining in a seated position /
Reaching / Tasks involve reaching overhead with arms raised above shoulder height or forward reaching with arms extended /
Walking/running / Tasks involve walking or running on even surfaces /
Tasks involved walking on uneven surfaces /
Tasks involve walking up or down steep slopes /
Tasks involve walking whilst pushing/pulling objects /
Climbing / Tasks involve climbing up or down stairs, ladders, scaffolding, platforms, inclines/declines /
Working at heights / Tasks involve making use of ladders, foot stools, scaffolding, etc. Anything where the person stands on an object other than the ground. /
Lifting/carrying / Tasks involve raising/.lowering or moving objects from one level/position to another, usually holding an object within the hands - /
1) Light lifting/carrying 0-9Kg /
2) Moderate lifting/carrying 10-15 Kg /
3) Heavy lifting/carrying 16 Kg and above /
Restraining / Tasks involve restraining patients/clients others /
Pushing/pulling / Tasks involve pushing/pulling objects away from or towards the body. Also includes striking of jerking. /
Grasping / Tasks involve gripping, holding, clasping with fingers or hands. /
Manual dexterity / Tasks involve fine finger movements ie: keyboard operation, writing. /
Balance / Tasks require a person to be able to perceive changes in the work environment and adjust their body/limb position accordingly / Sight / Tasks involve use of eyes as an integral part of task performance ie: looking at screen/keyboard in computer operation, reading documents, working in a dark environment. /
Hearing / Tasks involve the use of hearing at normal voice level /
Smell / Tasks involve the use of the smell senses as an integral part of the task performance ie: working with chemicals /
Taste / Tasks involves the use of taste as an integral part of task performance /
Touch / Tasks involve use of touch as an integral part of task performance. /
Decision making and cognitive abilities / Tasks involve mental attention, decision making and concentration / Conflict & stress / Tasks involve working around or with many different people (crowds) /
Tasks involve interacting with distressed people /
Tasks involve dealing with people with mental disabilities /
Tasks involve dealing with people who are physically disfigured /
Tasks involve interacting with people who as part of their lives may be aggressive, verbally or sexually uninhibited. /
Tasks involve viewing/handling deceased and/or disfigured bodies. /
Dust / Tasks involve working with dust eg. sawdust, surface dust / Gases / Tasks involve working in areas where gases may be present, or working directly with gases /
Fumes / Tasks involve working with fumes that may be irritating if inhaled /
Liquids / Tasks involve working with liquids which may cause skin irritation if contact is made eg: dermatitis /
Water / Soap / Tasks require frequent hand washing with soap /
Hazardous substances/ Dangerous goods / Tasks involve handling or use of hazardous substances / dangerous goods including storage or transportation /
Latex / Tasks may involve handling or exposure to materials containing latex /
Biological matter / Tasks involve working with human biological matter through examination, storage, transport or disposal. /
Allergenic substances / Tasks involve exposure to allergenic substances /
Pharmaceuticals / Tasks involve handling, transport, administration or disposal of Pharmaceuticals eg. antibiotics, cytotoxics /
Lighting / Tasks involve working in areas where there may be changes in lighting eg. no natural light, flashing lights/strobes, glary, dim or dark / Colour / Tasks require differentiation of colour /
Sunlight / Tasks involve exposure to sunlight /
Temperature / Tasks involve working in temperature extremes eg: working in a cool room, working outdoors, boiler room /
Confined spaces / Tasks involve working in confined spaces where physical movements may be restricted /
Surfaces / Tasks involve walking over varying (eg. uneven, slippery, graded) floor surfaces / Housekeeping / Tasks involve working around obstacles within different work areas /
Heights / Tasks involve working at heights /
Manual handling / Tasks involve manual handling (lifting, pulling, pushing, restraining, holding, moving) /
Noise / Tasks involve working in noisy environments eg. with power tools, generators /
Radiation / Tasks involve exposure to X-Rays or other forms of radiation /
Electricity / Tasks involve working with electrical apparatus and currents /
Plant / Machinery / Tasks involve the use, movement, or operation of powered machinery and equipment /
Tasks involve the use, movement, operation of non-powered plant and equipment /
Biological hazards / Tasks involve working with blood, blood products and / or body fluids /
Workplace access / Tasks involve difficult access or movement from site to site / Personal protective equipment / Tasks involve use of Personal Protective Equipment, eg face masks, gloves, eye protection /
Safety critical issues / Tasks involve taking responsibility for the safety of others eg staff, patients, contractors, public /
I have read this position description, I understand the job requirements and job demands and agree that I can fulfil these requirements to the standards outlined.
I am not aware of any reason, which might interfere with my ability to perform the inherent job requirements and job demands of this position.
I am aware that any false or misleading statements may threaten my appointment or continued employment with St Vincent’s Health Network Sydney.
I agree to comply with the policies of NSW Health, and St Vincent’s Health Australia.
I understand that I may be required to perform other reasonable duties from time to time and that I may be required to work in any area under the jurisdiction of St Vincent’s Health Network Sydney.
I also agree to strictly observe the Area Health Service policy on confidentiality of staff and patient information or such other sensitive or confidential information that I many come across in the course of my employment.
I am aware that during the course of my employment, regular criminal record checks may be conducted with my knowledge to ensure my ongoing suitability for employment.
I (IncumbentName)haveread,understoodandagreetocomply withtheabovePositionDescription.
Signed: ______(Incumbent)
Date: /_/
Signed: ( Manager )
Date: /_/
Thispositiondescriptionwillbereviewedannually,whenthepositionbecomesvacantoras deemednecessary by Campus The Environmental Services Manager
APRIL 2016