CLOSING DATE: 4th June 2015

1. Background

The promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls is central to the mandate of UNICEF and its focus on equity. In order to achieve the results for children that UNICEF sets forth in pursuing its mandate and to realize the rights of every child, especially the most disadvantaged, it is crucial to address gender inequality.

As a part of UNICEF’s efforts to strengthen gender mainstreaming and achieve gender equality results, the organization undertakes regular gender reviews of its country programmes. Gender review is an internal process that assesses both the Country Programme and the organizational processes within the Country Office from a gender perspective.

2. Basic objectives to which the consultancy is related

This Gender Review is a part of the Mid-Term Review of the Country Programme Action Plan for India (CPAP 2013-2017).

The Review will assess the extent to which gender mainstreaming has been effectively integrated into the CPAP 2013-2017. This will be gauged especially in terms of programme results in all programme components, including programme designs, strategies and activities, and the extent to which the UNICEF India Office has the capacity on gender mainstreaming.

For the purpose of this consultancy, a senior consultant preferably with international experience, with qualifications as specified in the advertisement will be considered.

3. Duty Station:Offsite/ onsite New Delhi

4. Major tasks to be accomplished

The review is a forward looking exercise to inform the next Country Programme and hence will be undertaken as a part of the Mid-Term Review of the CPAP. This will allow for an assessment of the extent to which gender is systematically being mainstreamed into all UNICEF programmes. The Gender Review will assess UNICEF India’s Country Programme and organizational processes to undertake a participatory gender review.

The key areas of focus of the Gender Review are as follows:

  • Accountability and Partnership: Strategy on gender mainstreaming in programmes, particularly five UNICEF programme priorities, gender specific indicators for measuring results, alignment of CPAP with international, national and regional commitments as well as the global UNICEF Gender Action Plan (GAP) for gender equality
  • Capacity and Knowledge: Systematic analysis of gaps in programmes on addressing gender equality issues, including issues identified in the CRC and CEDAW Concluding Observations using tools (including global tools being developed by UNICEF HQ and UNICEF GAP benchmarks) and resources to mainstream gender in programming.
  • Programming and Financial Resources: Quality assurance mechanisms for gender mainstreaming, gender-sensitive monitoring and evaluation frameworks, reporting on gender equality analysis; tracking the most vulnerable women and girls, tracking resource allocations for gender equality.
  • Communication, Advocacy and Communication for Development: Advocacy on gender equality issues, particularly the situation of girls, integration of gender equality into communication strategies for both advocacy and communication for development.

The Gender Review will focus on the following objectives: -

  1. Examine to what extent the CPAP effectively promoted and contributed to gender equality, in programme formulation, strategies, implementation and measurement especially achievement of results;
  2. Identify good practices and lessons learnt in promoting gender equality in programming under the CPAP in the Indian context;
  3. Identify gaps and opportunities for the CPAP in terms of integration of gender equality intervention in programmes, as part of the larger equity focus and in the light of MoRES and Theory of Change of identified UNICEF Programme Priorities.

5. The Suggested Methodology

Suggestedmethodology to be followed for the Gender Review is detailed below:

Phase 1: Desk Review and Inception Report

  1. Meeting with Gender Task Force to agree on objectives, scope, methodology, expected outputs and which tools will be used (including criteria for document review).
  2. Conduct desk review of documents for gender assessment of UNICEF and its programmes.
  3. Develop typology of UNICEF programming states on the basis of socio-economic indicators and identify one state from each bracket for review of programming from gender lens in discussion with Gender Taskforce
  4. Submit Inception Report including questionnaires and interview/FGD questions.
  5. Submit outline of the final report, solicit comments from Gender Taskforce and revised Outline

Phase 2: Data Collection and Analysis

  1. Undertake introductory briefing meeting with staff to give context of Gender Review
  2. Meetings with UNICEF senior management (CMT members) to gather information on gender mainstreaming in the context of key areas identified in the inception report.
  3. Conduct one-to-one discussions with UNICEF technical sections on gender mainstreaming in the context of key areas identified in the inception report.
  4. Visit selected states for in-depth discussions with UNICEF staff (and implementing partners, if needed)
  5. Process and analyse data and information
  6. Present preliminary findings to Gender Taskforce
  7. Make a presentation to the Gender Task Force and front office on the draft report
  8. Submit the draft report to Gender Taskforce for comments

Phase 3: Finalization

  1. Incorporate comments and submit Final Report to Gender Taskforce.
  2. Identify recommendations arising from Gender Review
  3. Draft Action Plan developed in consultation with relevant UNICEF staff and Gender Taskforce
  4. Present the final key findings, recommendations and Action plan to the Task Force and key personnel.

6. End products and other deliverables:

Phase 1: Desk Review and Inception (2 Weeks)

1. Assessment tools finalized

2. Inception Report with interview schedule (to be finalized in discussion with Technical Supervisor)

3. Outline of Final Report

Phase 2: Data Collection and Analysis (1 month)

1. Present preliminary findings with data as a Power Point Presentation to key personnel

2. Share draft report prepared for comments.

Phase 3: Finalization (2 Weeks)

1. Final report and Power Point Presentation

2. Final Recommendationsand Draft Action Plan

3. Final Action Plan

7. Estimated duration of contract:2.5to 3 months

8. Estimated in-country travel required for completion of deliverable: 2 days travel to any of the four states with UNICEF offices = Total 8 days of travel as per travel plan as finalized with technical supervisor

9. Qualifications or specialized knowledge/experience required

For this assignment senior consultant preferably with international experience will be considered, with-

  • At least a Master Degree in a related field, e.g. gender studies, development studies, sociology, economics, law, public administration or statistics etc.;
  • Knowledge of the specific situation of girls and boys, women and men in Indian context, especially issues regarding their human rights and gender equality;
  • Experience working on gender related issues and expertise in gender review and mainstreaming;
  • Good facilitation skills for internal and external consultations;
  • At least 10 years of relevant professional experience, with working in the UN or other international organisations on gender equality and gender mainstreaming
  • Strong analytical and good inter-personal communication skills; experience in participatory processes;
  • Professional command of English, both oral and written, good report writing skills.
  • Working knowledge and experience in gender equality work in India are an advantage

10. Application Procedures

(1)Qualified individuals are requested to please indicate their ability and availability to undertake the terms of reference above.

(2)We request you to please inform us where you have seen this advertisement.

(3)Your application should be sent to by COB 4th June 2015 with subject line "CONDUCT GENDER REVIEW FOR UNICEF INDIA" in separate files consisting of:

a)An application letter, CV and P11 form (which can be downloaded from our website at

b)A financial proposal in PDF format indicating deliverable based fee as per template attached. Please mention your name in the file name while saving.

c) A paper on proposed approach and methodology on gender review to be undertaken.(1-2 pages)

d)Two writing samples relevant to gender.

(4)The selection will be on the basis of technical evaluation & financial proposal in the ratio of 70:30. The technical criteria for evaluation is as follows:

  • Educational Qualifications (Max10 / Min 7)
  • Relevant Work Experience (Max 20 / Min 14)
  • Proposed Approach and methodology (Max 20/ Min 14)
  • Sample of previous work(Max 15/ Min 10.5)
  • Experience in Bilateral/International/UN agencies: (Max 5 / Min 3.5)

Total score – (Max70 /Min 49)

Minimum qualifying marks = 49(i.e. 70% of 70)

(5)The financial proposals of only those candidates, who achieve the minimum scores against each of the evaluation criteria and an overall total of 49 marks will be opened.

(7)Any attempt to unduly influence UNICEF’s selection process will lead to automatic disqualification of the applicant.

(8)Joint applications of two or more individuals are not accepted.

(9)Please note, UNICEF does not charge any fee during any stage of the process.