NO 6530 E.C.


Grand Patron- Royal Masonic Hospital

Patron- Royal Masonic Institution for boys

Patron- Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution

Grand Patron of the New Masonic Samaritan Fund.

Treasurer Secretary

D. Lawrence M.Hymers

37 Old Copse Road 35 St Helens Road

Havant Gosport

Hants Hants

PO9 2YA PO12 2RL

Tel 02392 712358 Tel 07462138160

Worshipful Master W/Bro Darren Pullen

Dear Sir and Brother,

You are requested to attend a Regular Meeting of your Lodge at

The Masonic Hall, Albert Road, Cosham, on

Friday 9th June 2017 @ 6.00 pm

By Command of the Worshipful Master,

Yours sincerely and fraternally

WBro Matt Hymers PPGStwd


DRESS- Uniform, Dark Lounge, Masonic or Black Tie, White Shirt and Gloves


1.  To open the Lodge in Form.

2.  To read dispensation.

3.  To initiate Mr Steffen Lawrence, residing at 24 Kingsland Close, Portsmouth, a Clearance Diver for the Royal Navy, HM Naval Base Portsmouth. Proposed at the meeting held Friday 11th November 2016 by WBro Dick Field, and seconded by WBro Matt Hymers, balloted at the meeting held 9th December 2016.

4.  To collect Alms

5.  To Close the Lodge in due form.

Acceptance of Office in the Lodge acknowledges a commitment to attend Lodge Rehearsals. Officers unable to attend the Lodge must notify the Director of Ceremonies WBro. A.R Wright. Tel 02392 646735.

“Be very cautious whom you recommend as a candidate, if you have a good Lodge keep it select.”


1, Subscriptions for the current financial year £120 were due on 1st.January 2017 and should be forwarded to the Treasurer. If you wish to pay by Bank Transfer, please use your name as reference and send payment to

Account Name: Portus Magnus Lodge 6530Account No. 00752709Sort Code 30 - 93 - 97

2, Brethren or guests not on the permanent dining list must forward requests to the Dining Steward. Bro. K.Turnbull Tel. 02392 663066 /07926388414 by the Tuesday before the meeting. Also with any dietary request. All reservations not cancelled by this date are firm and must be paid for. Apologies for absence from the meeting cannot be accepted as cancellation of dining.

3, All known cases of illness or distress should be made known to the Almoner WBro Cliff Blofield. 07952539244 /

4, Holy Royal Arch Representative Worshipful Brother Philip Gooch 02392 467104

Officers 2016 – 2017

Worshipful Master / WBro Darren Pullen
Senior Warden / Bro Ian Rayner
Junior Warden / Bro Chris Gray
Chaplain / WBro Richard Field
Treasurer / WBro Darren Lawrence ProvSGD
Secretary / WBro Matt Hymers PPGStwd
Director of Ceremonies / WBro Antony Wright PPJGD
Almoner / WBro Cliff Blofield PM
Charity Steward / WBro Derek Reed PPSGD
Mentor / WBro Roger Gibbs PPAGDC
Senior Deacon / Bro Phil Rayner
Junior Deacon / Bro Dave Carter
Assist. Director of Ceremonies / WBro Peter Coyle PPAGSwdB
Organist(Guest) / Bro John Brien PPAGStB
Assist. Secretary / WBro Gerry Thurgar PPJGW
Inner Guard / WBro Kelvin Byng PPDepGReg
Steward / Bro Dean Meah
Steward / Bro Paul Robson
Steward / Bro Graham Dance
Steward / Bro Keith Turnbull
Steward / Bro John Payne
Steward / Bro Steve Fassoms
Tyler / Bro Gordon Lawrence MBE PPAGStB
IPM / WBro Cliff Blofield PM

Past Masters of the Lodge

1985-86 Garry Pond PPGReg / 2004-05 Ian Tamplin PPAGSuptWks
1986-87 David Houzego PPJGW / 2006-07 David Barnden PPJGW
1992-93 Barry Salter PPDepGReg / 2007-08 Dennis Whitear PPAGDC
1993-94 Graham Williams PGSwdB DepPGM / 2009-10 Antony Wright PPJGD
1994-95 Phil Gooch PPGReg / 2010-11 Matthew Hymers PPGStwd
1996-97 Brian Lloyd PPSGD / 2011-12 Darren Lawrence ProvSGD
1999-00 Bill Webster PPDepGReg / 2012-13 Garry Pond PPGReg
2000-01 Peter Wright PPDepGSuptWks / 2013-14 Peter Coyle PPAGSwdB
2001-02 Kelvin Byng PPDepGReg / 2014-15 Cliff Blofield
2003-04 Nigel Hayles PPSGD / 2015-16 Darren Pullen

Past Masters in the Lodge

Brian Abrahams 1105 / Barrie Hewitt PAGDC ProvGChStwd 7813, 9263
David Houzego PPJGW 9477 / Steve Blofield 1489
Graham Williams PGSwdB DepPGM 785,9198,9263,9514 / Trevor Cawte PPDepGSwdB 342
Phil Gooch PPGReg 7304,9477 / Andrew Free PAGStB 7304
David Barnden PPJGW 6751 / David May PPDepGReg 5734 8574
Roger Gibbs PPAGDC 8694 / Richard Field PM 1971
Brian Hollands PPGSwdB 1958,5990 / Gerry Thurgar PPJGW 8478 (Leics & Rutland)
Derek Reed PPSGD 4745

Honorary Members

WBro Roy Newman PAGDC, WBro Peter Blenkinsop PJGD and WBro Barry Wilkinson PAGDC

Visiting Officer: WBro Keith Seymour PGStB

Area Vice-Chairman: WBro Keith Seymour PGStB

South-East Hampshire Area website at www.hantsmasonse.org.uk Portus Magnus Website www.portusmagnuslodge.org.uk