XXXX Trust
Information Governance Strategy (Draft)
- Introduction
1.1This strategy sets out the approach to be taken within the Trust to provide a robust Information Governance framework for the future management of information.
2. The Scope of the Strategy
2.1There are two key components underpinning this strategy which are:-
- The Trust Information Governance Policy, which outlines the objectives for information governance; and
- An annual action plan arising from a base line assessment against the standards set out in the NHS Information Authority toolkit.
2.2The Information Governance Steering Group is accountable to the Risk Management Committee and to Trust Board.
2.3The Trust Information Governance Steering Group has overall responsibility for overseeing the implementation of this strategy, the Information Governance (IG) policy and the IG action plan. All will be subject to periodic review and progress reported to the Board. There is Divisional representation on the IG Steering Group to ensure that IG is embedded within the organisational structure.
2.4The Finance Director is the named Executive Director on the Board with responsibility for Information Governance. The Medical Director is the Trust’s Caldicott Guardian. Both are members of the IG Steering Group. The Associate Director of Governance is the senior manager for IG and with support from ICT will project manage the work of the Information Governance Steering Group.
2.5This strategy cannot be seen in isolation as information plays a key part in Governance, Strategic Risk, Clinical Governance, and service planning and performance management. The strategy therefore links into all of these aspects of the organisation and is reflected in the Governance Strategy. In addition the Board has identified Information Governance as a significant risk within the Assurance Framework. The implementation of this strategy will undoubtedly reduce the level of this current risk.
2.6Fundamental to the success of delivering the IG strategy is developing an IG culture within the Trust. Awareness and training needs to be provided next year to all Trust staff who utilise information in their day to day work to promote this culture. In order to achieve this a training plan will be identified by the IG Governance Group.
2.7Any associated resource implications incurred by the implementation of the IG policy and action plan will be identified by the IG Steering Group. Business cases will be then developed and submitted to the Trust Finance Committee for approval. The primary costs outlined for this year are:-
- The appointment of an Information Governance and Records Manager @ £30,000 per annum
- 2000 data accuracy checks which will require pulling ? inpatient medical records @ £? Per annum.
2.8Performance will be monitored by the IG Steering Group and submitted to the Department of Health on an annual basis.
3.1The implementation of the IG strategy, policy and action plan will ensure that information is more effectively managed at XXX Trust. Each year the policy will be reviewed and an action plan developed against the IG toolkit to identify key areas for continuous improvement.