Portsmouth & District Chess League
Hon. Vice-Presidents: M.L.Newbury
Affiliated to:Hon. Secretary J.F.Wheeler,
Hampshire Chess Association52, St. Matthews Rd,
West of England Chess Union.Cosham, Portsmouth,
English Chess Federation.Hants, PO6 2DL.
023-9237 9905.
Hon. Treasurer: R.Davies,
9, Earl Godwin Close,
Fareham, Hants,
PO16 0DW
To: All Club Secretaries.
7th August, 2015
The League AGM will be held at 7.30 pm on Thurs 24thSept, 2015, at Cosham Chess Club - Cosham Community Centre, Wootton St, Cosham, PO6 3AP.
I now enclose:
a) Message from the President
b) Agenda for the AGM,
c) Financial accounts for 2014/2015,
d) Minutes of the 2014AGM.
I am not aware of any officers who wish to stand down, but if there are any, please let me know.
Please also let me know of any changes to your League teams by 17th Sept if possible.
And bring your Cole Cup entries and Rapidplay entries to the AGM.
Arrangements for the Cole Cup will be made at the Committee Meeting immediately following the AGM.
ECF Membership Fees are about to increase – bronze +£1, silver +£2 and gold +£3. And Game Fee will go up to £2.50 for the coming season.
Yours sincerely,
John Wheeler
cc.S.J.Smith, M.Newbury, R.Davies, D.A.Cordner, D.W.Fowler,
K.Davies, R.Marsh, M.Buckley, D.Tunks, C.P.A.Priest.
Portsmouth & District Chess League
The 68thAnnual General Meeting of the League will be held at the Cosham Chess Club - Cosham Community Centre, Wootton Street, Cosham, - at 7.30 pm on Thursday, 24thSept, 2015.
1. Apologies.
2. Minutes of previous AGM.
3. Matters arising.
4. Hon. Secretary's report.
5. Hon. Treasurer's report.
6. Presentation of trophies.
Individual (J.P.Price Memorial)D.R.Tunks (Emsworth)
Ruth Rose CupR.E.Treloar (Portsmouth)
John Grant CupK.Eyles (Emsworth A)
Wilf Pratten CupR.Lukosius(Chichester B)
Reg Clark CupD.Ransley(PortsmouthC)
League Division 1EmsworthA
Division 2Chichester B
Division 3Portsmouth B
Rapidplay League(not played this year)
Summer Team Rapidplay(not played this year?)
Cole CupEmsworth
Cole PlateGosport
Individual Rapidplay - Championship
- Major
7. Election of Officers.
Hon. Secretary(J.F.Wheeler)
Hon. Treasurer(R.Davies)
Individual Championship Controller (D.W.Fowler)
Cole Cup Controller(D.A.Cordner)
Delegate to Hampshire Chess Association(D.R.Tunks)
League Match Captain(D.R.Tunks)
ECF Delegate(C.P.A.Priest)
Individual Rapidplay Championship Controller(M.G.S.Buckley)
Rapidplay League Controller(B.Cochran)
Portsmouth & District Chess League
8. Alterations to League Rules.
8.1.Proposed by Keith Gregory (Fareham)
Amend Rule 17-b-1) – (Rate of Play)
by changing “If both players have chosen F (Quick-play Finish) …”
to “If either player has chosen F (Quick-play Finish)…”
8.2.Proposed by Rob Davies (Fareham)
Amend Rule 15-f (Points) – (Ruth Rose Cup)
by changing “Each entrant must play a minimum of five games…”
to “Each entrant must play a minimum of four games…”
Reason for proposed change
When this Rule was set-up, the standard was for six teams in each Division meaning each team played five home matches & five away homes So even those who could only play in home matches (for example because of age causing travel difficulties) could still meet the criteria of a minimum of five games played.
At the Committee Meeting following the 2014 AGM, it was decided to have five teams in each of the three Divisions. So unless someone plays in more than one Division, there is a maximum of four home & four away games and consequently anyone who is unable to travel cannot achieve the current minimum of five game.
It is therefore fair & reasonable, in particularfor the older of the Veterans, forthe minimum number of games to be reduced from 5 to 4
8.3.Proposed by Joe Coburn and seconded by Keith Gregory (Fareham)
Amend Rule 18 (Unfinished Games)
by adding “c. Played-on games shall not be graded.”
F.I.D.E. Rules, Article 11: The conduct of player.
11.3.b. During play, a player is forbidden to have a mobile phone and/or
other electronic means of communication in the playing venue. If it is
evident that a player brought such a device into the playing venue, he shall
lose the game.
9. Agree the league fees for 2015/2016 season:
League Affiliation fees,
Individual championship entry-fee,
Cole Cup entry fee,
Team Rapidplay entry-fee,
Summer Individual Rapidplay,
Any other fees.
10. Any Other Business.
There will be a short committee meeting after the AGM.
- To determine the composition of teams in the various divisions of the League for the 2015-2016 season.
- To make the draw for the first round of the Cole Cup.
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