Portfolio Final Self-Evaluation



Directions to the Student: This evaluation form will help you assess your

completed portfolio. Review the contents of your portfolio and answer the

following questions to see which goals you have met and which goals you

need to continue working towards.

1. Does your completed writing portfolio (blue folder) meet the writing goals you set for yourself this year? If your answer is yes, list the items you feel fulfill the goals and explain yourchoices. If your answer is no, tell why.

2. Does your completed general portfolio (manila folder) satisfactorily demonstrate the specific strengths and abilities you hoped to improve this year? If your answer is yes, list the itemsand tell how they demonstrate the strength or ability. If your answer is no,explain why you are not satisfied that this strength or ability has beendemonstrated.

3. Which strength or ability did you achieve most successfully? What specific assignments, activities, or lessons helped to make this goal possible?

4. What goal or skill proved to be the most difficult for you this year? Whatmade this goal so difficult to achieve? What can be improved in the class to help others with this same goal?

5. The most important things I learned about writing and in general course work are:

6. A goal for my next portfolio will be

Writing portfolio-

General Course work-

7. On a scale of 1 through 4, with 4 being the most successful, rate your success

in improving your writing and academic work this year. Explain your score.


Academic work-

Final written Self-evaluation

In three paragraphs, evaluate your work in the course this year. You need not focus only on your writing. However, you must refer to your performance on specificassignments located in your folders.

Paragraph one: Discuss the strengths or improvements (hopefully, at least 3) you have demonstrated this year, indicating specific assignments as evidence.

Paragraph two: Discuss the weaknessesor goals that you still have (indicate 3) going into the tenth grade. Refer to specific assignments as evidence.

Paragraph 3: Now that you have a year of experience under your belt, you will offer your advice (3 suggestions) to the incoming freshmen about the best way to achieve success in an advanced English course next year.

Areas of focus to consider:

Writing StructureOrganizationCooperative Learning

Writing AnalysisConsistent EffortCreative writing

Reading ComprehensionVocabulary enrichmentReading Ability or efficiency

Abstract or critical thinkingOral Presentation SillsIndependent thinking

Literary AppreciationComputer Sillsresponsibility

Or any other areas you can think of…