Minutes of Meeting No. 18/2006: Thursday 10 August, 2:00 pm – 4.00 pm

PVC Boardroom, Level 11, Building 108

In Attendance: Sheila Bellamy (chair), Eveline Fallshaw, Colin Bent, Miles Nicholls (for Sinclair Davidson), Laurie Costabile, Tim Fry (for Tony Naughton), Brian Corbitt, Lynne Bennington, John Toohey, Suzy Ballantyne.

Apologies: Chris Whitaker, Sinclair Davidson., Tony Naughton, Jenelle McMahon, Rebecca Reece.

Present by invitation: Nil

Item / Discussion Summary / Resolution/Decision / Follow-up Action /
1 / Minutes
(A2) PEG Minutes 3 Aug 2006
(A3) PEG Minutes 20 July 2006 / PEG considered the minutes of meeting 17 (3 Aug) and reconsidered the minutes of meeting 16 (20 July). / The minutes of meetings 17 (3 Aug) and 16 (20 July) were approved. / -
2 / Business arising/outstanding
2.1 / OH&S Review of Blg 108 / Acting PVC – item deferred to 17 Aug. / -
2.2 / Credit point consistency in 4-year degrees
(B1) CP in 4 year degrees / Ev discussed the proposal for credit point consistency in all business degrees. Specific comments as follows:
·  BIS - 3 yr degree with optional Diploma award (which includes co-op activity). Could also be used as a pathway to reintroduce the Honours program.
·  MGT - 4 yr degree for Logistics based on staff feedback. Noted that due to other priorities the School had not been able to participate in the discussions about the various complex issues involved in arriving at a consistent solution across all schools and all locations. IB requires Portfolio opinion.
·  A&L - Ok to offer both 3 and 4 yr degrees - targeting different markets anyway.
·  EFM - generally favoured the single 3 year degree solution but school was to discuss this the following day and would advise further thereafter.
·  Preference for Diploma rather than Cert IV as additional award to recognise those successfully completing 12m co-op, but note that this is not the approved RMIT direction (capitalise on our dual-sector advantage).
·  TAFE traineeships offer work placements and employer incentives.
·  Maybe revisit original concept of single B Bus award? / PEG agreed that a consistent policy must be applied across the Portfolio, but could not reach agreement on what this would be.
The paper will not go to Business Board next week. Ev to coordinate further discussion on the best way forward, and possibly request a delay of submission to Academic Board. Anticipate decision to be made before 30 Aug (o/s graduation). / Dean (Ac Dev)
2.3 / MOU’s - establishment of a register in PVC Office / Lynne Bennington – item deferred to 17 Aug. / -
2.4 / Innovation Professor Review / Lynne Bennington – item deferred to 17 Aug / -
2.5 / RDU Review - Terms of reference
(C1) RDU Review - draft project brief / Sinclair Davidson – item deferred to 17 Aug. / -
2.6 / EQUIS Update / Acting PVC – item deferred to 17 Aug. / -
3 / Pro Vice-Chancellor’s update
3.1 / PVC Update / Acting PVC – item deferred to 17 Aug. / -
4 / Presentations
5 / New Business
6 / Other Business
7 / Next meeting: 17 August, 2:00-4:00 pm, PVC Boardroom, Level 11, Building 108.

PEG Mtg No. 19/2006: 17 August 2006 Page 1 of 2

H:\PEG\2006\060817.19\A2. PEG minutes 10 Aug 2006v2.doc 21 August 2006