Portales Municipal Schools
Curriculum Map
Course Title: English Language Arts / Quarter 2:Unit 5 : Neighborhoods and Communities: Home Grown Butterflies: - 2 Week Cycle Oct.15 - Oct.25 / Academic Year: 2013-2014Essential Questions for this Quarter: What conclusions could you draw from the facts presented in the text?
Standards / Content/Skills / Assessment / Resources / Notes1. Ask and answer questions to demonstrateunderstanding of a text, referring explicitly to thetext as the basis for the answers.(Literature) / asking and answering questions to increase comprehension / Selection Assessment
New Mexico Weekly Test Prep / Listen to Read Aloud – “Chasing Butterflies” use think alouds to understand text.
Listen to and Read Story Selection – “Home-grown Butterflies” and identify the story genre as fiction or nonfiction and explain why. Use think alouds, answer teacher side bar questions, and comprehension check questions to understand the text.
Assess comprehension and vocabulary at the end of the unit.
4. Determine the meaning of general academicand domain-specific words and phrases in a textrelevant to a grade 3 topic or subject area.(Informational)
5. Use text features and search tools (e.g., keywords, sidebars, hyperlinks) to locate informationrelevant to a given topic efficiently.(Informational) / Context Clues, multiple meaning words
Text Features / Read“Save Our Butterflies” determine multiple meanings of bold type words using context clues.
Before reading the text “Home-Grown Butterflies” take a picture walk to locate facts about scientist Brent Davies, school and children from Barra del Colorado.
7. Use information gained from illustrations (e.g.,maps, photographs) and the words in a text todemonstrate understanding of the text (e.g.,where, when, why, and how key events occur). (Informational) / Captions / As a whole group and teacher led use a cause and effect organizer to identify and record cause and effects found in the text “Home-Grown Butterflies” (e.g. What causes the fish in Barra del Colorado to disappear?)
8. Describe the logical connection betweenparticular sentences and paragraphs in a text(e.g., comparison, cause/effect, first/second/thirdin a sequence).
3. Know and apply grade-level phonics and wordanalysis skills in decoding words.
c. Decode multisyllable words
(Foundational) / Cause and Effect
Decode words with (wk1)silent letters,
(wk2)three letter blends / Culminating activity: Use the following presentation to review captions and text features. As an assessment choose an illustration from the presentation document and write a paragraph describing the caption. It should include a cause and effect. jc-schools.net/dynamic/la/ppt/
Spelling Test / Read selection, “Save Our Butterflies” find all the possible causes for the effect- there are less butterflies now compared to thirty years ago.
(WK1)Read words with silent letters, identify the silent letters and sort them on a chart. Use student spelling book to practice reading and writing more silent letter words.
(WK2) Read words with three letter blends on transparency and identify blends. Use student spelling book to practice reading and writing more silent letter words.
RF.3.3 pages 191C-191D
RF.3.3 pages 211C-211D
4. Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency tosupport comprehension.
a. Read on-level text with purpose andunderstanding.
b. Read on level prose and poetry orally with accuracy, appropriate reate, and expression on successive readings.
c. Use context to confirm or self-correct wordrecognition and understanding, rereading asnecessary.
(Foundational) / Read with fluency, accuracy, context clues / (wk1) Weekly fluency “Wolf Watchers”
(wk2) weekly fluency “ Bill Peet Writer and Artist” / Using fluency and expression, partner read leveled readers practicing decoding multi-syllabic words and checking for understanding
RF.3.4b page 205A
RF.3.4b page 217A
Practice fluency with student workbook fluency passage and weekly fluency passage.
1. Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons.
b. Provide reasons that support the opinion.
c. Use linking words and phrases (e.g., because,therefore, since, for example) to connectopinion and reasons.
d. Provide a concluding statement or section
(Writing) / Concrete details, commentary
Linking words
Topic and concluding statements / Respond to the writing prompt for the text “Home-Grown Butterflies”: Write a one chunk
paragraph explaining how the butterfly farm helped the village of Barra del Colorado.
Teacher gives an example of how to use a linking word to connect commentary and reason
As a whole group generate possible topic and concluding statements.
2. Write informative/explanatory texts to examine atopic and convey ideas and information clearly.
a. Introduce a topic and group relatedinformation together; include illustrationswhen useful to aiding comprehension.
b. Develop the topic with facts, definitions, anddetails.
c. Use linking words and phrases (e.g., also,another, and, more, but) to connect ideaswithin categories of information.
d. Provide a concluding statement or section.
(Writing) / Staying on topic, use illustrations to convey ideas, concrete details,
Linking words, topic and concluding sentences, paragraph structure, planning, revising, editing, sentence structure / On the first week as a shared writing teacher models how to take the topic “life cycle” and develop an explanatory paragraph using facts from literature book, science
book, or computer website about a certain
animal life cycles. On separate days
they will learn how to take notes, plan,
revise, edit, and publish their piece.
(second week) Students will examine
various life cycles through the use of books, internet websites (e.g.
On the first day they will take notes, gather important facts and illustrations needed to write an explanatory paragraph on a certain animal, insect or plant life cycle. On the second day they will write a rough draft, third day will concentrate on revising, fourth on editing and fifth on publishing their piece.
5. With guidance and support from peers andadults, develop and strengthen writing as neededby planning, revising, and editing. (Editing forconventions should demonstrate command of
Language standards 1–3 up to and includinggrade 3 on pages 28 and 29.)(Writing) / Proofreading / On the fourth day trade paragraphs with a classmate. Proofread paragraph and offer suggestions on editing.
Teacher also provides editing suggestions as well.
8. Recall information from experiences or gatherinformation from print and digital sources; take
brief notes on sources and sort evidence intoprovided categories.
(Writing) / Researching internet, recalling details, gathering and taking notes
1. Engage effectively in a range of collaborativediscussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacherled)
with diverse partners on grade 3 topics andtexts, building on others’ ideas and expressingtheir own clearly.
a. Come to discussions prepared, having reador studied required material; explicitly drawon that preparation and other informationknown about the topic to explore ideas underdiscussion.
b. Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g.,gaining the floor in respectful ways, listening toothers with care, speaking one at a time aboutthe topics and texts under discussion).
c. Ask questions to check understanding ofinformation presented, stay on topic, and linktheir comments to the remarks of others.
d. Explain their own ideas and understanding inlight of the discussion.
(Speaking and Listening) / Listening and speaking, taking turns, following directions, staying on topic
Comprehension, stay on topic,
convey their own ideas, / As a whole group students will discuss how it is possible to improve their own community with new ideas? Teacher reminds students to recall text “Home-Grown Butterflies” and how students helped to improve their school and community.
Students will record their ideas on a sticky note. After 10 min. students will take turns reporting their ideas.
4. Report on a topic or text, tell a story, or recountan experience with appropriate facts and relevant,descriptive details, speaking clearly at anunderstandable pace.(Speaking and Listening) / speaking clearly and using coherent sentences
6. Speak in complete sentences when appropriate totask and situation in order to provide requesteddetail or clarification. (See grade 3 Language
standards 1 and 3 on pages 28 and 29 for specificexpectations.)
(Speaking and Listening) / speaking clearly and using coherent sentences
1. Demonstrate command of the conventions ofstandard English grammar and usage whenwriting or speaking.
a. Explain the function of nouns, pronouns, verbs,adjectives, and adverbs in general and theirfunctions in particular sentences.
b. Form and use regular and irregular pluralnouns.
c. Use abstract nouns (e.g., childhood).
(Language) / singular and plural nouns, irregular plural nouns / Grammar pages to assess singular and plural nouns / (wk1) On a t-chart record singular and plural forms of nouns found using weekly fluency passage “ Farmer Paul’s New Scarecrow”
Use same chart to generate singular nouns and change to plural form. With some nouns start with the plural form and change to singular form.
L3.3a page 209G
L.3.1b page 221K
3. Use Knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.
a. Choose words and phrases for effect. / language conventions / L.3.3a pages 207A-207B
4. Determine or clarify the meaning of unknownand multiple-meaning word and phrases basedon grade 3 reading and content, choosing flexiblyfrom a range of strategies.
a. Use sentence-level context as a clue to themeaning of a word or phrase.
d. Use glossaries or beginning dictionaries, bothprint and digital, to determine or clarify theprecise meaning of key words and phrases.(Language) / Increase vocabulary, context clues / Build Vocabulary Understanding using the 5-Day Robust Vocabulary and using the story “Save Our Butterflies” to determine the meaning of unknown vocabulary using context clues.
5. Demonstrate understanding of word relationshipsand nuances in word meanings.
a. Distinguish the literal and nonliteral meaningsof words and phrases in context (e.g., takesteps).
b. Identify real-life connections between wordsand their use (e.g., describe people who arefriendly or helpful).
(Language) / Literal and nonliteral language
Connect language to real world
Science/Social Studies
Life cycle
Water Cycle
Literature Skill, Grammar Skill, Phonics Skill, Culminating Activity, Weekly Fluency
Home Grown Butterflies/Go West!
Literature Skill, Grammar Skill, Phonics Skill, Culminating Activity, Weekly Fluency
Home Grown Butterflies/Go West!