Port Colborne Operatic Society

“Music Man” Auditions and Registration

Registration and Audition Preparation


·  Wed., September 4, 2013 at 7:00 p.m.

·  Wed. September 11, 2013 at 7:00 p.m.


Lakeshore Catholic High School, Janet St., Port Colborne


·  At registration, directors will outline the procedure for auditions, role requirements and expectations for rehearsals for those who did not pre-register in June.

·  Movement required for auditions will be taught.

·  Songs and readings will be taught for new registrants and reviewed for those who pre-registered in June

·  Sign up for audition times according to role.

Audition Place, Dates, and Requirements


Auditions will take place at Bethel Hall, Chippewa Road, Port Colborne (Map will be provided.)

Initial Adult and Teen Auditions:

·  Thursday, September 12 - Females (Sign up for a 15 min. time slot between 6:00 to 10:00 p.m.)

·  Friday, September 13 – Males (Sign up for a 15 min. time slot between 6:00 to 10:00 p.m.)


·  Sing a song from The Music Man that pertains to the role for which you are auditioning. See auditioning requirements and choose one of the songs listed. You only need to sing the part of the song listed.

·  Read from required reading list (not all readings will be done in the initial auditions, but prepare for all).

·  Perform dance movement as taught.

Call Back Auditions - Adults and Teens

·  Sunday, September 15 – Males and Females (1:00 to 5:00 p.m.)


·  Sing required songs for role.

·  Move/dance as required for the role.

·  Read from required reading list.

Children – 12 and Under Saturday, September 14

Initial Auditions and Call Backs

Sign up for a time slot between 9:00 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. for the following roles:

·  Winthrop – see audition requirement list for songs and readings, perform dance movement taught

·  Amaryllis - see audition requirement list for songs and readings, perform dance movement taught

·  Gracie Shinn - see audition requirement list for songs and readings, perform dance movement taught

Children’s Chorus - Sign up for a time slot between 12:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m.

·  Solo - Sing “Wells Fargo Wagon” pages 199-200 Bars 2-10

·  Movement/dance will be taught to children and they will perform in a group

·  Children will be required to show acting skills in a group scene

Note: Monday, September 16 has been set aside if an extra date is required.