Burton Joyce Parish Council
Draft Minutes of Meeting held at
The Parish Office, Meadow Lane, Burton Joyce, Nottingham
on the25th February 2014 at 7.30m
Present:Cllrs. P Blandamer, Cluff (Chair), Potter& Greenfield
In attendance: Jackie Dawn -Parish Clerk, David List - Ground & Amenities Manager
Tim Lawson – Company Director, Specialist Consulting UK Ltd
1.Apologies:Cllrs C Blandamer, S Wells
2.Declaration of Interest: None
3.Minutes of 12th November 2013:The minutes of the meeting held on 12th November 2013were approved as a true record and signed by the Chair.
4.Information Update:It was noted that 4 bar stools for the Lounge Bar had been ordered as part of the settlement re the stacking chair issue.
5.Minutes from the Poplars Management Committee: There were no Minutes of the Poplars Management Committee tabled, but Cllr Greenfield provided a verbal update which included refurbishment work by the Bowls Club and thanks to David List for car park improvements.
6.Pro-Active Fitness Proposal: A briefing paper detailing the proposal to provide an outdoor fitness programme at the Poplars Sports Ground had been previously circulated. Tim Lawson Company Director, Specialist Consulting UK Ltd provided a verbal outline of the planned activities and advised that it was intended to trial 12 classes initially and to start during week commencing 21st April 2014.Classes would be held on the former basketball area and there would be some requirement to use the pavilion changing rooms/showers. Cllr Cluff made reference to the supportive link between this proposal and the development of business plans for the all-weather pitch. It was noted that the financial return to the Parish Council would be 15% of income from the classes to be invoiced monthly. Subject to approval by full Council, an initial working agreement to cover a trial period of the first 3 months would be drawn up by the Parish Clerk and Tim Lawson. It was a suggested that following the trial period a formal contract be agreed and a regular review system put in place.
It was recommended to approve the proposal from Pro-Active Fitness to provide outdoor fitness classes at the Poplars Sports Ground from the 21st April 2014 for a trial period of 3 months at a fee of 15% of class income.
It was recommended that the use of the Poplars Sports Ground be offered at no charge to Pro-Active Fitness for the first week of the outdoor fitness classes only
It was recommended that the Parish Council support the promotion of outdoor fitness classes by allowing banners to be displayed at the Poplars Sports Ground and for a specified and limited period at the Roberts Recreation Ground.
7.Proposed All Weather, Floodlit Football Pitch Provision: Cllr Cluff advised that a meeting was to be held with Severn Trent Water on Friday 7th March to discuss lease related issues. It was understood that the outcome of the meeting with Severn Trent would be reported in due course. An update to the preparation of the funding bid was provided by Cllr Cluff and it was noted that the junior football clubs had offered financial support and progress with the FA Charter Standard to strengthen the bid. It was noted that the Parish Clerk was preparing an access to fitness policy for adoption by the Parish Council and the Ground & Amenities Manager was looking at maintenance details. The intention to bring a fully costed business plan to the June meeting of the Poplars Committee was noted.
8.Greenwood Partnerships – Grants for Tree Planting: The Parish Clerk confirmed that the bid for grant funding had been successful and £500 had been awarded to plant trees at the Poplars Sports Ground. The details of the grant offer were discussed and the Parish Clerk and the Ground & Amenities Manager agreed to ensure the conditions of the grant offer were met.
9.Planned Maintenance:The Ground & Amenities Manager reported an issue withworm casts at the Sports Ground, the remedial cost of £600 to eradicate the worms and leatherjackets from the entire ground was noted and it was agreed that this was a necessary action. It was advised that the invoice for this would be due in April 2014. An intermittent fault with the showers in changing room 6 was also noted and it was agreed that the Parish Clerk contact Hill Brothers to see if the recently replaced valve was still in warranty.
10.Capital Expenditure: Items of capital expenditure for 2014/15 had been approved within the budget, no new items of capital expenditure had been identified.
11.Agenda Items: Two items noted – (i) Dedicated Party Hire Rate and (ii) YEL Finals.
Meeting closed at 9pm
Date of next meeting: 11th March 2014