CH2M HILL Plateau Remediation Company
Polyphosphate Chemical Supply and Delivery to 300-FF-5 Operable Unit
February 22, 2017
Request for Proposal No: 297238
CH2M HILL Plateau Remediation Company (CHPRC) is interested in receiving proposals for Polyphosphate Chemical Supply and Delivery to 300-FF-5 Operable Unit in support of CHPRC, under Prime Contract DE-AC06-08RL14788 with the U.S. Department of Energy.
Information regarding the product or services required and instructions for the preparation and submission of proposals are contained in the attached Request for Proposal (RFP).
Please note that this procurement action will utilize the Supply Chain Management Center (SCMC) eSourcing Tool and is further described in the attached Request for Proposal (RFP). The eSource Event will be a sealed bid (no ranking) where Offerors are required to provide their best proposal at the time of initial bid. Offerors will not be afforded the opportunity to amend their proposal pricing once initial bid has been placed.
This RFP and resultant award is considered a negotiated procurement. CHPRC must complete a full technical evaluation prior to making an award determination. CHPRC reserves the right to conduct negotiations prior to award or to award a Subcontract based upon initial Offeror’s submittal and without further discussions. In the unlikely event of a discrepancy among any of the Offeror’s documents or information submitted through the eSourcing website, the documents/information received and confirmed by CHPRC shall govern.
The eSourcing event will take place at 1:00p.m. and technical proposals are due by 4:00p.m. on Monday March 6, 2017.
The anticipated schedule for this RFP activity is as follows:
Notification of Intent to Propose Due: 12:00 p.m. on February 27, 2017
Questions Due: 12:00 p.m. on February 27, 2017
E-Sourcing Event: 1:00 p.m on March 6, 2017
Proposals Due: 4:00 p.m on March 6, 2017
CHPRC has determined that North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code 325998- All Other Miscellaneous Chemical Product and Preparation Manufacturing applies to this acquisition. Therefore, the size standard for determining whether an Offeror is a small or large business in regard to this acquisition is 500 employees.
Samantha J. Ernst
Contract Specialist
2.1 Acceptance or Rejection of Proposals 6
2.2 Responsiveness Determination 6
2.3 Proposal Costs 7
2.4 Award Notification 7
3.1 Proposal Content 7
3.2 Volume I – Technical Proposal 7
3.3 Volume II – Cost/Price and Contractual Proposal 8
3.5 Offeror’s Acceptance 9
3.6 Exceptions to Technical Requirements and Other Terms and Conditions 10
3.7 Proposal Validity Period 10
4.1 Notification of Intent to Propose 10
4.2 Questions and Comments Regarding the RFP 11
4.4 Deadline 11
4.5 Submittal Address 11
4.6 Withdrawal 12
4.7 RFP Amendments 12
5.1 Precedence of Requirement 12
5.2 North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code and Size Standard 12
5.3 Subcontracting 12
5.4 Identification of Proprietary Data 13
5.5 Certified Cost or Pricing Data 13
5.6 Financial Capability Determination Information 13
5.7 Ship to Address 13
5.8 Required Price Support Information 14
5.9 Requirements for Supporting Price Information or Certified Cost or Pricing Data 15
5.10 Buy American Act 16
1.0 Attachment 1 – Price Proposal WorkSheet 16
2.0 Attachment 2 – Statement of Work 17
3.0 Attachment 3 – Special Provisions - Representations and Certifications 17
4.0 Attachment 4 – Safety Pre-Qualification 17
BTR Buyer’s Technical Representative
DOE Department of Energy
NAICS North American Industry Classification System
QA Quality Assurance
RFP Request for Proposal
SOW Statement of Work
CHPRC CH2M HILL Plateau Remediation Company
CH2M HILL Plateau Remediation Company (CHPRC) acting under its contract with the Department of Energy, requests you to submit a proposal for a Firm Fixed Unit Rate type of contract to provide Chemical for Barrier Injections. This Section A describes the basis of award, proposal submittal requirements, proposal instructions, and notices to Offerors. Section B contains Representations and Certifications and other documents, which Offerors are to complete, sign and return with their proposal. Section C is the Draft Contract, which is in an accompanying file. It contains:
· Part I – Statement of Work
· Part II - Financial Terms
· Part III – General Terms and Attachments
· Part IV – Special Provisions
CHPRC may determine that any proposal not submitted in accordance with this Request for Proposal (RFP) is non-responsive and reject the proposal.
This Solicitation requires all Contractors submitting proposals to access the Supply Chain Management Center (SCMC) eSourcing Tool. The SCMC eSourcing Tool is being implemented at CHPRC and is designed to efficiently collect information in a central location. It also provides the Contractor a short timeframe to revise pricing information prior to final acceptance by CHPRC. Upon receipt of Contractor’s notification of intent to propose, CHPRC will provide the Contractor an email notification with a link to the SCMC eSourcing event including access instructions. Contractor will be afforded the opportunity to preview the application and place pricing information prior to the commencement of an event. This preview phase is called the pre-bid period. At the conclusion of the pre-bid period, the eSourcing event will commence and the Contractor should review their submitted price to ensure it is compliant with requirements. Events typically last 15-30 minutes. The eSourcing Tool will be utilized for posting of offerors proposals and the Buyer will analyze the Offeror’s pricing and rank the price among the prices of other Offerors.
The tool will not disclose the Contractor’s proposed price to other Contractor’s nor will it disclose the lowest proposed price.
This Solicitation and resultant award is considered a negotiated procurement. Submitting the lowest priced proposal does not guarantee award. CHPRC must complete a full evaluation of the submitted proposals prior to making an award determination. CHPRC reserves the right to conduct negotiations prior to award or to award a Subcontract based upon initial Contractor’s proposal and without further discussions. In the unlikely event of a discrepancy among any of the Contractor’s documents or information submitted through the eSourcing website, the information received and confirmed by CHPRC shall govern.
NOTE: Following the eSource Event, the Contractors are required to submit their proposals (see 3.0 Proposal Preparations Instructions below) in electronic form (pdf) within two hours of the completion of the eSource Event.
CHPRC may award one contract as a result of this RFP to the responsible offeror(s) whose offer conforms to the requirements of this solicitation and is determined to be the most advantageous technical and price proposal.
The basis of award is the lowest evaluated price and technically acceptable proposal of an Offeror who is determined to be responsible and responsive to the RFP.
2.1 Acceptance or Rejection of Proposals
CHPRC reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal with or without prior discussion with the Offeror. CHPRC may:
· Award a contract on the basis of proposals received without discussions with Offerors (therefore, initial proposals should be submitted with the most favorable technical and price terms);
· Select one or more Offerors to negotiate with;
· Reject any or all proposals received;
· Issue a request for new proposals; or
· Cancel the RFP without awarding a contract.
2.2 Responsiveness Determination
CHPRC will determine if the offeror is responsive to the solicitation requirements and eligible for award. This evaluation may include (but is not limited to information gathered from other sources, including safety performance, financial stability and past performance for CHPRC or other customers. The determination may be made based on the initial proposal submitted without additional questions or revision. CHPRC may waive minor informalities and irregularities in offers received.
2.3 Proposal Costs
If CHPRC cancels this RFP, CHPRC is under no obligation to pay proposal preparation costs.
2.4 Award Notification
CHPRC will notify all of the Offerors after CHPRC selects an Offeror for award. There will be no public opening of proposals.
Organize the proposal as described in the following sections. Emphasize completeness and clarity. Do not submit elaborate brochures or other material.
3.1 Proposal Content
Proposals shall be organized in the manner listed below. Each volume of the proposal shall be separate and complete. Omit all cost or pricing details from the technical proposal. Where estimated labor hours will provide clarity, propose them as hours only with no indication of price in the technical proposal.
Proposal must clearly and convincingly demonstrate that the offeror has a thorough understanding of and will be able to perform the proposed contract successfully. For technical work, describe the proposed technical approach including assumptions and supporting detail. Unsupported, unclear, or inconsistent statements about offeror’s proposed performance and compliance with all contract requirements may be determined as non-responsive.
Do not submit generic brochures or other marketing materials which do not specifically relate to the proposal.
3.2 Volume I – Technical Proposal
In order to be considered for award, Offeror must meet the following minimum qualifications (per SOW Section 5.1 Part E):
1. Specific expertise and knowledge of chemical preparations for phosphate solution.
2. Minimum two-year’s experience supplying quality chemical Solutions for environmental applications.
3. Specific knowledge and experience for fiberglass storage tank repair.
Volume I shall consist of the Offeror’s:
· Detailed plan presenting Offeror’s technical approach for completing the work and meeting all requirements prior to November 30, 2017.
· Discussion of how Offeror will inspect and repair the 8,000 gallon fiberglass storage tank including method for removing and returning tank to site (Task 1). Proposal must indicate the level of effort to be expended by the offeror (i.e. number of personnel, number of hours, materials and/or equipment used).
· Discussion of how Offeror will load and relocate 8,000 gallon fiberglass storage tanks (Task 2). Proposal must indicate the level of effort to be expended by the offeror (i.e. number of personnel, number of hours, materials and/or equipment used).
· Discussion of how Offeror will meet the chemical makeup and delivery requirements of the SOW (Tasks 3 and 4).
· Organization Chart and list of personnel proposed to support work requirements of the SOW including identifying each individuals’ training, qualifications, and certifications (SOW Section 5.1 Part C)
· Detailed project schedule including activity lengths and project completion.
· Discussion of any and all technical assumptions and/or exceptions made by the Offeror in development of the proposal.
Description and detail shall be sufficient to clearly demonstrate the Offeror understands the scope of work and the technical and safety issues associated with the execution of the work scope per the Statement of Work. Offeror’s technical discussion shall take into consideration and address the following schedule:
- Task 1: Fiberglass Tank Inspection and Repair: Start 29-Mar-17/Finish 25-Apr-17
- Task 2: Tank Relocation: Start 13-Jun-17/Finish 26-Jun-17
- Task 3: Chemical Procurement-Long Lead Delivery Time: Start 28-Mar-17/Finish 15-Aug-17
- Task 4: Chemical Delivery to Site: Start 16-Aug-17/Finish 08-Sep-17
The Buyer will determine whether each Contractor is qualified based on the requirements specified in the RFP and is responsive to all requirements of the RFP. This will also include CHPRC review of the following Volume II and Volume III of the proposal provided in response to this RFP.
3.3 Volume II – Cost/Price and Contractual Proposal
Volume II shall consist of the Offeror’s proposed pricing as instructed in the RFP pricing instructions. The Offeror must complete the pricing template as formatted. All pricing assumptions shall be clearly stated to allow a reviewer to assess the potential cost risks associated with the proposed design.
Offeror is to include a signed Representations and Certifications (SP-16) with the Volume II proposal. To obtain the form, click on the link to SP-16 in Section B. The Offeror must submit an original and one copy of this volume.
3.4 Volume III – Safety Pre-Qualification
Safety prequalification evaluations are conducted by CHPRC annually to assist in predicting a contractor’s likelihood for contract performance in safety and health at a level of excellence embraced by CHPRC. While the process is not strictly a pass/fail approach, it provides a filter for initial determination of “responsible/not responsible” in the bidding process for contracts as specified in the second paragraph below. If all data, based on 3-year averages of the data submitted, is below the targets set by the CHPRC as the upper limits of acceptability, the contractor is considered “responsible.” If any of the targets are exceeded, based on 3-year averages of the data submitted, a follow-up review will proceed to determine if the perspective contractor submittal of a “get-well” or “safety improvement plan” that serves as compensatory to missing a predetermined target. This process ensures that worker protection is at the forefront of the decision making criteria and that the contractor is appropriately re-reviewed for consideration. Only those contractors who have successfully completed the prequalification process will be placed or remain on a CHPRC approved contractor list.
CHPRC Project OS&IH performs safety prequalification on all contractors (including lower-tier contractors) annually whose work scope is identified as Construction, Well Drilling, or Demolition; and as otherwise determined by Procurement Management, BTR, and OS&IH based upon the hazardous nature or complexity of the planned work task.
Safety Pre-Qualification (Contact Contract Specialist to determine if this has been previously submitted)
This criterion refers to the Offeror’s safety pre-qualification documentation.
Subcontractor Safety Pre-Qualification information shall include:
· Completed CHPRC Contractor OS&IH Prequalification Form (Section B, Attachment 3) for Offeror (and any subcontractors or teaming partners) for the past three (3) years;
· Interstate Experience Modification Rate (EMR) <1 on the provider’s letterhead