April Newsletter 2013
Polling Station Thursday May 2nd
The school is used as a polling station and therefore access and exit of school via the bottom of the Y5/6 yard will be prohibited on Thursday 2nd May ALL DAY. This will also mean that access round the school from Y3/4 into the Y5/6 yard will not be possible. The council will be placing railings from Alice St to school to ensure that the general public cannot get into the yards. Children in Y5/6 will use the main entrance on this day.
Y6 SATS W.B. 13th May 2013
Y6 SATS tests will be taking place during the week beginning the 13th May. Please ensure that your child attends school regularly in preparation for this important time. Level 6 SATS testing will also take place during this week.
Booster groups
To help Y6 children achieve the very best that they can and also to give them confidence during the SATS period, we are running Booster groups at 8.15am on Tuesday/Wednesday and Thursday mornings in the ICT suite. There are also activities and support on our website and moodle.
Y4 Performance
We were delighted to welcome so many parents and friends to see the Y4 children perform, “The Boy King”. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the event and the children were a real credit to you. Many thanks are due to those staff who worked so hard getting the children ready and rehearsing them to such a high standard.
Higher Futures For You & Accrington and Rossendale College (Our Trust Partners)
We are indebted to Accrington and Rossendale College for facilitating so many valuable experiences at the College, organising and providing transport and having such helpful staff.
Road safety training
Our youngest children are taking part in a programme to improve their safety on the roads. This valuable lifesaving activity takes place each year.
Please visit our school website on to find out more about what is going on in school.
Curriculum newsletters
Due to feedback from parents about the number of letters and paperwork being sent home we have decided to put the newsletters on the website for you to see. You will know when this has happened via text messaging.
E safety
We would continue to urge all parents to monitor carefully the use of the internet and especially social networking sites such as Facebook. It is illegal for any child under 13yrs old to use Facebook.
Top tip: Never give out personal details including mobile numbers or your address on the internet.
Parental Involvement
Miss Stinson has now taken over the role of Parental Involvement co-ordinator. Stay and Cook and Stay and Play sessions will now be run by Miss Stinson along with other parental workshops that include our new after school Story Sack workshop with Literacy co-ordinator Miss Seddon and Gardening Club with Mr Barker. We still have spaces available for Stay and Cook and our new Story Sack workshop which is open to all year groups. Booking is required to give all our parents the opportunity to attend. Unfortunately Gardening Club is fully booked for this term, however we may run this club next school year. No booking is required for Stay and Play which is open to FS and KS1 parents or grandparents. We look forward to seeing you.
Stay and Cook – Could parents who have booked onto these sessions and are subsequently unable to attend, please notify the office so that other parents may take part. Younger siblings are also welcome to attend these sessions but parents must be able to supervise them at all times. Unfortunately, we have had valuable resources within the Sunshine Room broken in recent months.
Friends Of Peel Park Primary School
Friends of Peel Park continue to meet regularly. The next meeting is Tuesday 30th April at 3.30 in the staffroom.
Staffing news
We welcome Mrs Pope as Y1 teacher in Class 4. Miss Erangey left on Friday 26th April but will be returning to carry on with the infant dance classes. Mrs Hargreaves starts her maternity leave at the beginning of July.
Digismart Club
Well done to all the children who completed this programme connected to improving literacy and numeracy skills through ICT. They all completed presentations which they made to their parents last week.
Absence and punctuality
Children who fail to attend regularly or arrive on time for the beginning of school miss valuable learning time which then impedes their education.
Can we please remind parents that routine holidays in term time are no longer authorised as this is a Governor’s policy to reduce authorised absence and create good habits. It has always been school policy that any leave should be applied for before being booked. If leave creates 12 unauthorised absences this will generate a fixed penalty fine through the courts.
We have also been informed that from September 2013 the notice period for paying fixed penalty fines is being reduced from 28 to 21 days.
Accrington Peel Park Primary SchoolHoliday
/ Closure after school on: / School re-opens on:2013
May Day / Friday 3rd May / Tuesday, 7th May
Spring Bank / Friday 24th May / Monday 3rd June
Summer Holiday / Friday 19th July / Thurs 5th Sept
Autumn Half Term / Friday 25th October / Monday 4th November
Christmas / Friday 20th December / Monday 6th Jan 2014
Spring Half Term / Friday 14th February / Monday 24th February
Easter / Friday 4th April / Tuesday 22nd April
May Day / Friday 2nd May / Tuesday 6th May
Spring Bank / Friday 23rd May / Monday 2nd June
Summer Holiday / Friday 18th July / To be Advised
Inset days Mon 22nd, Tues 23rd, Wed 24th July 2013
Tues 2nd, 3rd January, Mon 21st, 22nd, 23rd July 2014
Tuesday, 30thApril 3.30pm / FOPP’s MtgWednesday, 1stMay 1.30pm / Stay & Cook
Friday, 3rd May / FS visit to Thornton Hall Farm
Monday, 13th May 2012 / Y6 Sat’s Week
Wednesday, 15thMay 1.30pm / Stay & Play
Monday, 20th May / Stay & Cook
Friday, 24th May / Best Start Numeracy Workshop
Monday, 3rd June / Yr 2 Sat’s Week
Thursday, 13th June 6.30pm / New Parents mtg for Sept 2013