Political Economy Department
Subject: World Economy
Academic Year: 2017-2018
Topic 1: World economy – concept, significance, evolution
1.1. The concept of world economy
1.2. The origins of the world economy
1.3. Actual structures of the world economy
1.4. The evolution of the world economic system
Topic 2: The current system of global economy
2.1. The system of national economies
2.2. International economic organizations – role, structure
2.3. Multinational corporations – general features
2.4. World economic circuit
2.5. World division of labor
2.6. International economic specialization
Topic 3: Components of the world economy
3.1. National states - distinctive features
3.2The mechanism of interstate economic relations
3.3. Global economic interdependencies
3.4. World flow of values
3.5. Indicators of the world economy
Topic 4: The economy of developed countries - evolution and features
4.1. The developed countries group
4.2. Characteristics of the developed countries
4.3. Elements of economic policies in the case of developed countries
4.4. International economic relations of developed countries
Topic 5: International economic organizations
5.1. The role and structure of the international economic organizations
5.2. Governmental institutional structures
5.3. International non-governmental organizations
5.4. Commercial and financial international institutions
Topic 6: Multinational corporations - vector of economic globalization
6.1. Stages in the evolution of multinational corporations
6.2. The current concept of multinational corporation
6.3. Expansion of multinational corporations
6.4. The economic role of multinational corporations
6.5. Human resource development in multinational corporations
Topic 7: Issues of developing countries
7.1. Composition of developing countries
7.2. Economic development, between theory and practice
7.3. The common characteristics of countries with a low level of development
7.4. Barriers to development
Topic 8: Economic interdependencies on a global scale. The diversification of the forms of economic globalization
8.1. The new geography of international trade
8.2. Business location within the coordinates of the "global industry"
8.3. The new global financial space
8.4. Services, the new frontier of the globalization of capital
8.5. International migration, causes and characteristics
8.6. Economic consequences of international labor movement
8.7. Economic interdependence created by international migration
8.8. Foreign exchange market and its operating mode
8.9. Currency markets and financial interdependence
8.10. Towards a possible reform of the international financial and currency mechanisms
Topic 9: International economic disparities
9.1. Dilemmas of economic development
9.2. Status of some significant social indicators
9.3. The extent of economic underdevelopment, quantifying economic disparities
9.4. Towards a new concept of economic growth
Topic 10: Current issues of the world economy
10.1. Concept and forms of external debt crisis. External debt indicators
10.2. Causes of external debt explosion in developing countries
10.3. Actual size of external debt crisis
10.4. The concept of external debt management
10.5. Energy issues and the global development
10.6. Economic consequences of climate change
10.7. Redefining regional economic relations
10.8. Perspectives of international economic relations
- Bal, Ana (coord.), Dumitrescu, Sterian, Zaharia, Rodica Milena, Ilie, Anca Gabriela, Dumitru, Dan, Candidatu, Camelia, Jora, Octavian, Economie mondială, Academia de Studii Economice, Bucureşti, 2006;
- Baldwin, Robert E., Winters, Alan L. (Editors), Challenges to Globalization. Analyzing the Economics, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 2004;
- Carbaugh, Robert J., International Economics, 10th Edition, Thomson, South-Western, 2005;
- Krugman, Paul R., Obstfeld, Maurice, Melitz, Mark, International Economics, Theory and Policy, 9th Edition, Addison-Wesley, 2012;
- Mackinnon, Danny, Cumbers, Andrew, An Introduction to Economic Geography. Globalization, Uneven Development and Place, Pearson, Prentice-Hall, England, 2007;
- Reinert, Kenneth A., An Introduction to International Economics. New Perspectives on the World Economy, Cambridge University Press, 2012;
- Rosser, Barkley J., Rosser, Marina V., Comparative Economics in a Transforming World Economy, Second Edition, The MIT Press, 2004;
- The World Bank, World Development Report 2014, Managing Risk for Development, The World Bank, Washington, D.C., 2013;
- United Nations, World Investment Report, United Nations New York, Geneva, 1992 - 2013;
- World Trade Organization, World Trade Report 201, Factors Shaping the Future of World Trade, World Trade Organization, 2014.
Head of Department, Responsible of Subject,
Associate Professor Elena-Dana Bako, Ph.D Associate Professor Cătălin Postelnicu, Ph.D
NOTE: This document represents an informal translation performed by the faculty.