Policy Regarding the Assignment of OC6 Time Slots

Use of OC4 and OC6s (team boats):

1.  Paddlers wishing to use an FCRCC outrigger canoe (OC1, OC2, OC4, OC6) must be individual members of FCRCC.

2.  Use of the OC6s and the OC4 is restricted to crew practices within assigned program practice times with the following exceptions:

a.  FCRCC Outrigger Programs may use the OC6s and OC4 for additional training purposes in preparation for special events such as World Sprints or international distance races that may require more practice time than can be accommodated during the regularly scheduled program practices. [Link to Outrigger Use, Boat Use Policy]

b.  Full Member FCRCC Dragon Boat Teams may book practices in the OC6 and OC4 outside of regularly scheduled core outrigger program practice times. [Link to Dragon Boat Team Membership and Practice Agreement]

i.  *Full member dragon boat teams may not use the OC6s or OC4 until the entire team has completed an OC6 orientation course and supervised outdoor huli recovery and be certified proficient in these matters by the FCRCC Program Co-ordinator who will keep accurate records. The team may be required to pay a fee for the FCRCC Program Coordinator or approved representative to provide the orientation and huli recovery. Once approved by the Program Coordinator, the teams may book their time slots with the club administrator.

ii. Access to FCRCC’s OC6 Outrigger Canoes during non-Program times, which must be booked through the FCRCC Program Coordinator. All paddlers must have completed an introductory outrigger program or otherwise have proven their ability to paddle and care for an OC6, to the satisfaction of FCRCC.

We strongly encourage joining FCRCC’s existing Outrigger Programs; contact for more information

c.  Booking OC6s and OC4 outside of scheduled program practice times:

i.  Program leaders may book extra training time through the FCRCC Administrator ().

ii.  The club administrator in consultation with the Outrigger Rep. will consider each request and book approved requests.

iii.  It is essential that all boats be returned to the Burrard Compound at least 15 minutes prior to any scheduled program activity.

OC 6 Time Slot Priorities are the Following:

First Priority: FCRCC Outrigger Programs

a.  Established FCRCC Outrigger Programs with outrigger racing as a core focus. These are groups who have held a specific time slot for many consecutive years.

b.  FCRCC Outrigger Program member crews who use the OC6s and OC4 for additional training outside of scheduled program times in preparation for special events such as World Sprints. [Link to Outrigger Use, Boat Use Policy]

c.  FCRCC Outrigger Program member crews who use the OC6s and OC4 for additional training for international distance races where crews require more practice time than can be accommodated during the regularly scheduled program practices. [Link to Outrigger Use, Boat Use Policy]

Second Priority: Temporary FCRCC Competitive Racing Crews

a.  Two [2] or more FCRCC Outrigger Programs that combine to create competitive outrigger racing crew(s) and wish to train to participate in special events such as World Sprints.

Third Priority: FCRCC Dragon Boat Program Cross Training

  1. FCRCC Full Member Dragon Boat Teams [Link to Outrigger Use, Boat Use Policy]

Overlapping Yearly OC 6 Time Slots During Peak Times

Due to demand for access to the OC6s during peak times, practice time slots will be assigned by priority and some programs may be assigned overlapping time slots. For ease of communication, overlapping programs within a given time slot will be designated as Primary[1] and Secondary programs.[2]

Year-round overlapping time slots are only to be assigned when groups are compatible (ex. don’t use the exact same canoes, only one program requires the coach boat on a regular basis) and there are enough boats to accommodate both groups in peak season.

Overlapping time slots may be assigned for winter months only (October 15 to March 15) if there are enough boats to accommodate both groups during the winter but not during the summer.

Overlapping time slots are to start 15 minutes apart. The secondary group will start 15 minutes after the primary group. This is to minimize congestion in the compound and on the dock, and minimize conflict caused by a secondary group taking out equipment required by the primary group. Both programs time slots are to end at the same time to accommodate groups in the following time slot.

Groups with overlapping time slots will be assigned specific equipment. For example, the Primary program might be assigned three Mirages, the OC2, and the coach boat. The Secondary program would then be assigned however many Calmars they need and the OC4. They would also be able to take out any equipment left behind by the Primary group. Ex. if the Primary group has only taken out two Mirages, the Secondary group may take the remaining Mirage and OC2 (if they are allowed to use the Mirage and the individuals in the OC2 have completed their small boat orientations). Alternatively, the Primary program might never (or rarely) require use of certain equipment. In this case it would be assigned to the Secondary program as appropriate.

Equipment assignments will be tracked by the FCRCC Admin office.

Program leaders are encouraged to develop positive relationships with one another and share equipment courteously. For example, if a program needs to use equipment that isn’t assigned to them (ex the coach boat) for one practice, they should talk to the other program to negotiate a time when they can use it. Also, if a program will not be using their assigned time slot (for example, reduced practice times during the winter), they should advise the other program that the slot is fully available during that time. If the Executive Committee needs to become involved in negotiations between groups, time slots may be reassigned.

If our equipment inventory at the Burrard compound changes, time slots changes may be made to reflect that. For example, if more canoes are purchased more overlapping slots may be approved. If fewer canoes are available (ex. some are damaged, sold, etc.) then some groups with Secondary time slots may have to be rescheduled.

How to become an FCRCC Outrigger Program:

Revised March 12th, 2014

1.  An FCRCC program provides a service to the club and its members by offering an opportunity for FCRCC paddlers to train and race together in a positive and structured environment. It meets the needs of the club and its members and attracts new FCRCC members. It has clearly stated goals, a practice/training plan, appropriate leadership and coaching. Each approved FCRCC core program is unique and provides a distinct opportunity for FCRCC paddlers to train and race.

2.  FCRCC programs are inclusive. FCRCC programs are open to all FCRCC members who meet the clearly stated specific criteria of the program.

3.  Each approved FCRCC core program determines its own program and criteria for membership.

a.  Programs identify and clearly state their target group of paddlers, their practice/coaching plans, and their racing and other goals.

b.  Criteria for membership is easily accessible and transparent and posted on the FCRCC website (www.fcrcc.com). Example: to be eligible for Program X the paddler must be able to do a 5K time trial in X minutes or less and commit to X practices/week and racing in races A, B, and C.

c.  Each FCRCC program records participation and submits a roster of program members to the club administrator at the beginning of each racing season and keeps this roster updated as the program membership changes throughout the year.

d.  It is the responsibility of the club to guarantee that all FCRCC programs meet the criteria of the FCRCC program policy and to keeps accurate records of participation in all FCRCC programs.

4.  Proponents of a proposed new program will apply in writing to the FCRCC through the Program Representative and the FCRCC Program Coordinator who will forward the proposal to the executive with their recommendations. The proposal will demonstrate that the proposed new program:

a.  meets the goals of the FCRCC Strategic Plan

b.  meets the criteria for an FCRCC program

c.  will enrich FCRCC programming by filling a need that cannot or is not already being met by the present FCRCC programs,

d.  will not be in direct conflict with or have a negative effect on existing FCRCC programs.

The FCRCC executive will consider the recommendations of the Program Representative and the Program Coordinator at a regularly scheduled monthly executive meeting.

February 24, 2014

[1] Primary Program is the Outrigger Program to which the Time Slot has been assigned.

[2] Secondary Program is the FCRCC program that wishes to share the same time slot.