Policy/Procedure/Guideline Review

Policy/Procedure/Guideline: / Assessment Malpractice Procedure
Senior Manager Responsible: / Assistant Principal Quality
SMT Approval: / February 2015
Governor Approval: / Curriculum and Quality Committee
15 May 2015
Joint Consultative Committee:
Equality Impact Assessment: / 10.09.14
Review date: / February 2018

Assessment Malpractice Procedure


This procedure covers all courses offered by the college. Malpractice consists of the acts which undermine the integrity and validity of assessment, certification of qualification and/or damage the authority of those responsible to conducting the assessment and certification.


2.1The Director of Curriculum and Quality is responsible for dealing with alleged malpractice in the College and conducting investigations resulting from allegations of malpractice.

2.2The Head of Division / Curriculum Leader is responsible for keeping informed of the requirements of the awarding bodies and providing this information to the team.

2.3The Curriculum Leader is responsible for ensuring that assessment malpractice does not take place within the programme area or by the programme team. This will require the CL to sample work from all the team on a regular basis. This should be recorded and available for audit.

2.4The examinations office is responsible for ensuring that all records are maintained in accordance with Awarding Body regulations.

3Student Input

3.1Students may be involved in the investigation following alleged malpractice.


4.1Scope of Malpracticethe following are examples of malpractice by staff

  • Alteration of Edexcel assessment and grading criteria.
  • Assisting learners in the production of work for assessment, where support influences the outcomes of assessment.
  • Producing falsified entries statements.
  • Allowing evidence which is known not to be the learner’s own, to be included in a learner’s assignment / portfolio.
  • Failing to keep learner computer files secure.
  • Failure to adhere to the marking criteria as set by the examinations board.
  • Falsifying records / certificates.
  • Fraudulent certificate claims, ie claiming prior to completion.
  • Failure to keep assessment / examination / test paper secure.

  • Obtaining unauthorised access to assessment / exam / test material prior to assessment / exam / test.

4.2Investigating alleged malpractice

4.2.1The Examinations Officer will deal with Awarding Bodies directly and will report back to the Director of Curriculum & Quality.

4.2.2It is the responsibility of the Director of Curriculum & Quality to carry out investigation into allegations of malpractice.

4.2.3The alleged incident must be reported to the Awarding Body.

4.2.4If the malpractice is suspected, the College must make the accused fully aware in writing at the earliest opportunity of the nature of the alleged malpractice and of the possible consequences should malpractice be proven. If a learner is under 19, a learner's guardian must be informed.

4.2.5The College must give the accused the opportunity to respond in writing to the allegations made. Avenues for appeal should also be made available.

4.3Sanction by the College

Where necessary, the College will refer incidents of malpractice to the Staff Disciplinary Procedure.


The appeal will follow the same format as the Assessment Appeals Procedure.

Associated Documentation

Edexcel Guidance of Centres – Assessment Malpractice.

Related Procedures

Staff Disciplinary

Assessment Appeals Procedure