West Leigh Infant School Policy for the Education of Looked After Children
West Leigh Infant School
Education of Looked After Children
School Link: Claire Parish
Governor Link:
Agreed by Staff: June 2017
Ratified by Governors: July 2017
Review date: Summer 2020
“West Leigh Infant School is committed to safeguarding and
promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff, governors and volunteers to share this commitment.”
WestLeighInfant School has a special duty to safeguard and promote the education of Looked After Children, Adopted (AO) children or those who are the subject of a Residency (RO) or a Special Guardianship Order (SGO). These are children who are, or have been, looked after by the local authority (LAC). See: Guidance on Education of Children in Public Care 2000 Section 3 paragraphs 3.2 and 3.3. Nationally, LAC significantly underachieve and are at greater risk of exclusion compared with their peers. We have a major role to play in ensuring that previously, current LAC and those adopted or the subject of a RO or SGO are enabled to be healthy, stay safe, enjoy, achieve and make a positive contribution to society.
To promote the educational achievement, wellbeing and welfare of children and young people in,or who have been in,public care (LAC, RO, AO and SGO). To champion their needs, raise awareness and rigorously challenge any negative stereotypes in order to ensure that they achieve to the highest level possible.
Roles and Responsibilities
All teaching and support staff are made aware that children in public care are looked after by the Local Authority. The following people have key roles to play and specific responsibilities in promoting the well-being and educational attainment of LAC, adopted and those previously Looked After:
- the designated teacher for LAC (the SENCo)
- all staff working in the school
- the Governing Body
- a named governor with responsibility for Looked After Children
The role of the Headteacher
- Identify a Designated Teacher (DT) for LAC whose role is set out below. Appoint another appropriate person should the DT leave the school or be absent for any length of time.
- Report on the progress, attendance and conduct of LAC.
The role of the designated teacher:
- Ensure a welcome and smooth induction for the child and their carer. Maintain a register of all LAC. This will include a record of:
-The contact person in the Looked After Children Team
-Status ie care order or accommodated
-Type of placement ie foster, respite, residential
-Name of social worker, area office, telephone number
-Daily contact and telephone numbers where appropriate i.e. name of young person, name of parent/care worker/key worker.
- Ensure that there is PEP for each child who is currently Looked After to include appropriate targets. This must be compatible with the child’s Social Services Looked After Child’s Care Plan and form part of any other school plan eg Statement of Educational Needs.
- Promoting a culture of high expectations and aspirations for how LAC should learn.
- Helping school staff understand the issues that affect the learning of LAC such as differentiated teaching strategies appropriate for individual children.
- Ensure as far as possible that someone attends Social Services Reviews on each child or always prepares a written report that promotes the continuity and stability of their welfare, wellbeing and education.
- Ensure that if a LAC is identified as being at risk of exclusion then contact is made with the Looked After Children’s Team immediately.
- Ensure that on admission all relevant information is obtained.
- Ensure speedy transfer of information between individuals and other relevant agencies and to a new school if and when the child transfers.
- Ensure that systems are in place to identify and prioritise when LAC are underachieving and have early interventions to improve this.
- Ensure that systems are in place to keep staff up to date and informed about LAC.
- Ensure that LAC, AO, RG, SGO or those previously looked after are listened to and have access to support in school.
- In consultation with the Head Teacher, will plan the appropriate use of any Pupil Premium Funding given to the school to promote the educational success and social, emotional wellbeing of LAC, AO, RO, SGO
Responsibilities of all staff in school:
- Ensure that all LAC, AO, RO, SGO or previously looked after children are supported sensitively and maintain confidentiality.
- Respond promptly to the designated teacher’s request for information.
- Work to enable LAC, adopted and previously looked after children to achieve stability and success within school.
- Promote the self-esteem of all LAC, SO, RO, SGO and previously looked after children and maintain confidentiality.
- Support the implementation of children’s PEPs.
- Have an understanding of the key issues that affect the learning of LAC
The role of the Governing Body:
- Ensure that there is a designated teacher who is enabled to carry
out their responsibilities.
- Support the staff to ensure the needs of LAC are recognised
and met.
- Ensure all governors are aware of the legal requirements and
guidance on the education of LAC including receiving a report once per year of the number of LAC on roll, their attendance and attainment, the number of fixed term or permanent exclusions, the destination of pupils who leave the school (this must be handled sensitively where numbers are less than 3) .
- Monitor the educational attainment of LAC.
The role of the named governor:
The named governor will report to the Governing Body on an annual basis:
- The number of LAC in the school.
- The level of attainment of LAC.
- Any attendance concerns about LAC.
- Any other relevant information about LAC.
- Any information required by government agencies about AO, RO, SGO pupils for whom the school is in receipt of additional funding
The information on looked after children will be shared with school staff on a ‘need to know basis’
The DT will discuss what information is shared with which school staff at the induction and PEP meeting.
Once this has been agreed with the social worker, carer, young person, and other parties, complete confidentiality is to be maintained.
Admission Arrangements
Our Admission Authority is Southend Local Authority. They give top priority for admission to LAC in their oversubscription criteria.
On admission the blue Admission Form is completed and the child is identified as LAC, adopted, the subject of a RO or GO or previously looked after. The child’s records are requested as a matter of urgency and a Personal Education Plan (PEP) meeting arranged by the local authority named social worker (SW) to take place within 2 weeks of coming into care (see Appendix 1 PEP). The designated teacher for LAC (DT LAC) distributes invitations within 5 working days. The carer, parent (or person with parental responsibility), social worker and child (where appropriate) will be invited to attend this and all subsequent PEP meetings.
The DT LAC will plan an induction programme for children in,or where known previously in public care,who are new to the school, as necessary.
Involving the Child
It is important that the child should be aware that information is being shared about their personal circumstances. How this is shared with them depends on their age and understanding, but they will be reassured that everyone is working together to support their education. The child is consulted on all aspects of the PEP, according to their age and understanding. Consultation with adoptive parents by the DT LAC will ensure the schools knows what and how the child has been told about their adoption/guardianship.
Partnership with Other Agencies
- As far as is practical the school will arrange for reviews of all areas of the child’s progress to take place at the same time eg the review of an ISP or an annual review of a Statement of Special Educational Needs will take place at the same time as the PEP review.
- Prior to transfer to a new school that school’s designated teacher for LAC is invited to the review meeting so that the new school can begin to plan for the LAC’s admission.
- The school ensures that copies of all school reports are sent to the child’s social worker in addition to the parent/foster carer as instructed.
- The Local Authority Attendance/Education Welfare Officer for children in public care will be informed of any attendance issues at the earliest opportunity and as a matter of concern in absences of more than 10 days.
Assessment, Monitoring and Review Procedures
- Each child in public care has a Care Plan which includes a PEP. The initial PEP will be put in place within 2 weeks and 5 days of the child coming into care and is then reviewed at least every 6 months and 1 month before the Case Review. It will be available at each Looked After Children’s Case Review as it forms part of that review.
- West Leigh Infant School uses the PEP proforma produced by Local Authority that the pupil under and personalises it for each child.
- Southend Council delegates the duty of monitoring attendance of LAC to an outside agency. This agency will telephone the school daily to check the attendance or authorized absence of any LAC. The agency will provide an approved password on request.
This Policy will be reviewed every three years or sooner if legislation changes.