1.1  Introduction

This statement outlines the safeguarding and child protection policy applying to all staff, including volunteers, at the Alpha & Omega College in Cardiff. Everyone working at the school shares the objective to keep children and young people (U18s) safe by accepting a shared safeguarding responsibility.

The school views safeguarding as being about:

·  building and not compromising relationships between U18s and adults;

·  ensuring appropriately safe systems are in place for the well-being of U18s;

·  encouraging U18s to behave in a responsible manner;

·  having clear procedures in place should things go wrong.

This policy serves all: whatever their race, religion, gender or sexual orientation, U18s and vulnerable adults in our care deserve to be protected. This document is made available on our website so that parents and partner agencies are made aware of how we aim to meet commitment to safeguarding. It will be reviewed annually, but more often if an incident or new legislation makes this necessary. Review will include brainstorming, risk assessment and benchmarking against the safeguarding initiatives of other schools. All stakeholders, including students, will have the opportunity to contribute to review.

1.2 Aims

This policy aims to outline how the school will:

·  promote a positive school environment where U18s can learn, feel safe and be safe;

·  prevent unsuitable people from gaining access to or working with U18s in our care;

·  promote safe practice and challenge unsafe practices;

·  identify grounds for concern about the welfare of U18s in our care and take appropriate action to keep them safe;

·  contribute to an effective partnership with parents and safeguarding agencies.

1.3 Context

This policy follows statutory guidance and advice set out in the Department of Education publication ‘Keeping children safe in education’ (July 2015) issued under Section 175 of the Education Act 2002, the Education (Independent School Standards) Regulations 2014, and the Education (Non-Maintained Special Schools Regulations 2011). All staff are required to read and demonstrate understanding of Part 1 of ‘Keeping children safe in Education’.

1.4 Scope

It is recognised that some adults are vulnerable to abuse. Accordingly, the procedures also apply to allegations of abuse and the protection of vulnerable adults and guidance is taken from ‘No Secrets’ (Dept.of Health 2000) which defines vulnerable adults as ‘those adults who are or may be in need of community care services by reason of mental or other disability, age or illness.’ The definition of ‘vulnerable adults’ includes (but is not exclusive to):

·  learning difficulties

·  physical impairments

·  sensory impairments

·  mental health needs

·  age-related frailty

·  dementia

·  brain injuries

·  drug or alcohol problems


All adults working in, or on behalf of the school have a responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. This includes a responsibility to be alert to possible abuse and to report/record all concerns and disclosures to those identified with safeguarding responsibilities within the school – see 2.5 below.

Staff induction will include expectation/responsibility of all staff and what is considered acceptable and what is not. They will also receive safeguarding training during their induction period and regularly thereafter so they can contribute to keeping children safe. Safeguarding is a responsibility shared by all.

2.1  Roles and Responsibilities of the Principal / Owner

The Principal / Owner will ensure that:

·  the school has an effective safeguarding policy and procedures in place and that they are in agreement with locally agreed inter-agency procedures;

·  the policies and procedures are available to parents via the School website or by email on request;

·  the school is compliant with safe recruitment procedures and ensures that appropriate checks are carried out on staff and volunteers;

·  there are procedures for dealing with allegations of abuse against staff and volunteers which are compliant with locally agreed inter-agency procedures;

·  there is a Designated Senior Person (DSP) who is designated to take responsibility for dealing with safeguarding issues and supports him/her in dealing with safeguarding at the school and in dealing with other agencies;

·  sufficient time and resources are allocated to enable DSP and other staff to discharge their safeguarding responsibilities;

·  staff undertake safeguarding training and where appropriate training in safer recruitment, including refresher training;

·  any deficiencies or weaknesses in regard to safeguarding arrangements which are brought to their attention are addressed without delay;

·  safeguarding policies and procedures are reviewed annually;

·  where safeguarding provisions are provided by a separate body, the school will seek assurances that the body concerned has appropriate policies and procedures in place regarding safeguarding children and arrangements in place to liaise with the school on these matters where appropriate;

·  provision is made for safeguarding files to be stored securely, but separate from main student files.

2.2 Roles and Responsibilities of the Director of Studies

The Director of Studies will ensure that:

·  the policies and procedures adopted by the school are fully implemented and followed by all staff;

·  all staff and volunteers feel able to raise concerns about poor or unsafe practice with regards to children, and concerns are addressed sensitively and effectively in a timely manner;

·  the child’s safety and welfare is addressed throughout their course;

·  Education Welfare Staff and Social Workers are informed immediately when a child who is subject to a protection plan goes missing (DSCB Safeguarding Children procedures 13.39);

·  Staff undertake appropriate induction and training and refresher courses.

2.3  Roles and Responsibilities of the Designated Senior Person

The DSP is a senior member of staff who coordinates the school’s safeguarding and child protection arrangements: the role includes:

Training, knowledge & skills:

·  recognise how to identify signs of abuse and when a referral is appropriate;

·  have a working knowledge of how Cardiff Local Safeguarding Children Board operates, particularly the conduct of a child protection case conference, and is able to attend and contribute effectively when called upon;

·  maintains an updated copy of, or link to the Cardiff Local Safeguarding Children Board procedures and other related local and national documents, and ensure that other staff are able to access these;

·  ensures that all staff and volunteers have access to and understand this policy and are able to recognise and report concerns via training or as part of induction;

·  able to keep detailed, accurate, secure written records of referrals / concerns;

·  attend refresher training every two years;

·  develop links with relevant statutory and voluntary agencies.

Referrals, tracking and monitoring:

·  refer allegations or cases of suspected abuse:

-  to the police and/or social services

-  in cases of radicalisation to the Police (see the school’s Prevent Policy)

·  act as a source of support and advice within the school when deciding whether to make a referral and liaise with relevant agencies;

·  maintain an overview of all children where there are concerns i.e. children who have a CAF, Child in Need plan, Child Protection Plan, Looked After Plan, or there is a ‘concerns’ file;

·  liaise with the Principal / Owner and Director of Studies to ensure continuity;

·  liaise with the Principal / Owner and Director of Studies to ensure the school’s safeguarding policy is updated and reviewed annually;

·  ensure that parents see copies of this policy and are made aware that referrals may be made and the role of the school in this process;

·  when a child leaves the school, liaise with the Principal / Owner to ensure that a child’s protection / safeguarding file is copied for the new establishment and sent there as soon as possible, but separately from the main file.

2.4  Roles and Responsibilities of other School Staff & Volunteers

·  undertakes appropriate training to carry out responsibilities effectively and do refresher training every 3 years;

·  have an understanding of how the school safeguards and promotes the welfare of children, including their role and responsibilities and how to report disclosures and concerns;

2.5  Staff with specific Safeguarding Responsibilities

·  Designated Senior Person: Irum Subtain

·  Designated Principal / Owner: Mary Matti (in the absence of Irum Subtain, Mary Matti will deputise).

·  Director of Studies: Marek Stasiewski (in the absence of the above mentioned persons Marek will deputise)

2.6  Other key safeguarding contacts

·  Police Link Officer – DS Mark Henderson 02920 527272

·  Childline 0800 1111

·  Childrens’ Services 02920 536490

·  Social Worker (ongoing cases) 02920 536400

·  Children’s Action Point (office hours M-F 0830-1700) 02920 536490

·  Children’s Action Point (outside office hours) 02920 788570

·  Prevent police contact (DS Julie Driscoll, Wales Extremist & Counter-terrorism unit)

02920 527306 x34462


Alpha & Omega College adopts an open and accepting attitude towards children as part of our responsibility for pastoral care. Children, parents and staff must feel free to talk about any concerns, and must be listened to, and should see the school as a safe place. Children’s worries and concerns must be listened to and taken seriously, and children with concerns should be encouraged to seek help from school staff. The school will therefore ensure that:

·  an ethos where children feel secure and are encouraged to talk, and are taken seriously and listened to and responded to appropriately is established and maintained;

·  children are involved in the decision-making that affects them;

·  children know there are adults at the school whom they can approach if they are worried or have difficulties and the school has well-developed listening systems;

·  posters are displayed which detail contact numbers for appropriate support services and child protection helplines e.g. Childline;

·  there is a clear written statement of the standards of behaviour and the boundaries of appropriate behaviour expected of staff and students that is understood and endorsed by all;

·  positive and safe behaviour is encouraged among students, and staff are alert to changes in student behaviour that may be an indicator of abuse.

·  effective working relationships are established with colleagues from partner agencies;

·  being aware that the personal and family circumstances and lifestyles of some children may lead to an increased risk of neglect and abuse;

·  staff are appropriately trained in safeguarding according to their roles and responsibilities, have regular opportunities for safeguarding briefings and records kept of all training undertaken

·  safe recruitment procedures are followed to make sure all appropriate checks are carried out on staff who work with children;

·  any groups using school premises for the provision of services to children have their own safeguarding policies, or adopt the policies of the school.

3.1  Safeguarding as part of the curriculum

Learning materials should regularly explore topics such as bullying (including cyberbullying), domestic violence, the harmful effects of drugs and alcohol, gangs and youth violence, terrorism and so on, and calm, rational discussion should be encouraged. Any extreme views expressed by students should be challenged.

3.2  Vulnerable children

Children who fall into the following categories are considered vulnerable.

·  Disabled or with special educational needs

·  Living in a known domestic abuse situation

·  Affected by known parental substance abuse

·  Asylum seekers

·  Vulnerable to being bullied, or engaged in bullying

·  Living in temporary accommodation

·  Living transient lifestyles

·  Living in chaotic, neglectful and unsupportive home situations

·  Vulnerable to discrimination and maltreatment on grounds of race, ethnicity, religion or sexuality

·  At risk of sexual exploitation

Special consideration may include the provision of safeguarding information, resources and support in community languages and accessible formats.

3.3  Working with parents & carers

We recognise the importance of working with parents/guardians to educate as well as safeguard and promote the welfare of children. The school will ensure that:

·  we work with parents/guardians positively, openly and honestly;

·  parents are encouraged to discuss concerns about welfare and safety, and that they are listened to and taken seriously;

·  we will provide parents/guardians with information about the support available from the school to keep children safe;

·  up-to-date and accurate information is kept about students (i.e. names and contact details of the person with whom the child normally lives, those with parental responsibility, emergency contact details, name and contact details of GP, any relevant court orders or other factors that may impact on the safety and welfare of the child;

·  information given to us by the children themselves, their parents or carers or by other agencies will remain confidential and only disseminated on a need-to-know basis. For the sake of confidentiality, this information will not be stored electronically;

·  it is made clear to parents/carers that the school has a duty to record and share safeguarding concerns with partner safeguarding agencies. Such records will be kept securely, apart from main student records and only accessible to key staff with safeguarding responsibilities.

·  where we have reason to be concerned about the welfare of a child, we will always seek to discuss with parents/guardians first, however there may be occasions when this is not possible.


Key points to remember for taking action are:

·  in an emergency, take whatever action is necessary to help the child, for example, dial 999;

·  report your concern to DSP immediately or as soon as possible;

·  if DSP is not available, ensure the information is shared with the most senior person at the school on that day and ensure action is taken to report the concern to Children’s Social Care;

·  do not start your own investigation;

·  share information on a need-to-know basis only – do not discuss the issue with colleagues, friends or family;

·  complete a record of your concerns (see Appendix 6);

·  seek support for yourself if you are distressed.

All staff should make themselves familiar with and follow the Cardiff Local Safeguarding Procedures: https://www.cardiff.gov.uk/ENG/resident/health-and-social-care/children/child-protection/pages/child-protection.aspx (see Appendix 7)