Departmental computer application form

To be completed by the prisoner

Prisoner’s surname
Prisoner’s given name / TOMS ID:

To:Assistant Commissioner Custodial Operations

I hereby apply for permission to utilise a departmentally issued laptop computer. The basis of my need to utilise a departmentally issued computer is to aid in the defence of the following matter(s):

Current Status
Matter before the Court
Date of hearing

Please provide a brief explanation as to how a departmentally issued computer will assist you in your defence:


Please provide a brief explanation as to why the prison Library or Education Centre cannot provide sufficient access to a computer for your purposes:


Prisoner’s signature: / Date: / /

To be completed by the unit manager

The prisoner is confirmed as having:

Further matters before the Court: / Yes / No
Insufficient or limited access to the Legal Library: / Yes / No
Insufficient or limited access to the Education Centre: / Yes / No
Is located in a cell with a smoke detector: / Yes / No
Is located in a cell fitted with an RCD (Regulated Current Device): / Yes / No
No pending or existing loss of privileges: / Yes / No
No pending or existing prison charges: / Yes / No
No TOMS history of computer misuse: / Yes / No

Supported Not supported



Unit manager’s name:

Signature:______Date: / /

To be completed by the superintendent

Supported Not supported



Superintendent’s name:

Signature:______Date: / /

Policy Directive 42 – Appendix 1 – Departmental computer application formPage 1 of 5

Please forward this form, once completed, to Director, Security Servicesfor approval and purchasing of equipment by:



Fax: 9264 1730

Policy Directive 42 – Appendix 1 – Departmental computer application formPage 1 of 5

To be completed by the Director Security Services

Supported Not supported



Director Security Services name:

Signature:______Date: / /

To be completed by the Assistant Commissioner Custodial Operations

Approved Not Approved



ACCO name:

Signature:______Date: / /


Date: / 6 / 12 / 2013
Commissioner or delegated authority per Policy Directive 42

Contact person

Principal Operational Policy Officer

Version history

Version number and description / Approved / Effective from
1. / First publishedas ‘Definitions’ / 22 April 2010
2 / Title change to ‘Departmental computer application form’ (see Procedures for definitions) / 6 December 2013 / 19 December 2013

Policy Directive 42 – Appendix 1 – Departmental computer application formPage 1 of 5