Policies, Procedures, and Expectations

Missy Walker

Room D16

Remind 101:

First block: text @thedark to 81010

Third block: text @thetwistyto 81010


First block: MGQ6W-C2VRF

Third block: VCPQ3-GRWSG

Welcome to English I!

Kinds of Writing Assignments

Writing for this course will be varied and frequent, and it will be done outside of class and in-class (timed writings).

Analysis essays: Essays in which you are asked to analyze the rhetorical strategies in a particular piece of writing.

Argument essays: Essays in which you are asked to take a position on a particular subject. Also known as persuasive or open-ended essays.

Poetry responses: Poetry will be studied throughout the semester focusing on theme, symbolism, imagery, tone, diction, and meaning interpretation of poems. Poetry responses are due each Tuesday of the third nine weeks. Information about sources and subject matter will be discussed and a sheet of very specific instructions will be distributed at a later date.

Reading Focus: Nonfiction historical documents are used for students to summarize and analyze what they have read. RF’s are due each Thursday. Information about sources and subject matter will be discussed and a sheet of very specific instructions will be distributed at a later date.

Columnist reviews: Articles written by a columnist that are student-selected and found online will be used to study rhetorical devices. These are due each Tuesday of the fourth nine weeks. Information about sources and subject matter will be discussed and a sheet of very specific instructions will be distributed at a later date.

Research papers: Research papers will be assigned throughout the semester as students explore in-depth topics. Information about sources and subject matter will be discussed and a sheet of very specific instructions will be distributed at a later date.

Annotated Bibliography: an ongoing culminating project for the novels that we read in class. Each novel that we read will have an entry for this project. Information about sources and subject matter will be discussed and a sheet of very specific instructions will be distributed at a later date.


Vocabulary acquisition and use are skills fundamental to your success in English I and to your development as a student. Weekly vocabulary quizzes will be given each Friday.


I use the percent method to calculate your grades. Each assignment will be worth 100 points and will be weighted in categories. The breakdown of the categories is as follows:

  • 20% Exam
  • 10% Project
  • 30% Classwork/Homework
  • 40% Assessment

Being Prepared

Always bring notebook paper, blue or black pens, pencils, and the text of whatever it is we are studying in class. You will need a notebook for English class. Keep all handouts, papers, homework, and graded work in this folder or notebook. Work out your own system for organizing your notebook, but keep all work.

Work is due at the beginning of class or by a specific time on Schoology. Late work will not be graded.


If you are aware of any absences you will have, I expect you to see me prior to the absence to make arrangements to get your work in advance or to complete any work in advance. If you are absent on the day an assignment is due, I expect to receive the assignment electronically. Assignments submitted after the due date may not be graded. See me as soon as possible upon your return to receive any missed work. It is your responsibility to get any and all missed assignments.

Important things to note:

1)Be on time

2)Much of our work can be found online on Schoology

3)If you get cold easily, bring a jacket to class

4)Phones away unless otherwise stated

5)Manners matter: raise your hand, ask for permission, be kind

6)I have high expectations of you; meet them

7)I do not accept late work

8)Discipline will be according to the Horn Lake High School after school detention policy

9)Copying another student’s work will give both students a zero

10) Ms. Walker will not track you down for make up work

Please fill out and sign this sheet to signify that you have read and understand the above policies, procedures, and expectations. Detach and return this sheet to Ms. Walker by Wednesday August 10, 2016

Student’s signature: ______Date: ______

Parent’s Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent’s information:

Name: ______Phone: ______

Email address: ______

Anything you would like me to know about your child: ______

*Fall Open House is on Monday, August 15, 2016—Come visit!*