5-Volume English Edition
Publisher of Poem of the Man-God: Centro EditorialeValtortiano, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR)ITALY
The 5-volume English edition of Poemof the Man-Godis no longer being reprinted under that title.
It is now available as The Gospel as Revealed to Me,in ten volumes, from:
Valtorta Publishing-
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Mail: VALTORTA PUBLISHING, P.O. BOX 24102, Rochester NY 14624 USA
The origin of the Poem of the Man-God has long been questioned: . Is it, in fact, a true account of the life of Christ based on visions and messages Maria Valtorta actually received from our Lord and our Blessed Motherfrom 1943 to 1947 in Italy? Or – despite her denial of authorship and her lack of specialized knowledge necessary to produce such a massive, geographically and astronomically accurate work – did it somehow originate with Maria Valtorta? After reading the entire work in English and the original Italian, Byzantine Catholic Bishop Roman Danylak wrote:
There was and is nothing morally, theologically or scripturally objectionable, nothing that is contrary to Church teaching or opposed to the authority of the Church, in Valtorta's works. This was the conclusion of the several authorities that I have adduced, as well, also, of the censors of her works who were responsible for the article in theOsservatore Romanoof 1960….
Lastly Maria Valtorta presents one of the most vivid, beautiful, living and convincing images of the living Jesus that I have ever encountered. CountIess readers have found a deeper understanding of their faith and a more profound understanding of the canonicaI scriptures of the New Testament.The Poem of the Man-Godmerits serious study.
I strongly urge that all the critics obtain and studyThe Poem of the Man-God, reading it in its entirety, and not relying on cursory impressions or the rehash of other critics. They will find in it, I am sure, the peace and joy, the deeper and more intimate knowledge of Our Divine Savior and His Blessed Mother that I and countless other readers, around the globe, have found.
To facilitate this study, I offer this Comprehensive Index of the original five-volume English edition.
Jerome D. Gilmartin
Author, The 7-Step Reason to be Catholic, 2nd Ed.
Aaron: Jesus will abolish covenant with stock of Aaron and give to... Levi V5;426;C
Abel: Born to repentant,forgiven, Eve; he was kind, respectful, devout V5;587;B
Ability, skill or talent: See Gift
Abimelech: Jesus reads the apologue against Abimelech and teaches based on it V2;569;B
Abomination of desolation: Prophesied by Daniel. When seen, end of time: V5;464;B
Abomination of desolation: When it affects new Priesthood; apostasy; Earth destroyed V5;847;C
Abomination of desolation: See Antichrist, End of Time, Satan
Abortion: Deliberate abortion is murder; God sees every abortion: V1;667;B; V1;684;A
Abortion: A mother who aborts her child is a murderer V2;762;A
Abortion: See Fetus, Soul
Abraham: Jesus speaks of his many good deeds V4;576;A
Absolution (Last Rites): For every sense-organ, Jesus indicates V2;653;C
Absolution: See Confession; Repentance; Viaticum
Acceptance of Jesus: Means accepting Doctrine; not just to love and follow V4;371;A
Acknowledge: This means to follow and practice...My Way, says Jesus V2;699;A
Action: Words are like the wind, if not corroborated by action V2;715;B
Adam: Jesus quotes Adam's joyous exclamation upon seeing Eve V2;178;C
Adam: His perfection could have improved through love V2;203;B
Adam: Jesus speaks of his sin and what it has meant for the world V4;361;A
Adam: Jesus describes himself as new Adam; above sin through his own will V5;229;B
Adam: See Eve, Adam and Eve
Adam and Eve: They were created as immortal V1;31;C
Adam and Eve: They lived, as described in the Bible V1;82;A
Adam and Eve: Tree of life was metaphorical; meant love without lust V1;83;C
Adam and Eve: God said His love would excite new Adams with charitable pulsations; not lust V1;83;C
Adam and Eve: Jesus sees invitation of prostitute as an apple offered by Eve V1;407;B
Adam and Eve; Expelled from Eden, had to learn slowly, progressively V1;465;A
Adam and Eve: Jesus speaks of them V1;682;B
Adam and Eve: They envied God's knowledge of good and evil and were punished V1;710;B
Adam and Eve: Jesus refers to them as apostles begin to evangelize V2;693;B
Adam and Eve: Jesus refers to them V3;740;B
Adam and Eve: Jesus speaks of them V3;768;C
Adam and Eve: Jesus speaks of the role of man and woman V4;38;A
Adam and Eve: All races descended from Adam and Eve V4;447;C
Adam and Eve: Jesus repeats the story to three orphans in Ephraim V5;114;C
Adam and Eve: Teachings on the first parents V5;585;B
Adam and Eve: Jesus speaks of their perfection, supernatural ability V5;947;B
Adam and Eve: See Adam, Eve
Adulteress: How many times could she have accused her husband of that sin? V4;374;C
Adulteress: He who is without sin, cast first stone. What Jesus wrote in the dust V4;502;B
Adultery: Condemned by Jesus V1;695;C
Adultery: He who marries a divorced woman commits adultery V2;178:C
Adultery: No room for adulterers in the Kingdom V3;391;B
Adultery: Jesus speaks of it V3;645;A
Adultery: It is a crime against God and one's neighbor V4;374;B
Adultery: Will man who abandoned illegitimate child escape eternal Avenger? V4;374;C
Adultery: Those who do not love spouses with soul, mind, body incite it V4;383;A
Adultery: See Fornication; Commandments
Advice: Two values; its source, and that of the heart to which it is given V5;244;B
Afflicted: Jesus wants all who are afflicted to come to him V2;378;A
Afflicted: Jesus says he is in the afflicted who are comforted V4;227;C
Afflicted: See Suffering, Sorrow
Agape: Mary speaks of brotherly agape to John after Resurrection V5;894;B
Agape: Peter decides to celebrate them regularly on day The Lord rose V5;901;A
Agape: See Mass, Eucharist
Aglae: Jesus meets Aglae, a prostitute, in former home of Anne and Zacharias V1;407;A
Aglae: The veiled woman at Clear Water V1;671;C
Aglae: Her persecution as she strives to repent V1;750;B
Aglae: With tears, she climbs mountain of redemption, toward the Sun. Help her with prayer V1;750;C
Aglae: She visits the Blessed Mother and asks for mercy in the name of Jesus V2;116;A
Aglae: The merit she earned for regaining her purity V2;124;A
Aglae: The Blessed Mother's words of humility to her V2;299;C
Aglae: Repentant, she is brought by the Blessed Mother to Jesus V2;310;A
Aglae: Jesus tells Apostles of her successful struggle to repent V3;720;A
Agony in Garden:
Jesus speaks of this torture two days beforehand V5;436;B
Jesus commits his spirit to the Father - two days before the Crucifixion V5;436;C
Mary suffered; made it possible for angel to console Jesus V5;518;B
Jesus says his hour has come; that he no longer belongs to the Earth V5;532;A
Peter, James and John drowsy as Jesus suffers V5;532;B/542;B
Spirit is willing, but flesh weak, Jesus says to Peter V5;534;A
This cup too bitter; but Jesus prays that not his will but Father's be done V5;535;A
Satan tempts Jesus: Mother; Divinity; life; mission V5;535;C/542;C
Jesus sweats blood V5;536;A
Bandits disguised as soldiers follow Judas, apprehend Jesus V5;537;C
Judas betrays Jesus by kissing him on his right cheek V5;538;A
Apostles drive off Judas with sword, stones; but Jesus submits to captors V5;538;B
Peter cuts off part of ear of Malchus. Jesus cures Malchus V5;538;C
Some Apostles shout that "captured" Jesus betrayed them V5;539;A
Jesus sweat blood in effort to control himself; bear burden V5;539;B
Jesus was abandoned, even by the Father V5;541;B
Heaven was closed. Jesus' prayers fell back like stones V5;543;A
Jesus overcame despair with only his strength as a man V5;543;B
Jesus "death" (Agony in Garden) was worse than the Crucifixion V5;543;B
The angel showed him all who would be saved by his death V5;543;C
His captors tie Jesus' wrists; even his waist V5;545;C
Man beats his mother, another his wife, in rush to attack captured Jesus V5;547;A
Agony in Garden: Continued at "Trials before Scourging"
Alcoholism: See Drunkenness
Alexander, Roman soldier: He meets and befriends Jesus at the Fish Gate V1;459;B
Alexander, Roman soldier: At his request, Jesus cures boy dying of head wound V1;615;A
Alexander, Roman soldier: At scourging, Titus remembers his praise of Jesus V5;564;B
Alms: Jesus did not benefit from "cursed" alms given by prostitute; used for holy purpose V1;436;B/443;C
Alms: Offering alms acquired through evil is similar to asking God to be our accomplice in evil V1;692;A
Alms: We are to give them, then forget we have given them V2;159;B
Alms: It is a sin to give alms out of pride; it is not a merit V2;746;B
Alms: Jesus asks for alms for the poor before curing people at Emmaus baths V4;301;A
Alms: Intention determines value of offerings; not their distribution V4;301;B
Altar: The blind guides who swear by the altar versus the offering upon it V5;447;C
Andrew: He and his brother Simon (Peter) meet Jesus for the first time V1;266;C
Andrew: Through him, Jesus cures the Beauty of Korazim - repentant prostitute V1;497;A/507;C
Andrew: Jesus speaks at length to the humble Andrew, complimenting him V1;720;B
Andrew: He chastises Judas Iscariot V2;381;A
Andrew: He recalls baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist V2;410;C
Angels: After Lucifer's fall, they are horrified even at shadow of a proud thought V1;357;C
Angels: To see one would burn out human eyes and mind; God mitigates V1;574;A
Angels: Each person has a guardian angel V1;668:A
Angels: When Jesus was born, thousands sang "Glory to men of good will!" V1;746;A
Angels: Guardian angel ready to implore God with you and for you for repentance V2;218;B
Angels: They are not genii, they are spiritual beings, Jesus tells Romans V2;334;A
Angels: To be venerated, not worshipped, Jesus tells group of Romans V2;334;B
Angels: Some, seeing the level of glory at which they were placed, rebelled V2;561;A
Angels: They have free will V2;706;B
Angels: They are clear mirrors of the thought of God V2;706;B
Angels: They can lead pure souls on the just path and to just deeds V3;350:B
Angels: For the sinner, good angel is replaced by an angel of Satan V3;350;B
Angels: Guardian angels (implied) V3;350;B
Angels: (fallen). God did not forgive their sin against His Word begotten of His Love V4;466;C
Angels: None on the earth the evening of the Last Supper. Were recalled to Heaven V5;499;B
Angels: At Resurrection two other brilliances appear, adoring Jesus V5;701;A
Angels: Jesus personal angel and his angel of sorrow rejoice and worship risen Jesus V5;713;B
Angels: They will always assist believers who are tempted V5;772;B
Angels: See Guardian Angel
Angel of Jesus Sorrow: In his agony, showed Jesus those his death would save V5;543;C
Angel of Jesus, Mary: Jesus refers to "His angel" and his mother's V2;293;A
Anger: Anger against self is a symptom of pride V3;11;C
Anger: Jesus tells Judas Iscariot that wrath and pride are two bad companions V3;333;C
Anger: Peter speaks about how hard he has worked to hold his temper V3;791;A
Anger: Be humbly and patiently silent to appease anger V4;486;C
Anguish: Overcome it, become heroic by wanting what God wants V5;772;B
Animals: Man must be humane toward these inferior servants V4;825;A
Animals: They have no immortal soul; death is a real end for them V4;825;A
Animals and plants: Jesus asks why would we deprive them of their lives V4;352;B
Anna of Elkanah: Jesus says a woman is as holy as she. One of several instances V1;757;C
Anna of Phanuel: Mary's teacher in the Temple V1;35;B
Anna of Phanuel: Her prophetic words to Mary/BV at the Presentation in Temple V1;163;A/164;C
Annaleah: daughter of Eliza
Annaleah: Jesus will grant request of the young virgin to die before his death V2;61;C
Annaleah: Saved once from death, she asks to die before the Crucifixion V5;341;B
Annaleah: (deceased) Jesus and Mary/BV visit Eliza, her mother, to console her V5;413;B
Annas, High priest: His duplicity described to Jesus by Sanhedrin friends V3;615;C
Annas: See Trial
Anne of Kerioth: To enter Heaven you must forgive, Jesus tells her V3;711;B
Annoying persons: Welcome these persons V2;765;C
Annunciation: "Hail, Mary...;" the words of the Archangel Gabriel V1;79;B
Annunciation: Described by Jesus V1;744;B
Annunciation: Remembered and described in detail V3;403;C
Annunciation: Mary affirms that she accepted it of her own free will V4;233;C
Anointing of those near death: Priests repeat Mary of Magdala's gesture... V5;847;B
Antichrist: He is on the march (Jesus said in 1944) - Recognize the precursors V3;415;A
Antichrist: Peace (after WW II) only a pause; he will gather new strength V3;415;A
Antichrist: His hordes will conduct wild persecution in last hour...V5;848;A
Antichrist: See Abomination of desolation, End of time, Satan
Antiochus Epiphanes: Two of several times Jesus mentions this despot V1;714;A/V5;443;C
Antonia: Near the northern side of the Temple V5;402;B (One of several references to it)
Apostasy: There will be general apostasy, led by priests; Earth will be destroyed V5;847;C
Apostasy: See Schisms; End of time; Heresy; Priests, Concerns regarding...
Apostles: Jesus offers them the option to withdraw V1;522;C
Apostles: Their initial lack of understanding of their vocation V1;523;A
Apostles: Jesus says the group must represent the world; not all angelic; V1:541;A
Apostles: If all were perfect, how could diseased souls hope to become disciples? asks Jesus V1;541;A
Apostles: Jesus predicts their torture, and that all but Judas will be faithful V1;549;C
Apostles: All were eager for human glory, before they were perfected V1;568;B
Apostles: They plow fields for servants so they may hear Jesus speak V1;579;A
Apostles: (and other Christians); usually will not know whom they've saved until in Heaven V1;749;C
Apostles: Jesus elects the twelve V2;93;A
Apostles: They are to continue to go to those who refuse them, says Jesus V2;461;C
Apostles: Jesus instructs them as they begin to evangelize V2;691;B
Apostles: Jesus sent them to Israel first; they were not yet ready to preach to Gentiles V2;692;A
Apostles: Jesus grants them the gift of working miracles V2;692;C
Apostles: Jesus predicts they will be scourged, punished and killed V2;696;B
Apostles: Flee persecution at first, Jesus tells them, to let new Church mature V2;697;B
Apostles: They tell Jesus of the miracles they performed V2;736;C
Apostles: Sell your property, give money to poor, or in part to relatives...Jesus tells them V3;12;C
Apostles: Many preach in Antioch after taking John of Endor and Syntyche there V3;253;A
Apostles: Again they tell Jesus about the miracles they have worked V3;339;C
Apostles: (implied): Jesus says all but one will be clad in purple (martyred) V3;393;C
Apostles: The weary Jesus says they do not understand him V3;489;C
Apostles: The two grafts that will bring them to perfection: Blood & Fire V3;497;C
Apostles: Jesus refers to them as the 12 stones; foundation of new "Temple" V3;677;A
Apostles: They give their last coin to poor, as instructed by Jesus V3;762;C
Apostles: Jesus asks them if they are his followers or demons V4;188;A
Apostles: Why Jesus sent them out at beginning, but then kept them with him V4;791;B
Apostles: Just before Passion, Jesus again commissions them, gives power... V4;807;B
Apostles: Jesus tells them to preach in Israel; not yet able to convert Gentiles V4;807;B
Apostles: Lazarus is raised. Now they are certain all will know Jesus is Messiah V5;77;B
Apostles: They go into exile with Jesus in Ephraim, Samaria after Lazarus is raised V5;91;A
Apostles: Jesus, hunted after raising Lazarus, tells Apostles they are free to leave Him V5;92;B
Apostles: Remaining with him may mean death; confiscation of family property V5;92;C
Apostles: Fugitive Jesus; "All of you have signed your destiny" V5;96;A
Apostles: In exile; "Announce to Samaritans Day of Lord is close..." says Jesus V5;99;A
Apostles: Jesus, soon to die, tells women disciples to support them, be obedient to them V5;334;B
Apostles: Will flee to Lazarus at Crucifixion; all but John V5;377;A
Apostles: In them are the 12 tribes of Israel and 13 veins of mankind V5;389;A
Apostles: Jesus reads their hearts aloud the evening after triumphal entry V5;406;A
Apostles: Two days before Jesus' death, they have forgotten plot of Sanhedrin V5;450;C
Apostles: At Last Supper they do not understand that Jesus is about to die V5;491;B
Apostles: Satan has asked to sift all of them like wheat V5;498;C
Apostles: At Last Supper Holy Spirit dwells with them; will soon be in them V5;512;A
Apostles: Not of the world; Jesus took them away from the world V5;515;B
Apostles: They consider abducting Jesus to save him from death V5;523;C
Apostles: When Jesus is captured, some Apostles say "You (Jesus) have betrayed us!" V5;539;A
Apostles: Risen Jesus appears to the ten apostles and eats with them (Thomas missing) V5;739;C
Apostles: All ten apostles ask forgiveness of the risen Jesus V5;741;A
Apostles: Risen Jesus reproaches all but John for abandoning him V5;744;B
Apostles: Jesus exhorts them: "Crush your pride;... Meekness, compassion..." V5;746;B
Apostles: Risen Jesus appears to all eleven; "My lord and my God" says Thomas V5;753;C
Apostles: A woman of Jerusalem calls them "Bastards!" for abandoning Jesus V5;769;B
Apostles: After Resurrection, scribes and others ridicule and throw stones at them V5;786;C
Apostles: Better that disciples fish; you remain in prayer, give advice...says Jesus V5;828;A
Apostles: Risen Jesus speaks of the transformation of Saul into an Apostle (Paul) V5;912;A
Apostles: Blessed Mother, near end of her life, notes preeminent quality of each V5;927;B
Apostles: From quarrelsome, impatient, proud men to true ministers of The King V5;949;B
Apostles, Acts of: Jesus affirms this as true V5;946;B
Apostolic letters: Jesus affirms these as true V5;946;B
Apostleship: Requirements for V1;524;A
Apostolate: Go and look for wreckage of souls; do not remain anchored V2;646;C
Apparitions: Before Second Coming many appearances of Jesus to convert, cure V5;834;C