National Association of Regional Councils
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Podcast with Brian Ross of CR Planning
Intro Script:
Hello everybody, this is Autumn Campbell, Director of Community Programs with the National Association of Regional Councils. Welcome to the next installment in our solar podcast series for 2013. These podcasts are brought to you as part of the U.S. Department of Energy’s SunShot Solar Outreach Partnership. Through this partnership, NARC is working with the International City and County Management Association, the American Planning Association and ICLEI- Local Governments for Sustainability to support local governments in increasing solar deployment in their communities nationwide.
Today I am joined by Brian Ross to talk about the recent initiative in Minnesota to mandate the use of solar power in the state’s energy portfolio.
Brian is the owner of CR Planning, providing land use, energy, and sustainability consulting services to local and state governments for the last 15 years. From 2008 - 2012 he managed the Minneapolis Saint Paul Solar Cities program and over the last year has worked with dozens of communities in Minnesota to adapt local policies and regulations to enable local solar development. He has conducted national trainings on solar energy planning, zoning, and permitting, has written several guides for local governments on energy efficiency and solar development, and is a major contributor to the National APA's forthcoming Planning Advisory Service report on solar energy.
Thanks so much for joining us today, Brian.
1. There are certainly big changes happening in the Minnesota solar landscape – can you give us a status update on what’s happening?
2. So the Governor recently signed into state law a proposal that for the first time mandates the use of solar in Minnesota. What happens next?
3. We know the legislation contains a number of new policies, can you walk us through some of the specifics policies that will be implemented? For example, what are IOU’s, what does “made in MN” mean, what are the net metering changes, and can you explain the VOST and Shared Solar programs?
4. Considering this initiative, how does MN now stack up against other states in promoting and mandating solar energy adoption?
5. How is this new commitment to adopting solar being received by different stakeholders across the state? (Industry, advocacy, environmental, individual, etc.?)
6. This is obviously and important first step, but what do you think the future of solar use looks like for Minnesota?
7. How can local governments help promote these new policies in their communities? Are there other resources out there that communities can use to facilitate adoption?
Thanks so much Brian, it has been great talking with you today. To learn more about Brian, his team and the CR Planning portfolio, visit You can also find out more about the SunShot Solar Outreach Partnership’s work at and click on resources, or go to NARC.ORG/SOLAROPS.
Thanks everyone and we look forward to our podcast exploring more strategies to help you increase solar in your communities!