Plymouth Airport
Sign Master Plan
January 1, 2016
Mission Statement: This master plan is formulated to provide a fair and equitable signage plan that provides a consistent and professional image for the airport and provides appropriate and safe guidance to and from the various locations on the airport.
Forward: The Plymouth Airport Commission, acting pursuant to its statutory powers set forth under Mass. General Laws, Ch. 90, Secs. 51D through 51N, as the same may be amended, by and on behalf of the Town of Plymouth, has formulated the following sign master plan.
Objective: It is the Airport Commission's intent to create a sign master plan that is fair and reasonable to both the users and tenants on the airport. The main facets of this plan are formulated to find an appropriate balance so as to enhance safety and allow customers and users of the airport to locate commercial businesses and various buildings on the airport. The fundamental focus is on the safe and easy identification of the locations of these commercial entities from both the roadside and airsides of the airport. The objective of this plan is to be in harmony with the Town of Plymouth’s sign bylaw PP 205-19.
Master Plan:
- Airside: any sign that is visible from the runways and taxiways
- Roadside: any sign visible from the street
- Commercial Operator: A recognized commercial operator, as defined by the Plymouth Airport Minimum Standards, that offers aeronautical services for compensation to the general public.
- Passive operation: a commercial operation such as a hangar keeper, where the general public shall not normally expect to find service except by prior appointment.
- The PAC shall erect “location signs” in a large marque type sign at gates 1, 2, 3,4, and 6.
- these signs shall assist airport customers in locating a “commercial operator”
- these signsshall be uniform in size for each Commercial Operator but customizable with Logos within a certain standard regarding color, font etc
- these signs shall be for commercial operator that actually operate out of that actual gate (operate to mean “would normally expect to have “customers” wanting to visit that location and where actual employee would be normally located.
- storage type hangars are not be considered as a commercial operations with regards to these gate signs due to their very “passive” nature.
- The PAC shall erect a directory sign at Gate 2/main gate.
Roadside Signage
- No signs other than the Gate signs shall be allowed on the roadside.
Airside Signage
- Airside signage (on building or free standing) shall to be standard to assist pilots to find commercial operators on any airport.
- Airside signage shall be erected by the commercial operator at their expense and only with the written approval of the PAC.
- The sign shall be of sufficient size for taxiing pilots to be able to easily read
- Only commercial operators with actual commercial operations operating from that specific building can be allowed to erect a sign on a building
- The signage shall identify the operator, frequency and basic services offered.
- The airside signage shall be calculated at 2 times the linear frontage (airside frontage) in square footage but not smaller than 30 square feet or larger than 300 square feet.
- If a commercial operator elects to erect a sign on their building that is visible from the “roadside” then that square footage shall be deducted from the size of any sign on the airside.
- Airside only: Exceptions to this policy may be considered by the Commission upon written application from the tenant on a case by case basis
- All signage shall be approved, in writing, by the Commission prior to erection of the sign
- The PAC reserves the right to erect any aviation signs as needed (taxiway signs, noise abatement, safety, directional signs, etc).
- All directional signs, not on buildings,shall be erected by the airport and used to safely direct customers to a building.
- All sign “print” shall be limited to name of company, logo, services provided, hours of operation, phone number, Internet address etc.
- It is the intent that no sign shall be misleading
- Commercial operators with multiple locations on the airport must differentiate between services offered at these different locations.
- The Commission reserves the right to change the master plan as the Commission deems appropriate.