
Please type your reply at the top of the email.

JAN 05, 2016 | 01:20PM EST

Hi Annali,

Thanks for following up!

Unfortunately, I lack expertise with Moodle, and, as such, can’t really advise you on how to resolve this issue. While we’re able to tell you why your video is not showing the fullscreen attributes, we’re very limited in our ability to troubleshoot. This is because the modification to your code is occurring as a result of Moodle’s setup, and that system its beyond our control.

I think your best next step here would be to contact Moodle to ask them these questions. I’m sorry I don’t have a better answer for you.

Please do let me know if you have further questions. I apologize for not being able to be more helpful!

Louie H

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JAN 05, 2016 | 02:50AM EST

Hi Louie,
Thank you so much for your response.
I am referring to section 1 and 2 in the below regarding the image you sent me:
Section 1
I have developed a small page (sample.zip attached) that gets uploaded as a file on Moodle under “Activities and Resources”
· The code in section 1 is automatically generated by Moodle itself (if I’m not mistaken) so I tried adding the code below to my theme under Themes/BCU/Custom CSS & JS – with no luck.
· I also tried adding the code into the additional HTML for the site overall – no luck.
.resourcecontentresourcegeneral {
This seems to be where my problem is, but I am not sure where to find this code, and if I’m doing this correct? I checked in the stylesheet & JS files, but I just cant seem to figure it out.
If you could assist me I would be forever grateful.
The code in section 2 is included in the Index.html file, and seems to be fine….
Section 2
<div class='left'>
<div align="center" class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9">
<iframe style="border:2px solid black;" src=" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreenmozallowfullscreenallowfullscreen</iframe>
<p<a href="
Please let me know if I’m not making sense.
Awaiting your feedback.
Kind Regards,

JAN 04, 2016 | 11:43AM EST

Hi Annali,

Thank you for providing access to your website!

I took a look and the reason the player does not include the fullscreen button is because our iframe player is contained within another iframe on your webpage, as shown here:

When this is the case, the containing iframe must also include the following fullscreen attributes: “mozallowfullscreen,” “webkitallowfullscreen,” and “allowfullscreen.”

Please add these three attributes to the containing iframe, and let me know if you still do not see the fullscreen option. Thank you!

Louie H
Stay in touch! Vimeo Staff Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Tumblr


JAN 04, 2016 | 08:12AM EST

Hi Louie,
Herewith the link to our URL and access details. I would really appreciate if you could assist me to get my full screen embedding to work, please let me know if you require any more info from me:

username: test
password: P@ssw0rd
Awaiting your feedback.
Kind Regards,

DEC 10, 2015 | 11:45AM EST

Hi Annali,

Thank you for sharing that message from my colleague Tommy.

If you’d be able to provide me access to your LMS, I would be happy to take a look at these embeds for you. Without accessing your site directly, it’s difficult to be certain what is occurring. However, the most likely cause of the fullscreen button’s disappearance is the missing fullscreen attributes.

To provide a brief overview of how this occurred:

1. Many third-party content-management- and learning-management-systems modify Vimeo’s embed codes prior to displaying those embeds in the browser. These modifications are beyond Vimeo’s control and often result in improper browser behavior (as with the removal of the fullscreen attributes).

2. In the past, fallback options in the browser allowed some version of fullscreen to operate even without the proper fullscreen attributes.

3. Within the last few weeks, updates to major browsers removed these fallback options. This caused the fullscreen button to fail when clicked. Vimeo videos would no longer enter fullscreen if they lacked the proper attributes.

4. Because the button wouldn’t work anyway, in our developers recently removed the fullscreen button from any players that lack the necessary fullscreen attributes. To confirm, the button would have been broken even if displayed. So, whether the button was there or not, your viewers would not be able to enter fullscreen.

So, no action you took caused this to occur. However, your site’s present configuration does sound to be disrupting Vimeo’s embed codes in such a way that will prevent display of the fullscreen button. Due to this, your best next step would be to contact support for your LMS to see if they are aware of any workarounds.

I’m sorry I don’t have a better answer for you. Please write me for any further questions.

Louie H
Stay in touch! Vimeo Staff Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Tumblr


DEC 10, 2015 | 02:23AM EST

Hi Louie,
Please see the email attached email that was sent to Vimeo support yesterday.
In the thread mention , it clearly states that Vimeo has changed the players behaviour.
It worked perfectly fine on our LMS until recently – and we have made no development changes during that time, therefore it is impossible that the issue is on our side.
To say that we must add the new attributes in the embed code is NOT a viable solution, as this would have to be done manually, and will take extremely long.
Please provide urgent feedback, as this is a huge issue for us, and our customers are complaining.
Kind Regards,

DEC 10, 2015 | 08:18PM EST

Hi there,

Can you provide me access to your LMS so that I can take a look?

I’m sorry to say that it sounds as though this full-screen icon change was not made on our end and is therefore not something that we can fix. We are happy to assist users in finding what is wrong with their back-end code in order to determine why it is no longer appearing, but since we did not cause this problem there is nothing that we can do save from let you know what attributes must be added to the Vimeo embed code. If your website is not recognizing these attributes after using our code, I’m afraid that we will not be able to provide further assistance with that issue.

Louie H
Stay in touch! Vimeo Staff Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Tumblr

Ctrack E-Learning

DEC 09, 2015 | 03:53AM EST

Hi Andy,
Herewith the code we use to embed the files into our LMS:
<iframe src=" width="750" height="300" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreenmozallowfullscreenallowfullscreen</iframe> <p<a href="
<iframe src=" width="750" height="300" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true" allowfullscreen="true"</iframe> <p<a href="
Neither of these work, the full screen toggle button does not display.
Please advise urgently, this is a huge concern for us, as our customers are complaining.
Kind Regards,

DEC 08, 2015 | 09:39AM EST

Hi there,

Thanks for reaching out! I’m sorry to hear you’re having trouble!

Can you provide the embed code that you’re using for these videos, so we can take a closer look?

We look forward to your response!

Andy G.
Stay in touch! Vimeo Staff Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Tumblr

Ctrack E-Learning

DEC 08, 2015 | 09:15AM EST
Original message

Message from Ctrack E-Learning:
Good day,
We use Moodle as a platform for our LMS, we have a Vimeo Pro account, where we upload our videos, and then embed onto our LMS.
This was the perfect solution for us, as moodle blocked the full screen toggle for all other players except for Vimeo.
All of a sudden our full screen toggle button does not display on Moodle any longer....
Do you perhaps have any idea what could be causing this? This is a huge problem for us!
Thank you & kind Regards,

For your reference this is Case #: 1865879
