Please tell us who you are and how to get in touch with you
Full Name:
Including postcode:
Telephone number:
Email address:
Which area(s) do you want to gain experience in? (Please tick as many as you want)
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / FridayAM
Please tell us about previous voluntary/employment experiences?
What specialist skills, qualifications, interests or hobbies would you be bringing to your role?
Under the rehabilitation of offender’s act 1974, do you have any unspent criminal convictions?
Yes No
If you have ticked yes summarise details below, having a conviction will not necessarily stop you from volunteering, but will need to be taken into consideration when assessing your suitability.
Who can we contact as referees?
This can be your previous manager, a friend, a support/care worker, landlord, tutor or another St Basils volunteer
Company Company
Postcode: Postcode:
Tel no.: Tel no:
How do you know them?How do you know them?
Your details will be kept securely with the accordance of the data protection act1998/2003.they will be held securely and confidentially they will be assessed by authorised management.
I declare the information I have provided is true.
Signed: Date:
Please complete this Application & Equal Opportunities Monitoring form and submit to or post to HR Dept., St Basils, Heath Mill Lane,Birmingham,B9 4AX . Please mark private and confidential
Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form
St Basils are Equal Opportunities employers and as part of our equal opportunities policy we are committed to implementing policies which do not discriminate on the grounds of ethnicity, gender, pregnancy and maternity, marital or civil partnership status, sexual orientation, disability, age and religion. For this reason our recruitment and selection procedures aim to avoid any unfair discrimination on these grounds during the consideration of applications to attend events. To help us monitor this policy and the effectiveness of our practices we ask all applicants to complete the following questions. As with all the other information on this form it will be treated as confidential. It will be separated from your Volunteer application form and will only be used to monitor our Equality and Diversity Policy.
Please help us to achieve our aim by completing the following questions.
We consider applicants regardless of ethnic or racial origin. How would you describe your racial origin?
White British / White Irish / White Other* / Black CaribbeanBlack African / Black Other * / Chinese / Indian
Pakistani / Bangladeshi / Asian Other* / White & Black Caribbean
White & Black African / White & Asian / Mixed Other * / Rather not say
* Any other, please specify
We are not required by legislation (Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations) to collect data on our employees’ religions. However, as an organisation committed to equality and diversity we wish to take seriously our employees’ held beliefs and are committed to ensuring where practicable that work does not conflict with practising that belief.
Please state your religion or beliefAre there any special requirements that you need in order to practice your religion or belief?
Your gender, sexuality, status or age will not influence our attitude towards your application.
My gender is:
Male / Female / Transgender / Rather not sayMy Sexual Orientation is:
Heterosexual / Gay Man / Lesbian / Bi-Sexual / Rather not sayMy Status is:
Single / Married / Divorced / Widowed / SeparatedCivil Marriage / Living with partner / Rather not say
My Age is:
16-20 / 21-30 / 31-40 / 41-50 / 51-6061-64 / 65 or over / Rather not say
The Equality Act 2010 defines a person as having a disability if he/she has a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long term adverse effect on his/her ability to carry out normal day to day activities. Giving information about your disabilities or health problems ensures that we take appropriate steps to respond to your application in a fair and equal manner. Describing your disability or ongoing health problems will not preclude you from consideration for a job for which you are able; however this information will assist us in deciding what adaptation (if any) may be required.
Do you have a disability as defined above?YES NO
Please describe any assistance that you may need to attend any interviews and/or adaptations required for this role. (please use a separate sheet if necessary)