PLEASE take the newsletter to a houseboundor lapsed Catholic neighbour R.C.PARISH OF ST.THOMAS of HEREFORD, WEOBLEY and ST. BEDE, KINGTON

Parish Priest: Dom Simon McGurk, St.Thomas’ Presbytery, 20 Kington Rd. Weobley HR4 8QS. Tel. 01544.318 325 or at Belmont Abbey: 01432.374 721 E-mail : or(personal) Hospital Chaplain:Fr. Matthew Carney of Our Lady’s, Hereford, 01432.265177 DEAN: FR. MATTHEW CARNEY NEW PARISH WEBSITE Contributions to 01544.340 681
HOLY WEEK. Year C Mar.20th– Mar.26th. 2016 “PALM SUNDAY” ------ / Hosanna to the Son of David. Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!
EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS –RETREAT DAY: Sat April 23rd10.30. Please make all arrangements to be there.-
WE WELCOME ANY VISITORS May we be made holy by you / TO OUR HOLY WEEK SERVICES May you be made holy by us.
Bid. Prayers (Weobley): R.Lord, in your mercy/ Resp.Hear our prayer
YES, Children’s Liturgy TODAY. Communion course continues today. Little children will have Liturgy in the sacristy.

Sat Mar 19 MASS & PROCESSION OF PALM SUNDAY,Kington 6.00pm– Palm Sun 20 MASS &PALM PROCESSION, Weobley 11.00 – parish Mon. 21 Eucharistic Service, Weobley, 10.00 am. RECONCILIATION 7.00pm. Tues. 22 No Mass Wed. 23 MASS,Kington, 10.30. Feria of Lent Maundy Th.24 MASS of LORD’S SUPPER, Weobley 7.00 pm. Altar of Repose. Fri. 25 GOOD FRIDAY , SOLEMN PASSION LITURGY 3.00, Kington. Saturday 26 EASTER VIGIL. Weobley 9.00 pm. Sunday 27 EASTER MASSES: Kington 9.00am. Weobley 11.00pm.

We pray for those of our parish or known to us who are sick or in need of special prayers: Abbot Jerome, Fr. Antony,Elizabeth Kerr, Fr. Luke, Mary Clement, Zofia Kunert, Catherine Semple, Anne Bickers, Karen Lampitt, Brian & Diane Watkins, Eileen Skyrme. We remember those of our parish, relatives and friends recently dead: Anymembers of our Security Forces lately dead on active service. We remember the dead of our parish whose anniversaries occur at this time: MarjorieDoherty (M.’64), Lena Jenner (W.’5)), Anthony Kerr (W.2014), Bob Richardson (Th.’95), Elsie Beattie (F.’83), Bernard Nolan (Sa.’94), Catherine Jones (Sa.2000). `` Finally ,we pray for those parts of the world suffering from war, terrorism, other civil strife, famine, slavery and disease,especially victims of Zika. We rememberrefugees from hostile regimes and migrants seeking safe havens and those being sent home, for the conversion of I.S. and for young people tempted to join them.

COLLECTIONS: Kington £41.00p, Weobley £156.40p.St.ords. £211.62 weekly. CAFOD LENT COLLECTION: £395.84 RECONCILIATION (Confessions): Kington Sat.5.30, Weobley, Sun. 10.30. Those unable to receive Communion are welcome to come up for a blessing. Place your hands across your chest.

HOLY WEEK: WHAT’S HAPPENING AND WHERE. Mon . Sacr.of Reconciliation, Weobley & Leominster, 7.00pm.
Tues.- Holy Tuesday Service, St.Bede’s, Kington. See opposite.
Wed. Weobley Lent Course
Thur. Maundy Thurs. Weobley 7.00
Fri. Walks of Witness, Kington, from St. Mary’s Church, 10.00. Weobley from St. Thos.Church 11.00
Sat. EASTER VIGIL, Weobley, 9.00pm.
Sun.EASTER DAY MASS. Kington 9.00 Weobley, 11.00 / CHURCHES TOGETHER – LENT at St.Bede’s KINGTON. Holy Tuesday Final Service of prayer, discussion& refreshments on Tues. 22nd. 7.30pm..
WEOBLEY: final meeting this Wed.2.30 in our parish room.
CHANGE DISCUSSION. Next meeting April 28th.
------. Collection today for Easter flowers. At Weobley please sign rota for decoration. ------
SORRY YOU MAY HAVE MISSED THE DVD ‘JESUS OF NAZARETH’ – MOST DID. A superb preparation for Holy Week and a superb film. We’ll play it again… sometime.

Meetings monthly in our parish

room, Weobley, now at 6.00 p.m.

with light supper from 5.30.

At this week’s meeting Peter Hereford led us on the Pope’s encyclical, Laudato Si’

Next meeting: 28th.April Global Warming, Then 26th. May led byCAFOD rep.23rd. June Biblical reflections. 15th. Sept Conclusion. All welcome, bring guests. Contact 01544.318022

fr.his birthplace nr.St Weonards, his lodgings at Treago Castle and Pembridge Castle, the Cwm recusant Jesuit seminary, his grave at WelshNewton, Mass in the church. See Fr. S
