Our learning challenge and homework project
This half term our learning challenge isWho will win the Year 5 Great Bake Off?
This half term we will be learning about bread. This is an Art & DT based topic in which we will explore how to make bread. We will enjoy learning about the history of bread, the main ingredients in bread and study breads in other cultures.
/ English
Find and look at a baking / cooking book. Write a report to describe this book. Think about what the book is useful for and who is the target audience.
Create a letter to your local bakery to persuade them to buy your homemade bread. / Mathematics
Find a recipe and write down the amount of each ingredient you will need. Can you work out the amount of ingredients all together? What is the difference between the most and least ingredient?
Create and complete a survey to find out what a person’s favourite bread is. Present this information in a graph of your choice.
English Core text: - (The book we will base our learning on)
Please feel free to borrow these from the library and share at home!
The Highwayman by Alfred Noyes. / Art and creativity
Design a recipe for bread and draw what your bread will look like.
Follow a recipe to make bread. Take pictures of what you have made and describe your bread. / Computing
Research the history of Bread and produce a written report.
Create a poster / PowerPoint to advertise different types of bread.
Maths focus:
This half term we will be focusing on measure looking at converting different units. We will also be looking at translations, reflections and rotations. / Knowledge of the World
Find out where different types of bread come from.
Pick one type of bread, research it and write a report on what you have found out. / Science
In Science we will be looking at forces.
Try sliding on different surfaces with bare feet. Is it easier or harder on carpet than wood or tiles? Do the same with socks on, does it make a difference? What about wearing socks made of different materials?
Suggestions for family days out with links to our topic…
- Have a go at making different types of bread at home.
Please take a look at our new, and hopefully improved overview and homework project. We have listened carefully to the feedback from parents and changed the way the homework project and topic information are issued.
The sheet over leaf has been redesigned to support and inform parents. We actively encourage learning at home and therefore have put together some information about your child’s new topic this half term.
The homework ideas overleaf are suggestions and are optional ways to extend their learning further. Pupils who choose to complete or undertake these challenges will be rewarded for their efforts at the end of the half term and this additional homework will be celebrated and displayed in school on a display called ‘Homework Lab’. We also actively encourage family time and have put together suggestions for fun days out to ensure our children receive as many rich, childhood experiences as possible.
Any homework completed must be returned in the on the last Monday before half term.
This will also not affect the weekly homework in core subjects and regular reading at home which will remain a school expectation in all year groups.
Should you wish to know more about your child’s learning this half term please speak to class teachers.
Thank you.