October 2015 - MonthlyProviderSupportCallSummary
**Please share with your case managers and administrative staff or other employees.**
Each month the WDH-Behavioral Health Division holds a monthlyprovidersupportcallto letprovidersknow what is going on and give additional clarification on items that have been released.The nextcallis Monday, November 30that 2 pm.
See the new FAQs on rights/restrictions and new HCB rules attached!
Reenrollment with Medicaid
The Division presented several times over the past year the new requirement that all Medicaidprovidersmust re-enroll with Medicaid using the new electronic process by December 31, 2015. This includes all HCBWproviders. Beginning with re-certifications in September 2014 and continuing through August 2015,providersupportspecialists have been sending approval letters toprovidersafter their recertification has been completed, and any QIP has been accepted, to inform of this new requirement. By now, allprovidersshould have received their approval letter. If you have not received your re-enrollment letter, please contact your assignedProviderSupportSpecialist and one will be sent to you.
Please remember that if the re-enrollment is not completed by December 31, 2015 you will no longer be an activeproviderof waiver services.
During this process, Division staff will not be allowed to help aproviderfill out the online enrollment due to the enrollment being a legal document. However, Xerox has created tutorials on their website to assistproviderswith the enrollment process and have suggestedprovidersview the tutorial and the Frequently Asked Questions prior to beginning the re-enrollment process. Any questions that you may have on completing the enrollment application should be answered by following the tutorials The website is to access the tutorial is:
MAT Training certificate responsibility
We are getting an overwhelming number of requests for me to reprint training certificates for MAT Trainers and CM Training for Case Managers. We need to remind folks that we do not keep copies of their certificates and that it is their responsibility to maintain these for auditing purposes. I have reprinted and mailed out at least 20 in the last couple of weeks.
Case management Quarterly Reports in EMWS
Just a reminder that the CM quarterly reviews must be completed this month. They should be on your task queue!
Case Manager Monthly form
The CM monthly form in EMWS is live, but is being beta tested. It will be mandatory for December 1 and after. If you have comments on it please look for the email from Jessica Fancher to send them in. It cannot be removed from your task list at this time but they are working on it.
Reenrollment with Medicaid
The Division presented several times over the past year the new requirement that all Medicaidprovidersmust re-enroll with Medicaid using the new electronic process by December 31, 2015. This includes all HCBWproviders. Beginning with recertifications in September 2014 and continuing through August 2015,providersupportspecialists have been sending approval letters toprovidersafter their recertification has been completed, and any QIP has been accepted, to inform of this new requirement. By now, allprovidersshould have received their approval letter. If you have not received your re-enrollment letter, please contact your assignedProviderSupportSpecialist and one will be sent to you.
As of this month, there are still numerous activeprovidersthat have not completed the online re-enrollment as required. Please remember that if the re-enrollment is not completed by December 31, 2015 you will no longer be an activeproviderof waiver services.
During this process, Division staff will not be allowed to help aproviderfill out the online enrollment due to the enrollment being a legal document. However, Xerox has created tutorials on their website to assistproviderswith the enrollment process and have suggestedprovidersview the tutorial and the Frequently Asked Questions prior to beginning the re-enrollment process. Any questions that you may have on completing the enrollment application should be answered by following the tutorials The website is to access the tutorial is:
PPL Self Direction –Change participants to correct waivers
The Division would like to remind all Case Managers that, if they have not already done so, to please change participants who self-direct in the web portal to the Comprehensive orSupportswaiver from the Child and Adult waivers. This must be done immediately as it is causing significant billing issues for participants and theirprovidersand needs to be taken care of as quickly as possible.
Case manager trainings
Please remember to come to one of the case management trainings next week if you registered. There will be a webinar option in December to view the content. Lunch is not provided this time due to the budget issues for state agencies.
ProviderHCB Setting Transition Plan Reminder! -Jamie
Home and Community Based Settings (HCBS) transition plans were dueOctober 1 2015. Anyproviderthat has not submitted a plan to the Division has been issued corrective action. If you submitted it on time and we did not register it, we will notify you that a CAP is not needed.
Wyoming is now a part of National Core Indicators! -Jamie
Along with 43 other states, Wyoming is participating in the National Core Indicators(NCI) annual consumer survey from July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016. Our staff will be doing face-to-face interviews with a randomly chosen sample of adults with developmental disabilities who receive services from the BHD waiver as well as mail-out surveys to family members or guardians of a randomly chosen sample of people with developmental disabilities who receive services from BHD Waivers. If we ask case managers to gather information for a person chosen in the interview, that time is considered billable time if you track it.
Nextcallis Monday November 30 at 2 pm.
MonthlySupportcallnotes are posted to our website:
Thank you for reading and for making time tocallin each month!