Please Return Completed Application Formsto:
Please note you MUST include the Health Check Questionnaire with your Application Form.
If this is not included your Application Form will be void and not considered.
48811 Designed by North Wales Police (Amended for use by Gwent Police)
For Office use onlyCandidate number
It is essential that you read all the guidance notes. You should complete all sections of this form in person, in black ink or type-face. Use continuation pages only where allowed and clearly mark which questions they refer to. Please put your full name at the top of each continuation sheet. Sections which do not apply to you should be clearly marked N/A.
The information you provide in this application form will be entered into a manual filing system and onto a computerised recruitment system and as such is covered by the rules set out in the Data Protection Act 1998. The data will be used to assess your suitability to join the Police Service and may be shared by other forces in the United Kingdom in respect of any recruitment applications you make.
PERSONAL DETAILSSurname / Surname at Birth (if different)
Any other Surname
Forename(s) / Title
(Mr, Ms, Mrs, Miss)
Date of Birth / Age / Town, County and
Country of Birth
Current Address
Postcode / Date of Occupancy
E-mail Address (this will be our main method of communication)
Telephone Numbers / Home
Work (if convenient)
National Insurance Number
Please be aware there are an allocated number of positions within each LPU:
Newport, Torfaen, Caerphilly, Blaenau Gwent, Monmouth.
Please provide 3 preferences for the areas you would consider suitable if successful for the role of a Gwent Police Cadet
Preference 1.
Preference 2.
Preference 3.
Name of Head or Employer, address, including postcode and telephone number / If employed position held
The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 makes it unlawful to discriminate against a disabled person in all areas of employment, including recruitment. The Police Service welcomes people with disabilities and will do its best to make adjustments to the working arrangements and/or the working environment provided it is reasonable in all the circumstances to do so.
Do you have a disability you wish us to know about at this stage?YES NO
In support of your application, please provide details and let us know if you believe there are any reasonable adjustments we should be making to enable you to do the job or assist with your application.
What is your nationality?
If a Commonwealth citizen or a foreign national, is your stay in the UK free of restrictions?YES NO
If a Commonwealth citizen or a foreign national, you must include a copy of your passport which shows that your stay in the UK is free of restrictions.
Photocopy of passport enclosed? YES NO
Have you ever been convicted for any offence or had formal cautions by Police for any offence or any bind-overs imposed by any Court? (Include all traffic convictions, yellow cards and appearances before a court martial and any cautions as a juvenile). YES NO
If you have answered YES, please enter details below
Date (most recent first) / Offence / Alleged offence / Result (if known) / Court / Police Station involved
Have you ever been involved in a criminal investigation (whether or not this has led to
any prosecution) or been associated with criminals?YES NO
If YES, please give details below
Do you have any tattoos on your hands, neck, forearms or face?YES NO
If YES, describe their nature and locations.
Are you or have you ever been a member of the BNP or similar organisation whose
constitution,aims, objectives or pronouncements may contradict the duty to promote
race equality?YES NO
Please give all addresses at which you have lived over the last five years. Start with the most recent. Do not include your current address. Continue on a separate sheet if necessary and attach to this page.
Full address (include postcode) / Approximate dates
from (month/year) / to (month/year)
Address 1:
Address 2
Address 3
Please tell us about your family (wherever they live), and any other adults living at your address. Continue on a separate sheet if necessary and attach it to this page. Please complete all sections or your application will be delayed.
Relationship to you
(delete as appropriate) / Full Name
(include previous surnames and name at birth, if different) / Date of Birth / Place of Birth Town, County, Country / Full address
(including postcode)
Your spouse or partner
Your father
Your stepfather or mother’s partner
Your mother
Your stepmother or father’s partner
Your brother or sister (Full/half/step etc.)
Your brother or sister (Full/half/step etc.)
Your brother or sister (Full/half/step etc.)
Your brother or sister (Full/half/step etc.)
Your spouse’s or partner’s mother / stepmother etc.
Your spouse’s or partner’s father / stepfather etc.
Your child / child of partner (only state if aged 10+)
Your child / child of partner (only state if aged 10+)
Your child / child of partner (only state if aged 10+)
Other adults living at your address (eg lodger)
Give details of any hobbies or interests you may have
Including any awards or certificates you have gained from these?
Why do you want to be a Police Cadet for Gwent Police?
Give an example of when you have had to communicate to an individual or a group?
What information did you have to communicate? How did you communicate to the audience?
Give an example where you have volunteered to help someone with a task?
What was the task? What did you do to help?
Give an example where you have worked as part of a team to achieve a goal?
What was the team goal, what was your part in ensuring the goal was met?
Please give full name, address, email address and telephone number for your Head of School /or College Tutor
Referee :
Position Held
Email Address
Telephone Number
I declare that all the statements I have made in this application are true to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that no relevant information has been withheld.I understand that:
- I must inform the Recruitment Department without delay of any change in my circumstances.
- Criminal conviction checks will be made against myself and my family members and I have informed them of this.
- The Chief Officer retains the right to reject any application without giving reasons.
- That the above information is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
- I understand that if my application is successful, I am required to abide by the conditions of the Gwent Police Volunteer Police Cadets.
- Cadets will attend at appointed times for training and tuition, if for any reason they are unable to attend, the training officer must be informed in advance.
- They will maintain high standards of punctuality, smartness and discipline.
- They will obey the law at all times
- They will participate in no acts likely to bring discredit on Gwent Police Volunteer Police Cadets.
- I am the parent guardian of ......
- I have read this application form and declare that the information provided is true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief.
- I have read the conditions of service.
- I give my consent for my Son/Daughter to join Gwent Police Volunteer Police Cadets
Signature ...... Date......
Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form
Gwent Police is an equal opportunities employer and is determined to ensure that:
- the workforce reflects the diverse society which it serves and that the working environment is free from any form of harassment, intimidation, bullying or victimisation;
- no job applicant or employee is treated more or less favourably on the grounds of gender, transgender, sexual orientation, age, marital status, race, colour, nationality, ethnic origin, creed, religion or disability; and
- no job applicant or employee is disadvantaged by conditions or requirements that cannot be justified by the requirements of the job.
The information on this form is for monitoring purposes only and will not be made available to those assessing your application. The information supplied will be
treated in the strictest confidence and will not affect your job application in any way. Completion of this section of the application form is voluntary, but the information will help us to ensure equality of opportunity.
This information forms no part of the recruitment process. It will be detached from your application on receipt.
Date of Birth: Age:Gender: ☐ Male ☐ Female
Ethnic Origin
☐ W1 White ☐ W2 White-Irish
☐ W9 Any other white background
☐ M1 White & Black Caribbean ☐ M2 White & Black African
☐ M3 White & Asian ☐ M9 Any other Mixed background
☐ A1 Asian-Indian ☐ A2 Asian-Pakistani
☐ A3 Asian-Bangladeshi ☐ A9 Any other Asian background
☐ B1 Black-Caribbean ☐ B2 Black-African
☐ B9 Any other Black background
☐ O1 Chinese ☐ O9 Any other ethnic group
Marital/Partnership Status
☐ Single ☐ Married/Civil Partnership
☐ Widowed ☐ Separated (but still legally married/civil partnership)
☐ Divorced/Dissolved ☐ Unspecified (please state)Click here to enter text.
Sexual Orientation
☐ Bisexual ☐ Gay Man Lesbian/Gay Woman
☐ Heterosexual ☐ Prefer not to say
Gender identity*
☐ Intersex ☐ Transsexual ☐ Transgender ☐ Prefer not to say
Religious belief/faith
☐ Buddhist ☐ Christian ☐ Hindu ☐ Jewish ☐ Muslim
☐ Sikh ☐ No religion ☐ Other ☐ Prefer not to say
☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Unknown ☐ Prefer not to say
*If you identify yourself as transsexual, transgender (in that you have effected a permanent change of gender identity) or as intersex, please state which group you identify with.
**The Equality Act 2010 protects disabled people. This includes people with long-term health conditions. A person is disabled if they have (or have recovered from) a physical or mental impairment (including learning disabilities) which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities such as those involving mobility, manual dexterity, physical co-ordination, speech, hearing, eyesight, communication, or a permanent condition which is controlled by medication, e.g. diabetes, epilepsy. NB - Individuals with HIV, cancer or multiple sclerosis are automatically treated as disabled.
Name: ……………………………………………………………………….……… Date of Birth………………………………………………...
Welsh Language AbilityPlease consider your ability to use the Welsh Language in an office, performing operational duties, on a Police Station Counter or reception desk, on the telephone, at meetings or when dealing with the media. Please select the level which best describes your ability.
Level 1 / Greet, introduce and open and close conversations. Say place names, first names and signs correctly. Recognise departments, locations and ranks. Give and receive personal details. Open and close meetings and write simple requests.
Level 2 / Understand essence of conversation and respond to simple requests. Convey basic information and transfer telephone calls. Partly contribute in meetings. Write simple notes of request.
Level 3 / Understand much in an office or meeting. Take details and pass on messages. Converse partly in Welsh and respond to general enquiries over the phone and face to face. Present partly in Welsh at meetings. Write informal memos and e-mails and deal with routine requests.
Level 4 / Contribute effectively and provide presentations in meetings. Deal with complex enquiries and complaints. Interview or question in the course of an investigation. Deal confidently with hostile questions and confrontations. Write reports and make full accurate notes.
Level 5 / Contribute effectively and provide presentations in meetings. Deal with complex enquiries and complaints. Interview or question in the course of an investigation. Deal confidently with hostile questions and confrontations. Write reports and make full accurate notes. Interview applicants for posts and assess suitability.
No Welsh language ability.
NB: The information supplied on this form maybe processed manually or by computer and is therefore subject to the Data Protection Act 1998.