
For NinjaTrader

Set up and configuration

Please read this documentation thoroughly

The set up and use of the EMINISCALP PILOTAuto trade is not difficult. You may want to experiment with your trade management but in order to do this you should be familiar with the use and set up of the NinjaTrader Dynamic Super DOM. The use of the Dynamic Super DOM is a topic within itself, so I would take some time and visit the NinjaTrader website at and search for the tutorials associated with the Dynamic Super DOM. In any case I would make the management easy and either go all in and out or use a trailing stop. My suggestion would to be to look for conservative and short term profits, as you should be able to get a sufficient number of trades each session. You should be familiar with the market you wish to trade in regard to times of volatility, news, open, close, etc. Our focus is on the EMINISCALP PILOT and not any specific market. For example, if you wish to trade natural gas and there is a natural gas report coming out at a specific time, you may want to set your NEWS settings accordingly. The natural gas report may or may not have an effect on other markets you may be trading, so it would be prudent to know what takes place during news event times for your chosen markets. The EMINISCALP PILOT can only be effective if you are aware of what happens during the trading day and set your parameters accordingly.

In regard to trade management,andonly as a guide, I would set my target for a reasonable profit such as 7 ticks and the stop at 7 ticks as well. I realize there is much more profit available at times, but to start, this is what I suggest. Enable the EMINISCALP PILOT and see how this works out. For trailing, set a 7 tick stop, the target at 0, and when the price goes in your direction 3 ticks, then have the trail set whereas your stop trails by 3 ticks for every tick of movement in your direction. With the target set at 0, let your trailing stop take you out of the trade. Or set your management any way you prefer, but be reasonable in doing so. Looking for 3 and 4 point moves, unless you are trailing, may not wise, at least until you become familiar with the strategy.

I have made a slight change regarding how the entry arrows appear. Many of the screen shots show the arrow on the entry bar. The arrow appearson the entry bar at the open of the following bar. In this case, you would have been entered into a trade before the arrow became visible. This is not an issue at all because before a trade is entered, you will get an “order pending” message. When this message is heard, you can anticipate an entry. But if the price moved away from the entry area, and the conditions to abort the entry are met, you will hear an “order cancelled” message. In this case you would wait for the next setup. If you are using the EMINISCALP PILOTonly for auto trades this is not an issue, as you will see where the entries are. Even if the EMINISCALP PILOT is activated and you have it disabled using the chart screen button, you will still get entry arrows, just not the order messages. This way you have the ability to take manual trades if you wish.

I did make a change for those who may want to trade the EMINISCALP PILOT manually. The arrow will appear in real time, but it will show up on the preceding bar. An arrow can not show up while the bar is active. This is not a strategy issue, it is the way NinjaTrader gives you the option for showing entry arrows and such. This does allow the trader to take immediate entries as soon as the arrow appears, whereas the previous setting would have had you entering manually on the bar after the arrow, which may have been too late. If you refresh the chart, the arrows will show on the entry bar. No matter what, the entry areas are exactly the same, this has not changed. My goal was to assist manual users in taking real time entries. But please understand that the EMINISCALP PILOT is an auto trade strategy and the entries are where they should be. Manual trading has drawbacks in that if you hit the button late, or if you are not paying attention, your entry may be further from where it should have been. Remember, the purpose of the EMINISCALP PILOT is to take the hesitation and emotion out of your decision making. Manual trading does have good points, as it can certainly help with your trading confidence because your focus is on the chart. Not all entries will be successful, as there are stops at times. Stops are inevitable, but with the proper risk and trade management, you may be pleased. The purpose of creating the EMINISCALP PILOTAuto Trade is to assist the trader who may have a problem entering a trade, as it will be done automatically when the conditions are met. You will have the ability to just let the autotrade do its thing during the day without intervention, assuming there are no internet, data or power issues. I would never encourage anyone to just set the EMINISCALP PILOT and walk away. In a perfect world this may be fine, but because of the aforementioned issues, it may a prudent to monitor your charts.

The EMINISCALP PILOT is designed to be used with unfiltered data such as CQG, Zenfire, Kinetick, etc. Filtered data may be fine, but this is up to the user to determine, as I have not tested the EMINISCALP PILOT with filtered data.

The screen shots of the parameter box, shown below, list the tick charts I use for each market. The tick value of the charts I use are listed in the parameter box under data, input series, butthe strategy does work with time chartssuch as the 1 minute, etc. You would have to test the strategy on charts other than what I have listed and determine if they work for you.

Since signals will show on a variety of different charts, I would certainly take the time to test the EMINISCALP PILOTAutoTrade on your particular chart(s).Although I have only used the EMINISCALP PILOTAutoTrade on specific tick charts, you may experience very nice results on the chart(s) that you use.

Be sure that your computer is registered before you installany of our EMINISCALP products. You will need to COPY and PASTE your Machine ID into and email and send it to. To find the Machine ID, go to the NinjaTrader Control Center, then” help”, then “about”. The Machine ID is listed in the box that appears. I will COPY and PASTE what you send me into the NinjaTrader registration page.

Once you have received the EMINISCALP PILOT Collection, save each component to some place on your computer, such as your desktop. If you already have any of the studies, such as the EminiScalp Intervals, there will be no need to download it again, just add it to your chart from the previous installation. If your plan is to use the EMINISCALP PILOTfor auto trading, then you don’t need to add anything but the EMINISCALP PILOTstrategy. But, if you think that you may want to experiment with manual trading, using the EMINISCALP PILOTsignals, then all components are recommended, but not necessary.

Next, go to the NinjaTrader Control Center, then “file”, then “utilities”, the “import ninja script”. Look for the EMINISCALP PILOT; select it, (DO NOT open the file), then select open on the install box. A note will appear that the download was successful.

Open a chart, click on the strategy icon, scroll to find and highliteEMINISCALP PILOT,select “new”. It is now activated. Set the parameters such as NEWS, etc. Under the GENERAL tab, be sure to set “Enable” to “True.” When finished, select “OK.”

In the Parameters section of the strategy box you will see a listing that says: “ATMStrategyTemplate”. Directly to the right of this you will see ATMStrategy1. See below. Be sure to link the EMINISCALP PILOT as well as the amManualATM to the Dynamic Super DOM by adding the ATMStrategy1to theDOM and theParameter section. See below.

Right click on the grey area of the dome, select Manage ATM Strategy Templates…, write ATMStrategy1in the box,select “save.” Have your stop, target set prior to doing this.

As mention earlier, it may be a good idea to become familiar with the Dynamic super Dom. You can go to and look for the appropriate tutorials. Below is one link that may help.

There is nothing to set up for the EMINISCALP PILOT other than your preferred Session start and end time, as well as the News settings.DO NOT leave the Session start and Session end time at 0, you must input times. For convenience, you can leave any Newstimes as is and just disable a specific time if there is no news at that time on a certain day. This is a time saver as you will not have to clear the time(s) off if you have it set for one day, and there is no news at that time on the next day. When setting times, use the example that is already shown. If you do not use all 6 of the NEWS times, be sure to leave the configurations as they were when you installed the strategy. There should be enough News boxes for any trading day. In order to determine if the EMINISCALP PILOT should be enabled for the complete trading day, I would look at your chart and determine when the market may go into a narrow range. This is when you may want to set a specific start-end News time.

Also, input an amount in the “Profit Objective” box. If the number is set to 0, or to low and it is met, the strategy will become disabled.

In regard to A,B,C,and D in the parameter box, you can leave them set at 0. You may never have a need to use them as the EMINISCALP PILOT will do fine with 0 settings. For those who purchase the EMINISCALP PILOT, these settings will be explained.

The EMINISCALP PILOT can be enabled, (GREEN button) but if a specific start and endNews time is set, you will still see entry arrows, but there will not be any auto entries. The screen will become yellow during these times. You can manually take these entries, but if price becomes narrow, or what some call “chop”, I would stay away. This has absolutely NOTHING to do with any method or strategy, as these conditions are caused by the market.

In regard to the amManualATM, if you decide to take manual trades, take all trades from the amManaual ATM only. When this strategy is installed, you will see the following on the upper right indicator strip:

The ON button turns on the strategy, The BUY and SELL buttons are used for entries, and the CLOSE button is to exit a manual trade. If you BUY using the manual strategy, you MUST exit the trade with the CLOSE button, and vice versa. All trade exits, when using the amManualATM, must be done with the CLOSE button. If you hit the BUY button and the hit the SELL button, you will be entered into 2 trades, one long and one short. The green ON button turns the amManualATM on and the red SIM button toggles between LIVE and SIM trading.

ALL entries,as well as your target and stop, will show on the Dynamic Super DOM. You can take trades from the DOM, but if you do, you run the risk of disabling the strategies. It is highly suggested that if you take any manual trades while the strategies are enabled, you use our amManualATM. If you use the amManualATM, the entry price will be printed on the screen either above or below the entry bar, depending you’re your trade direction. This way you don’t have to maximize the Dynamic Super Dom to see where you entered. Be sure your stops-targets, etc. are set.

When you install and enable the EMINISCALP PILOT, a series of buttons will appear on the indicator strip, just to the left of the amManualATM buttons. See below:

You can toggle from SIM mode to LIVE mode from either the strategy box by selecting the strategy icon on the indicator strip of the chart, or by selecting the strategy tab on the Control Center. I suggest you keep all settings in the SIM mode, as this will be shown in the strategy section on the Control Center as well as in the strategy box. Look everything over and become familiar with what is listed. In regard to the above EMINISCALP PILOT buttons, although the RED button says “enabled,” the strategy is disabled. You will still get the signals thought. “Enable” on the button means that if you want to enable for auto trade, click the red button and it will turn green. The green button will say “Disabled” which means if you want to disable the auto trade, select the button, and it will again become red. The LONG and SHORT buttons can be disregarded for now, as they are designed for traders who may not want to enter into certain areas. If both the Long and Short buttons are green, this means that all long and short trades will be active, as per the strategy. If the Long button is selected and it becomes red, then there will not be any long trades taken by the auto trade and vice versa for the Short button.

Although yourDynamic Super DOM is set with a target, stop, etc., you just may want to exit a trade for some reason. If so, select the yellow close button. DO NOT use the amManualATM when in an EMINISCALP PILOT auto trade. As I mentioned earlier, the amManualATM is only for manual trading when the EMINISCALP PILOT is in the disable mode and the red button is showing .

If the EMINISCALP PILOT and/or the amManual ATM is enabled from the strategy tab on the Control Center, or if listed as “true” in the parameter box, DO NOT use the DOM for trades. ALL trades will show on the DOM when taken by the EMINISCALP PILOT or amManualATM. You will have the ability to adjust your stop and target from the DOM though, if you so desire.

Shown below is a sample of what the strategy box looks like when you select the strategy tab form the Control Center.

Below you will see the EMINISCALP PILOT strategy box.

In regard to the News parameter, the screen shot below shows the 6 time areas. Using the News settings “News1 Start” and “News2Stop” you can keep the time setting in and just enable or disable with the “NewsEnabled1” below. Since all days do not have news at this time, just disable for the days that there is no news. This is more convenient that changing back to -00:00:01. When disabled, or “False” the EMINISCALP PILOT Auto Trade will trade normally. When set to “True” signals will appear if conditions permit, but no auto trades will be entered.

In the Parameter section of the strategy box you will notice 4 areas A,B,C and D. These areas refer to settings that can be input in regard to critical trade areas. They are set using the EminiScalp Intervals along with the On Chart Trade Area Study. Those who purchase the EMINISCALP PILOT will receive the EminiScalp Intervals as well as the On Chart Trade AreaStudy along with documentation explaining both and how to set A,B,C and D for optimum auto trading.