/ Forest Road
Hay on Wye


Please provide details for the main contact person:

Postcode/ZIP Code:
Telephone number(s):
Email address:
Name of tour:
Date of arrival: / Arrival time (if known)
Travel arrangements
(e.g. Arriving by train/vehicle/plane):
Do you require parking?

Please provide details for each member of your party:

Title / First name / Surname / Age / Height and/or standover height* / Bike preference**

*Standover height is the distance between the floor and your groin. The best way to measure it is to stand with bare feet with your back against a wall. Place a book between your legs as high as is (comfortably) possible. Carefully hold the book in place and measure the distance from the ground to the upper edge of the book. This is your standover height.

** We have a range of bikes available. For most tours a hybrid bike is most suitable but we also have touring bikes, mountain bikes, electric bikes and tandems available. Please contact us for advice or more information.

Do you have any special requirements or requests regarding the bicycles and/or cycling equipment?

e.g. Are you bringing your own SPD pedals, saddle or helmet?

Please indicate the type of accommodation required for your party:

Room Type / Single Room
(a room with one bed) / Double Room
(a room with 1 bed for 2 people) / Twin Room
(a room with 2 beds) / Family Room
(children sharing with parents) / No preference / other room type
Number of rooms of this type required:

Please provide details of any special dietary requirements (e.g. vegetarian) or food allergy/intolerance for each member of your party:

Please provide details for each member of your party of any medical conditions and/or any medication currently being taken:

This information will be treated in strictest confidence. We will only disclose medical information to a medical professional should you be taken ill or be injured during the course of your holiday, to ensure your safety and wellbeing.

Please indicate if you would like us to pre-book evening meals and/or packed lunches on this tour:

Packed Lunches / YES/NO / Evening Meals / YES/NO

Please note that you will need to pay the accommodation provider for packed lunches or evening meals at the time of your stay.

Please note that a deposit is required to secure your booking.

£75 per person for 2-3 night tours, £100 per person for longer tours.

Payment options

To pay by credit/debit card, please complete the following section and return the form by email, post or fax to 0870 705 9251. Payment can also be made by sending a cheque made payable to Drover Holidays.

I would like to pay the deposit of £ ______OR the full balance of £ ______

If your tour departure date is less than 6 weeks away, please note that the full balance is due when you book

Name of Cardholder
Card number
Start date / / / Expiry date / /
Issue number / CVC number*
(Switch only) / *last 3 digits on signature strip

Please sign below to indicate that you have read and agree to our terms and conditions, available at

Signature / Date

For office use only

Tour Booking Reference
Deposit Processed