A Federal agency has requested a list of providers who are providing customized employment and/or supported employment services that lead to individual integrated employment who can provide data that of their aggregate cases of individual integrated employment outcomes meet an average hours threshold of 20 hours or more. If you know providers doing individual integrated employment who you think can demonstrate through their organization’s data meeting this average hours threshold (in the aggregate for all the folks they are placing in individual integrated employment), please send them an email connecting them to me and asking if they would be willing to be added to a representative list for the Federal government of providers doing individual integrated employment.

Please note the following:

· No group SES is countable. We are talking the purest form of customized and supported employment that leads to individual integrated employment outcomes as described previously by ODEP.

· The providers do not have to demonstrate 20+ hours for every client they are supporting in individual integrated employment, but they do have to demonstrate an aggregate average hours worked/week among their clients in individual integrated employment as 20+.

· We are looking for providers who have demonstrated scalable service delivery/results.

Additionally, any feedback these providers could share on (a) how they seek reimbursement for and fund pre-employment integrated services (ie. Discovery, career planning, job development, etc.), either as SES or otherwise; and (b) the average percentage of clients they serve at a time in integrated pre-employment services versus the percentage of clients they are providing individualized SES to who are already in the workforce.

Timeline is aggressive – I got the call just now, and we need to respond by Tuesday. I need to vet all of these to make sure the meet the requested threshold, so it’s important I get the following:

· Provider Organization Name, Key Contact/Decision Maker who can provide this information, Contact Information; and

· Email Introduction from you if you are comfortable

Thank you in advance for prioritizing this request. We all have a lot on our plates, and I wouldn’t ask for this quick turnaround if it was not important and time-sensitive.

Thank you in advance!


Serena Lowe, Senior Policy Advisor

Workforce Development

Office of Disability Employment Policy

United States Department of Labor

200 Constitution Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20210

Room 1303


416 Hungerford Drive Suite 418 | Rockville, MD 20850

Phone: 301.279.0060 |Fax: 301.279.0075
