20th January 2016

Dear Parent

Please note the following arrangements:

Sports Programme by ‘Professional Coaching Providers’ (10 week sessions on Tuesday afternoons)

There has been a great response to the Physical/Literacy movement programmes Adventure Time & Kid Fit Club and these will begin next Tuesday 26th January ’16 for pupils who have signed up to the programme.

Adventure time (P2/3) will run from 1.40 pm – 2.40 pm and pupils staying for the programme will need to be collected at this later time of 2.40 pm (P2 pupils)

Fit Kid Club (P4-P7) will run from 2.40 pm – 3.40 pm and pupils staying for this programme will need to be collected at this later time of 3.40 pm.

Camogie Coaching by Armagh Camogie Board (P3/4 Girls)

The P3/4 girls will be participating in camogie coaching sessions with Armagh Camogie Board coaches for the next 12 weeks starting Monday 25th January as part of the normal school day. Girls will need to bring a camogie stick & helmet and wear PE gear.

Assembly by P5/6 (Mrs Smith’s class)

Mrs Smith class will be having their class assembly on Thursday 28th January at 10.00 am in the School Hall. Parents and Grandparents are welcome to attend.

Composite Classes:

Due to the set-up of our classrooms all pupils at some time in their primary school life here will be in a composite class eg P2/3, P3/4, P5/6 or P6/7. Therefore pupils in the P2 class going into P3 and pupils in the P5 class going into P6 each year are divided to ensure that class sizes are manageable for the teacher. The Board of Governors have decided that this division of classes will be by date of birth ie the oldest children will join the older class.


Please find enclosed an information leaflet on headlice and how to treat an incident should it occur.

Yours sincerely

P Loughran
