MOYVANE PARISH NEWSLETTER E-mail: Office ( 068/49308

Fr. Kevin McNamara, P.P. ( 087/6099930


Tues 15th 6.00pm Stations with Communion
Wed 16th 7.30am Lenten Mass / Fri 18th 7.30am Lenten Mass

Vigil and Sunday Masses: Sat March 12th and Sun March 13th

MOYVANE VIGIL: Sat 12th 7.30pm Maureen Kinane, Aughrim (Anni)

KNOCKANURE: Sun 13th 10.00am Chris Maloney, Swindon, Wiltshire (Rec Dec)

MOYVANE: Sun 13th 11.00am Nora & Joseph O’Connor & Pascal O’Rourke (Anni)

Weekday Masses: Monday March 14th to Sunday March 20th

Church of the Assumption Moyvane:

Mon 14th 7.30pm Mary & Joseph O’Connell, Listowel Road (Anni)

& Dec members of the O’Connell & O’Driscoll Families


MOYVANE: 7.30pm Our Emigrants


KNOCKANURE: 10.00am Kitty & Mossie Flaherty

Glenalappa (Anni) MOYVANE: 11.00am Deceased Clergy who

have Ministered in our Parish from its day of

origin to now.

Fri 18th 7.30pm James Beaton, Ahalahana (Anni)

Sat 19th 7.15pm HOLY WEEK – PALM SUNDAY

Assembling in car park for blessing of Palm and the official prayers and readings to begin our Holy Week. After this short ceremony we will go in procession to the Church with blessed palm crosses and begin our Vigil Mass.

VIGIL 7.30pm Noreen Scanlon, Inchamore (1st Anni) & husband John

KNOCKANURE 10.00am Jack & Betty Goulding, Kealod (Anni)

MOYVANE 11.00am Peggy Wallace, Aughrim (Anni)


PRIEST ON DUTY THIS SUNDAY: Fr. John Lawlor ( 087/6794112. Emergencies only.

ADORATION: KNOCKANURE: Tues 10am to 6pm. MOYVANE: Wed 10am to 7pm. All welcome.

OFFERTORY COLLECTION: Last weekend your contributions amounted to €1,483.23. Very many thanks.

PRAYERS AND SYMPATHY: To Eoin, Pauline and all the Hand Family on the death of Eoin’s brother Eamon l/o Dublin who died in South Africa. To the Woods and Nolan Families on the death of Lilly O’Donnell l/o Glin who died in New York and to the McEnery Family, Tubbertoureen on the death of their uncle Tom Sheahan who died in Glin. To Fr. Kevin’s cousins Kieran, Christine, Brendan, Martin & Kay and their Families on the death of their mother Chris Maloney who died in Swindon. May Eamon, Lilly, Tom & Chris Rest in Peace.

DO THIS IN MEMORY: We welcome Rachel, Niamh, Evelyn, Brona, Chloe, Jack and Tommy. All of the aforementioned made their First Confession in Knockanure Church on Thursday last. It was truly a very meaningful and beautifully celebrated celebration. Lovely to have parents there to witness their children receive their second Sacrament. Ms. McDermott, their teacher had their children very well prepared. Very many thanks to her and all involved. We welcome from Murhur NS Aoife, Caoimhe, Rebecca, Meave, Mikala, David, Eamonn, Muiris, Kiegan, James, Conor and Seάn. Their First Confession will be celebrated on Friday 22nd April at 4pm.

SHAMROCK: Beautiful Shamrock picked, God willing on the morning of the 16th from the rich soil of West Clare, will be available in abundance at the Vigil Mass and St. Patrick’s Day Masses. It will be blessed at the Vigil Mass and you can take it home. Believe me it is delightful Shamrock!


TARBERT GOOD FRIDAY SOUP KITCHEN in the Community Centre, from 11.00am to 2.30pm. Proceeds this year will go to the Ella Ahern fund, granddaughter of John & Teresa Ryan, Dooncaha, and the Stack Brothers. Your support would be greatly appreciated. For info or to make a donation ( Helen 49139.

“PROCLAMATION DAY” is this Tuesday 15th. It is a historic day as schools right across the country will raise the tricolor and read the proclamation. Our two National Schools are having special ceremonies to mark the day. Scoil Chorp Chrίost will commence their celebrations at 10.30am in the school and this will be followed by a short drama and refreshments at the Community Centre. Murhur N.S will start their celebrations at 2pm. The National Anthem will be sung and other performances. The schools own Proclamation will be read to reflect the values, ideals and aspirations of the generation of 2016. It is great that both schools have different times for these celebrations which give all of us an opportunity to maybe attend both or at least one to mark this great occasion. It happens only once every 100 years. Both schools have been very generous in inviting the whole community to attend. All are welcome.

KNOCKANURE COMMUNITY ALERT: Fundraising Irish Night at Flynns Bar on Fri night 18th. Music, Song & spot prizes. Tickets €3 each or two for €5. Please support. Info from Margaret Carmody 087/2976304.

MOYVANE DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION: Don’t forget Tree Planting event after 11.00am Mass today (Sun) Bruach na Gaille entrance to Woodwalk: AGM in the Marian Hall on this coming Tuesday @ 9pm.

New members/New ideas most welcome. All welcome.

CARE OF THE AGED: Meeting in Marian Hall Monday 14th March @ 7.30pm.

CHIROPODIST: in the Marian Hall on Wed 16th March @ 10.30am. To book please phone Eileen at 49472.


A famous heiress keeps her priceless collection of jewels in the vault of a large bank. One of her prize possessions is a very valuable string of pearls. It is a scientific fact that pearls lose their original luster if not worn once in a while in contact with the human body. So, once a week, a bank secretary, guarded by two plain clothes men, wears these priceless pearls to lunch. This brief contact with the human body keeps them beautiful and in good condition. Our faith is a lot like the pearl. It must be used in order to be useful. It must be worn out among family, friends and neighbours where faith and hope are needed. Thursday next, St. Patrick’s Day is an ideal time for all of us to look at the priceless heirloom we have in our Faith. It was brought to us at great cost by St. Patrick. He came to Ireland at a time when we couldn’t fax Rome for instructions, or call the Bishop for permission to travel. All he had was his faith in God and the conviction that God had called him to walk again with the Irish. The Faith St. Patrick left in Ireland and was a joyful and celebratory Faith and it was the first time that being Christian had not been synonymous with being Roman. He spoke vigorously against slavery well before others came to believe slavery to be wrong. He treated all, including women, with respect and honor. When the light went out all over Europe, a candle still burned in Ireland. That candle was lit by Patrick. In fact, there is an old legend that promises that on the last day, while Christ will judge all the others nations, it will be St. Patrick sitting in judgement on the Irish! How sad it would be if the year 2016 saw Ireland celebrating St. Patrick’s Day with parades, green beer and shamrock and ignoring the lovely message Patrick brought to us all those years ago. That message was how much God loved each and every one of us and how He is always present to heal, to bless and to guide us. Thank you for being the generous people who are still holding onto the message of St. Patrick. Go dtabharfadh Naomh Pάdraig an neart dύinn gaol nίos lάidre a bheith againn le Dia. Lά Fhéile Pάdraig.


It’s a great blessing to encounter a kind and compassionate person when we are most in need. But it is equally very hurtful to encounter people who are judgmental and cruel. In the Gospel this weekend we meet the beautiful compassion and forgiveness of Jesus and the awful anger and hatred of the Scribes and Pharisees. They looked at the woman’s sin and they wanted to stone her. They did not look at their sins whi was to put the woman and Jesus to death. He wrote their sins on the ground and they all left and He forgave the woman and gave her a new beginning.