22nd January 2014
2.15pm to 3.30pm
Chaucer Centre Room C
(Please note due to time constraints we will aim to start at 2.15pm and finish at 3.30pm)
Attendees:Kaye Beeson, Service Manager SEN, Disabilities and Inclusion LBM (Programme Manager C&F Bill)
Gary King, Project Manager C&F Bill
Claire Higgins, School Rep, St John Fisher Primary School
Hugo Summerson, Parent Rep
Karen Akroyd, Language and Learning Support Team Manager, SENDIS
Lia Malta, Parent Rep
Ruth Chandler, Royal Marsden
Yvette Edwards, Parent Rep
Suzanne Warwick, SENCO Rep, Wimbledon Chase
Apologies: Taniya Hussain, Parent Rep
Steve Childs, Melrose Special School Headteacher
Melanie Pheasent, Parent Rep
Jonathan Brown, Service Manager, Learning Disabilities, Adult Social Care
Gunny Lenz-Mulligan, Parent Rep
Georgie Tyrrell, PETIT Manager, SENDIS
Gail Richfield, Parent Rep
Elaine Killerby, Principal Educational Psychologist, SENDIS
Dr Mohammed Shamsudoha, Parent Rep
Christina Percias-Taif, Parent Rep
Stacey Simmons, SENCO, Sherwood Primary School
Sam Green, Merton CCG
Allison Jones, Service Manager, Early Years, LBM
April McDevitt, Parent Rep
1)Feedback from workstream members re EHCPlans – Positives(not sub group members) / Initials / Actions
- Southampton plan clear
- Hartlepool – person centre approach positive
- Emma Plan – blended education and health together well
- East Sussex – setting out of personnel very clear
- Discussions to whether EHCP’s will look the same throughout the ages of the C&YP, as Health care plans look the same throughout.
2)Sub Group Findings – Feedback & draft (attached)
- Merton EHCP based onHartlepool & Southampton format.
- Ethnicity was an issued raised at Sub Group meeting.
- Principleswere discussed and how they demonstrate involvement from parents in the EHC Plan, however it was clarified that level of details re involvement is contained in the Assessment Framework & EHC Plan document rather than the Principles.
4)Draft EHCP (Merton)
Page 1
- Active section remains blank and up for discussion, word active to be taken out.
- Date to be added to table to show when professional have contributed.
- All professional involved in the C&YP should be included, past and present as parents may not be aware of all involvement with their child.
- Helps make the transfer to another borough easier, as evidence can be gathered from correct professional.
- There are mixed feelings towards the circle of support.
- It is felt that this is a personal thing to parent and the C&YP.
- Suggested that views from Young People are to be gathered to see if they feel the circle of support is useful.
- Provision needs to be very specific in the EHCP, universally for parents not clear of who does what and when, which can become stressful for the parent.
- Detailed discussion with regards revisions to Plan (See Appendix A)
- Breakdown is needed of what is provided
- Steps (to be changes to How can outcomes be achieved)
- By whom
- How we get there
- By when
- Specific Provision/How/Details
- How will we know progress has been made to this target (to be moved to the front)
- Strengths should come before part 4
- Amendments to be made to EHCP and sent out to members.
- Discussion surrounding finalising EHCPlans
Agenda Item next meeting KB/SM
5)Next Steps
- Draft sent to members to take forward
- Amendments completed on EHCP Draft and to be sent by email so can be discussed at various meetings/groups
Next Meeting – 10th February 12pm to 1.30pm
Chaucer Centre Room A