Getting to know our members…

Please meet Dave Schaeffer.

Most of you know my better half, Lynn, who has endured me for 39 years of marriage ( and for several years prior to that). During college, I always told Lynn I was going to be a farmer and a pharmacist. I am a graduate of Canton South and Ohio Northern University.

We have lived up the street from the church since 1983 on the farm. Lynn and I personally built the house and buildings (barns) on the property.Her bio acknowledged that we have two wonderful children and their spouses, two grandchildren and she forgot to mention the two grand-dogs.

I have been employed at Rite Aid for the past 45 years as a pharmacist. I currently serve on the Board of Directors for the Stark County Humane Society, belong to the Robertsville Grange, and am a member of local and state pharmaceutical associations.

My hobbies include: camping, boating, and of course, fire trucks. My appreciation for the fire house began when I served as an arson investigator and a training instructor in Canton Township. I enjoy spending my time off with my family, and especially Lynn - whether we're scooping manure or are on vacation.

Say hello to Davetoday!

~Leadership Roster~
Mark Cook - Chairman of Elders
Phone: 330- 866-9375
Email: / Charlie Reed - Chairman of Deacons
Phone: 330-323-9375
Email: / Paul Fox, Jr. - Chairman of
the Board
Phone: 330-495-4082
May 21, 2017
Attend / Offering Totals
8 a.m. Worship / 51
Sunday School / 58
Main Worship / 169 / $3,468.00
Budget Needed Weekly / $3,755.92
Faith Promise $290.00 / $19,887.00
Faith Promise Pledge / $21,000.00
Amount Needed Weekly / $403.85
~Building Vision Fund~
Clay Pot Amt. $16.00 / $617.00
Scrap Metal $0 / $3,033.00
Paper $0 / $230.98
Debt Reduction $16.00 / $20,107.98

May 28, 2017

The Lord's Day

8368 Hill Church Street, SE

East Canton, Ohio 44730


"Like" Us on Facebook

Terry Bailey, Minister


Caleb Bailey, Youth Minister


Sunday Services

8:00 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. - Worship

9:15 a.m. - Sunday School

6:00 p.m. - Social Time

6:30 p.m. - Adult Bible Study

6:30 p.m. - Youth Group


Worship Leader Sarah Bailey


Meditation Scott Sanders

Offering Prayer Jeff Burner


Washing Fritz Haines


Usher Archie Sanders

Usher Craig Yoho

Usher Chris Fallot

Usher Gary Wellendorf

Jeff Burner

Joe Costello

Paul Fox, Jr.

Fritz Haines

Rick Mohr

Josh VanVoorhis

Order of Worship


Time of Silent Prayer

Scripture Ecclesiastes 1:11

A Time for Praise

Praise Team

A Time for Prayer

What a Friend We Have in Jesus

(Please pass your Prayer Cards to the aisle)

Review of Prayer Concerns and Prayer

A Time for Preaching and Response

Special Music-Flo Shephard

Message - Remembrance

*Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus

A Time for Remembrance

and Giving

Revive Us Again

(All Christians are welcome to partake)

Why Should He Love Me So?



Birthdays and Anniversaries


*Father, I Adore You

* Congregation please stand if able

Today's Activities

No Evening Activities

Sign up today to man the congregation's booth at the festival on June 10.

Upcoming Activity Dates

May 30 at 6:00 - Barn Clean up

May 30 at 6:30 - Golf Meeting

June 3 - Card Making Workshop

June 4 at 1:00 –Metzger’s Park Picnic (lunch provided); regular youth if inclement weather

June 13 - Fireside Chat

June 18 - Men's Bible Study at 6:30

June 21 at 6:30 - Christian Education Committee Meeting.

Additional Information

Pantry items for June are paper products such as paper towels, toilet paper, paper plates, etc. and cleaning supplies such as bleach, Ajax, Lysol, etc. There is a box across from the office for your donations. Thank you!

Open invitation to Kasey Haines' graduation party on June 2 - 5pm to 10pm at the Haines Residence 3333 Neimans Ave E. Canton.

Women's Ministry will host a card making workshop on June 3 from 10am to 2pm. Please contact Mary Sanders at 330-323-7809 for details.

June 13 at 6:00Fireside Chat - meal and childcare provided - New members and those interested in becoming members attend this first session to explain our congregation's doctrine, programs vision and structure.

Golf Outing on June 17 to benefit IRCC mission Trip to Colombia at Wilkshire Golf Course. Cost is $75 per golfer or $300 for a foursome. Please call the church office to register. See fliers at our Welcome Center for more information.

June 18 - Men's Bible study at 6:30 in place of regular Bible study. Father's Day not included.

Nursing Homes

Ethel Adkins – St. Joseph’s

Joyce Carroll -Canton Christian Home

Carolyn King - Hospitality House

Marion Lowery - St. Joseph's

Gary Young

Prayer List

Inez Anderson

Ava and Jase

Baby Mae

Dale and Ella Bailey

Pat Barnhouse

Jodi Beavers

Ethan Bennett

Willard Berkebile

Dick Borne

Jane Long Dye

Betty Foltz

Family of Doug Johnson

Paul McCarty

Family of Jeanie Meade

Kathy Mitchell

Manny Nieto

Tom Parker

Sherri Oberly

Barb Posatiere

Amanda Rinehart

Archie Sanders

Sharon Savage

Elmer Snider

Jack Spencer

Bessie Stanojevic

Nolan Taylor

Kim Tekip

Tim Thorn

Todd Westfall

Continuing Needs

Jim Beavers

Dick Borne

Helen Cross

Mark Demos

Sue Halsey

Darlene Krider

Kathy Mitchell

Steve Phillips

Sophia Rae


Annika Shankle

Reagan Terry

Logan Trizna

Denise VanVoorhis