Political Novels Fall 2013

Mrs. Bzdawka email:

Cambridge High School Room 108 phone:(608) 423-4345 ext. 3108


Course Description

This class aims to discover what human nature is and how man has attempted to control it by examining a variety of novels that criticized and condemned society. Students will situate the literature within the political climate of the time to gain an understanding of topics such as utopias/dystopias, survival, genetic engineering, and governmental control. Students will be required to keep up with the readings and engage in discussions based on the themes and concepts introduced in the texts. Additionally, students will individually and collaboratively analyze literature through essays, presentations, cumulative tests, and projects.


  1. Binder with Dividers – (Minimum 1”) A binder is necessary to keep track of all handouts and assignments
  2. Sprial Notebook – You will need this for daily bellwork/journals and reading logs
  3. Notebook/Paper – Please make sure you have paper for daily assignments
  4. Textbook/Novels – You need to bring your textbook or novel we are reading to class every day. I will NOT give passes for forgotten books.
  5. Writing Utensils – I do not care what you use to take notes. I do ask that all assignments that are handed in be written in pencil or blue or black ink only.
  6. Flash Drive – Please have this with you to save your work when writing papers or projects.

Common Courtesy Reminders

  1. Food/Drink –NO food is allowed in the classroom. You may have drinks; screw top bottles only.
  2. Restroom – Please use the restroom between classes.
  3. Cell phones and electronics – Cell phones and other electronic devices are not to be out during class. If they are, I reserve the right to take them until the end of class. You will also be written up for a minor infraction.
  4. Trash - Please throw away trash before or after class; not during class.
  5. Show respect for your classmates and for me. Nothing else should interfere with this behavior. Individual distractions will be dealt with on an individual basis.


  1. Be Respectful
  2. Follow classroom rules
  3. Respect the rights of others to learn
  4. Use appropriate language at an appropriate volume
  5. Focus on the teacher/speaker and/or classroom activity
  6. Remain seated until teacher dismissal
  7. Be Responsible
  8. Attend class daily and on time
  9. Be prepared and in your assigned seat ready to learn before the bell rings
  10. Participate and remain attentive
  11. Use classroom time wisely
  12. Report any and all inappropriate behavior
  13. Clean up after yourself
  14. Be Safe
  15. Treat yourself and others with respect
  16. Follow all classroom safety guidelines
  17. Keep your hands and feet to yourself
  18. Use materials appropriate


Failure to follow the classroom expectations or district code of conduct will result in the following disciplinary actions:

  • First minor infraction – Verbal Warning
  • Second minor infraction – Classroom behavior record #1
  • Third minor infraction – Classroom behavior record #2 and parent contact
  • Fourth minor infraction – Classroom behavior record #3 and office referral

Assignments and Grades

  1. Assignments – All assignments need to have your name and the block written in the top right hand corner of your paper. Make sure your name and period are on worksheets or handouts.
  2. Essays – Typed essays will follow MLA formatting. We will review this in class.
  3. Late Work – You are responsible for your work being turned in complete and on time.
  4. Assignments are due when I ask for them. Anything turned in after I collect papers is considered late and will generate a 0 in the grade book.
  5. You may turn in late assignments. Each assignment will lose 10% for each day it is late.
  6. The lowest score a late assignment can get is 59% - some points are better than no points!
  7. If the assignment is not turned in by the posted due date after a unit, it will be recorded as a permanent 0.
  8. Assignments are updated and posted on the school website.
  9. Please fill out an explanation for late work sheet whenever you are turning anything in late, even if your absence has been excused.
  10. Participation – You are required to participate in discussion at least twice a class period. In addition, you will keep discussion questions and points in your notebook, which will be picked up for participation grades.
  11. Papers and Projects (Major Assignments)
  12. If you are gone the day a major assignment is due, the assignment still needs to be turned in. You may email it to me, upload it to the Moodle website, or give it to someone in the office to put in mailbox. It is late if it is not turned in on the due date. In extreme circumstances, you may turn it in the day you return. Please see me before or after school if needed. I do check attendance records.
  13. You may choose to revise one major writing assignment a semester. It must have been turned in on time, and it must be rewritten within two weeks of the day they are returned to you. You must conference with me before rewriting the paper.
  14. Grades - Keeping track of your grades is your responsibility. Grades are updated regularly on Skyward.

Your grade will be determined as follows, following the Cambridge grading scale.

Classwork/Homework – 25%

Quizzes – 20%

Tests/Major Projects/Essays – 35%

Participation – 20%

Final - 20%of your overall grade


  1. It is your responsibility to get makeup work.Please see me before or after school, or you may ask a trusted classmate. You may also check Moodle.
  2. Being gone the day before a major or long-term assignment is due, or the day it is due, does NOT excuse you from turning in the assignment on time. Please see above for a longer explanation.
  3. School related absences or absences planned in advance – You need to get assignments BEFORE you are going to be gone. Assignments are due when you return or the due date, whichever comes first.
  4. Per district policy, students with excused absences will have one makeup day for each excused absence day, except for major assignments for which you have known the due date in advance.

*I reserve the right to change or modify any policies and procedures. Any changes will be communicated to you in advance.

Academic Integrity

Plagiarism is using another’s words or ideas, intentionally or unintentionally, without properly crediting the author of those words or ideas. It is a serious academic offense. In order to avoid plagiarism, students must acknowledge sources in both written and oral work. Students must accept responsibility of assuring that they avoid plagiarism. If they are ever in doubt, students are responsible for checking with their teacher. Even if the plagiarism is unintentional, the penalty for plagiarism is a zero for the assignment. Mrs. Bzdawka reserves the right to give the student another chance on the assignment, depending on the severity or intention of the plagiarism.

Mrs. Bzdawka’s Honor Code

I, ______, do hereby fully understand and agree to the following terms, policies, procedures, and conditions as set forth in Mrs. Bzdawka’s English class and Honor Code:

I will not cheat/plagiarize in Mrs. Bzdawka’s English class including, but not limited to all tests, homework assignments, quizzes, papers, and all in-class work;

I will discourage others from cheating on their work;

I acknowledge and fully understand that if I am caught cheating/plagiarizing or helping others to cheat/plagiarize, it is not my teacher’s/school’s fault, nor my parents’/family’s fault;

I acknowledge and fully understand Mrs. Bzdawka’s procedures for late work and missing assignments;

If I am struggling with my English work, I will seek help from Mrs. Bzdawka either before or after school;

I acknowledge and fully understand that I am solely responsible for all the consequences of my choices, thoughts, and actions in Mrs. Bzdawka’s English class.


(Student’s printed name)(Student’s signed name)(Date)

The signature below verifies that I have read and understand the syllabus and policies for Mrs. Bzdawka’s class.


(Parent signature)(Date)