Claim Form /

Please indicate which fund you are claiming from:

Strategic Investment Fund / Skills Development Fund / World War One Fund
Small Project Fund / Capital Fund / Recognition Fund
Partnership Fund

Please return your completed form (and supporting documentation) to: Investment Manager, Museums Galleries Scotland, Waverley Gate, 2-4 Waterloo Place, Edinburgh, EH1 3EG or (must include an electronic signature).

MGS reserve the right to withdraw any project funds where complete final claim forms are not submitted within two months of the agreed project completion date.

Organisation Name
Application Reference Number
Project Title

Type of claim

Interim / Full / Final

Did you claim 25% of your award at the time of accepting your award?

Yes / No

Is this current claim the first you have submitted since that initial 25% claim?

Yes / No / Not applicable, I did not make an initial 25% claim

If you answered yes to both of the above questions, you must ensure that this claimlists(and includes supporting documentation for)all expenditure covered by that 25% as well as for any additional expenditure you now wish to claim for.


All payments will be made by BACS. Remittance advices will be issued by e-mail to confirm when a payment has been made.Please contact the Finance Manager, , 0131 550 4117, if you need provide BACS details or check that our records are up-to-date.

Please detail expenditure

Supplier / Item / Work carried out / Amount £(excluding VAT) / VAT £ (only to be completed if you cannot reclaim VAT) / Total £
Total Expenditure / £
Total Claim This should not exceed the percentage / amount agreed within the original award letter. / £

Supporting Documentation

You must attachinvoices for all project costs to this claim form.

For project expenditure that does not generate an invoice you should send one of the following:


-extracts from your payroll systems

-proof of internal charges for work undertakenor expenses

-interim or final certificates for capital works

Your claim cannot be processed without this documentation.

On occasions, we may also ask for additional evidence of payment in the form of bank statements or print outs from your financial system. However, these are only required if specifically requested by MGS after you have submitted your claim.

Conditions on completion

Any conditions on completion contained within the original award letter should be fulfilled before the full payment can be made. Please indicate if conditions of completion have been satisfied and attach any relevant documentation. Failure to fulfil may lead to payment being withheld.

Yes / No (interim claim only) / No (there were no conditions on completion in original award letter)

Evaluation Report

If this is a full/final claim you must complete an End of Project Report. Please contact Investment Manager Gillian Simison at for a report form.

Failure to submit a report may lead to payment being withheld.


This must be signed by a senior member of your finance department (Local Authorities/Universities) or Treasurer (Independent/Regimental). The person signing the declaration must not be the same person designated Project Manager, within the application form.

I claim £from MGS and certify that the above account(s) have been paid and that all the necessary documents, required to process the payment, are attached.
Signed: / Date:


We are keen to hear from you about your experience of applying to and using our investment programme. Please tell us about anything we could do better or differently.
What can we do to improve our investment programme?