(Please follow links in the titles for original posting and further details)
Trifecta Events
· Trifecta Spring Celebration- Thursday, May 14, 2015 12:00-1:30 pm. Communication Arts and Sciences Room 182 -404 Wilson Road
Dear Colleague Letter: Future Directions for NSF Advanced Computing Infrastructure (ACI) NSF 15-053
This Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) invites proposals to fund conferences that identify needs for advanced computing infrastructure in support of future computational research as well as the role the National Science Foundation (NSF) should play in providing such support in the time frame 2017-2020 as well as longer term.
Energy Department’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory Unveils New Crowdsourcing Website for Building Technologies
Administered by the Department's Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), the new site, buildings.ideascale.com, will help technology innovators collect, share and evaluate input from customers and other stakeholders about next-generation building technologies. Open through May 31, 2015.
Energy Department Launches Competition to Drive Innovations in Wave Energy
The Energy Department today announced the opening of the registration period for the Wave Energy Prize competition that aims to double the state-of-the-art performance of wave energy conversion (WEC) devices over the next two years. Teams must be registered by June 15, 2015.
Reminder: NIH Policy on Application Compliance NOT-OD-15-095
Be mindful that non-compliance can have serious consequences. NIH may withdraw any application identified during the receipt, referral and review process that is not compliant with the instructions in the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide, the Funding Opportunity Announcement, and relevant NIH Guide Notices.
New OSP and CGA FAQs
Full of useful information! You may want to peruse it periodically for updates.
Frequently Asked Questions on the National Science Foundation’s Implementation of 2 CFR § 200 (Uniform Guidance)
MSU Sponsored Projects’ Proposal Deadline Policy
College of Engineering’s Proposal Processing Timeline
Completed proposals must be provided to OSP at least three full business days prior to the sponsor's deadline to be considered on time. On-time proposals will take precedence over those considered late. Thank you for your continued cooperation and commitment to improving the process of proposal review, approval and timely submission.
1) NSF 15-566 EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement Program Track-1: (RII Track-1) NSF 15-566
2) Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Technologies Research, Development, and Demonstrations DE-FOA-0001224
3) Bioengineering Research Grants (BRG) (R01) PAR-13-137
4) Cybersecurity Innovation for Cyberinfrastructure (CICI) NSF 15-549
5) Early Stage Development of Technologies in Biomedical Computing, Informatics, and Big Data Science (R01) PA-14-155
6) University Coalition for Fossil Energy Research DE-FOA-0001267
7) Positioning System for Deep Ocean Navigation (POSYDON) DARPA-BAA-15-30
8) FY 2015 Economic Development Assistance Programs Application submission and program requirements for EDA’s Public EDAP2015
9) Data Synthesis Grants – Award Year 2015
10) FY 2015 Rapid Innovation Fund (541711) HQ0034-15-BAA-RIF-0001A
11) Molecular Imaging of the Lung - Phase 2 (R01) RFA-HL-16-001
12) Research and Development of Innovative Technologies for Low Impact Hydropower Development DE-FOA-0001286
13) RAM (Restoring Active Memory) Replay DARPA-BAA-15-34
14) Fulbright Global Flex Award 6001
15) Innovative Systems for Military Missions DARPA-BAA-15-27
1) NSF 15-566 EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement Program Track-1: (RII Track-1) NSF 15-566
Research Infrastructure Improvement Track-1 (RII Track-1) awards provide up to $4 million per year for up to 5 years to support physical, human, and cyber infrastructure improvements in research areas selected by the jurisdiction's EPSCoR steering committee as having the best potential to improve future R&D competitiveness of the jurisdiction.
2) Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Technologies Research, Development, and Demonstrations DE-FOA-0001224
The Fuel Cell Technologies Office (FCTO) is a key component of the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) portfolio. The FCTO aims to provide clean, safe, secure, affordable, and reliable energy from diverse domestic resources, providing the benefits of increased energy security and reduced criteria pollutants and green-house gas emissions by adopting a technology neutral approach toward applied research, development, and demonstration to address both key technical challenges for fuel cells and hydrogen fuels (i.e. hydrogen production, delivery and storage) and institutional barriers such as hydrogen codes and standards. This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) covers a broad spectrum of the FCTO portfolio with areas of interest ranging from research and development (R&D) to demonstration and deployment projects.
Deadline: full proposal due June 04, 2015
3) Bioengineering Research Grants (BRG) (R01) PAR-13-137
The purpose of this FOA is to encourage bioengineering research grant BRG applications that: 1) apply a multidisciplinary approach to the solution of a biomedical problem; and 2) integrate, optimize, validate, translate or otherwise accelerate the adoption of promising tools, methods and techniques for a specific research or clinical problem in basic, translational, or clinical science and practice. A BRG application may propose design-directed, developmental, discovery-driven, or hypothesis-driven research and is appropriate for small teams applying an integrative approach that can increase our understanding of and solve problems in biological, clinical or translational science.
Deadline: June 05, 2015
4) Cybersecurity Innovation for Cyberinfrastructure (CICI) NSF 15-549
Advancements in data-driven scientific research depend on trustworthy and reliable cyberinfrastructure. Researchers rely on a variety of networked technologies and software tools to achieve their scientific goals. These may include local or remote instruments, wireless sensors, software programs, operating systems, database servers, high-performance computing, large-scale storage arrays, and other critical infrastructure connected by high-speed networking. This complex, distributed, interconnected global cyberinfrastructure ecosystem presents unique cybersecurity challenges. NSF-funded scientific instruments are specialized, highly visible assets that present attractive targets for both unintentional errors and malicious activity; untrustworthy software or a loss of integrity of the data collected by a scientific instrument may mean corrupt, skewed or incomplete results. Furthermore, often data-driven research, e.g., in the medical field or in the social sciences, requires access to private information, and exposure of such data may cause financial, reputational and/or other damage.
Deadline: June 06, 2015
5) Early Stage Development of Technologies in Biomedical Computing, Informatics, and Big Data Science (R01) PA-14-155
The NIH is interested in promoting a broad base of research and development of technologies in biomedical computing, informatics, and Big Data Science that will support rapid progress in areas of scientific opportunity in biomedical research. It is expected that this research and development is conducted in the context of important biomedical and behavioral research problems. As such, applications are intended to develop enabling technologies that could apply to the interests of most NIH Institutes and Centers and range from basic biomedicine and including research to all relevant organ systems and diseases. Major themes of research include collaborative environments; data integration; analysis and modeling methodologies; and novel computer science and statistical approaches. New opportunities are also emerging as large and complex data sets are becoming increasingly available to the research community. This initiative aims to address biomedical research areas in biomedical computing, informatics, and Big Data science through the early stage development of new software, tools and related resources, as well as the fundamental research (e.g., methodologies and approaches) leading up to that development.
Deadline: June 06, 2015
6) University Coalition for Fossil Energy Research DE-FOA-0001267
The objective of this Funding Opportunity Announcement is to establish and administer a University Coalition for Basic and Applied Fossil Energy Research and Development. This includes establishing an initial, technically sound base membership and providing a mechanism for flexible addition of new members in the future. The Coalition will be operated by a fully accredited U.S. college or university, or group of universities, with the majority of the Research and Development funds to be utilized by university and academic members to perform basic and applied fossil energy related research projects.
Deadline: June 08, 2015
7) Positioning System for Deep Ocean Navigation (POSYDON) DARPA-BAA-15-30
DARPA is soliciting proposals for the Positioning System for Deep Ocean Navigation (POSYDON) program to develop an undersea system that provides omnipresent, robust positioning. DARPA envisions that the POSYDON program will distribute a small number of acoustic sources, analogous to GPS satellites, around an ocean basin.
Deadline: June 11, 2015
8) FY 2015 Economic Development Assistance Programs Application submission and program requirements for EDA’s Public EDAP2015
Under this FFO, EDA solicits applications from applicants in rural and urban areas to provide investments that support construction, non-construction, technical assistance, and revolving loan fund projects under EDA’s Public Works and Economic Adjustment Assistance programs. Grants and cooperative agreements made under these programs are designed to leverage existing regional assets and support the implementation of economic development strategies that advance new ideas and creative approaches to advance economic prosperity in distressed communities. EDA provides strategic investments on a competitive- merit-basis to support economic development, foster job creation, and attract private investment in economically distressed areas of the United States.
Deadline: June 12, 2015
9) Data Synthesis Grants – Award Year 2015
The Gulf Research Program seeks innovative ideas on the use of existing data collected in the Gulf of Mexico and associated coastal communities to advance understanding of environmental conditions, ecosystem services, and community health and well-being, including community vulnerability, recovery, and resilience. The data derived from different sources or collected for different purposes have the potential to be synthesized and integrated to obtain novel insights or to increase the generality and applicability of scientific research.
Deadline: LOI due June 15, 2015
10) FY 2015 Rapid Innovation Fund (541711) HQ0034-15-BAA-RIF-0001A
The goal of the Rapid Innovation Fund is to transition innovative technologies that resolve operational challenges or save costs into acquisition programs. The DoD seeks mature prototypes for final development, testing, evaluation, and integration. Those selected for award may receive up to $3 million in Rapid Innovation Funding and will have up to two years to perform the work.
Deadline: white paper due June 15, 2015 (3:00pm EST)
11) Molecular Imaging of the Lung - Phase 2 (R01) RFA-HL-16-001
This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) invites Research Project Grant (R01) applications to develop novel in vivo imaging technologies using molecular probes that target pathways or cells involved in the pathobiology of pulmonary diseases. The long-term goal of this program is to develop novel molecular imaging entities and approaches that facilitate early detection and diagnosis of lung disease, enable noninvasive monitoring of lung disease progression and prognosis, and accelerate progress of cell-specific drug delivery and therapies.
Deadline: June 15, 2015
12) Research and Development of Innovative Technologies for Low Impact Hydropower Development DE-FOA-0001286
DOE will solicit innovative ideas to harness hydropower that can be rapidly built, removed, and replaced when necessary. Applicants will be encouraged to provide new concepts for alternative hydropower systems that will lower costs of civil infrastructure development, can be deployed in a maximum of 2 years with relatively low environmental impacts, and can be removed or replaced after their intended life is completed. These concepts and systems will be able to operate at a cost that is competitive with traditional sources of generation.
Deadline: full proposal June 15, 2015
13) RAM (Restoring Active Memory) Replay DARPA-BAA-15-34
The DARPA RAM Replay program is interested in investigating memory replay with respect to the consolidation of episodic memories and newly learned skills, and how these memories are recalled and utilized by humans during subsequent task performance. Respondents to this BAA must propose novel approaches to quantitatively model various parameters associated with human memory replay, and to utilize this model in the development of interventions that assess quality of replay and enable and improve associated memory recall during operationally relevant tasks.
Deadline: June 16, 2015
14) Fulbright Global Flex Award 6001
The Fulbright U.S. Scholar Global Flex Award provides U.S. academics and professionals with the flexibility to engage in advanced regional or trans-regional research and/or teaching. As a truly worldwide award, U.S. scholars will be able to collaborate and engage in scholarly activities in two or three countries in one or more regions.
Deadline: August 03, 2015
15) Innovative Systems for Military Missions DARPA-BAA-15-27
The Tactical Technology Office (TTO) of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is soliciting executive summaries, white papers and proposals for advanced research, development and demonstration of innovative systems for military missions. This solicitation seeks system and subsystem level technologies that enable revolutionary improvements to the efficiency and effectiveness of the military.
Deadline: April 27, 2016 (4:00pm EST)
All deadlines listed in this announcement indicate the agency’s due date. Please adjust your PPF submission to account for the new deadline policies.
DER Proposal Processing Form (PPF)