Agency Costs
Jan 2016
Enquiry 14
Please find below the response to your recent Freedom of Information enquiry from Weston Area Health NHS Trust.
- How much money was spent by the Trust on employing nursing staff from agency (nursing staff, including health care assistants, nursing auxiliaries, nursing assistants etc) from 01 January 2015 to 31 December 2015?
Weston Area Health NHS Trust has spent £2,160K employing agency nursing staff between the 01 January 2015 until 31 December 2015.
I trust that your request has been satisfactorily answered, but I should advise you that you have the right to complain about this response by reference to the complaints procedure of the Weston Area Health NHS Trust, in which case you should write to me at this email address.
If you remain dissatisfied with the decision of the Trust following your complaint, you may write to the Information Commissioner, whose address is:
Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF.
Yours sincerely,
Jo Ward
on behalf of Gillian Hoskins
Associate Director of Governance and Patient Experience
Weston Area Health NHS Trust
Telephone: 01934 647002
Enquiry 15
Please find below the response to your recent Freedom of Information enquiry from Weston Area Health NHS Trust.
The names of all recruitment agencies you have used to recruit temporary nursing staff since 23rd November 2015.
Total Assist
Robin recruitment
Your World Nursing
Platinum Nursing
Plan B
I would also to know how many shifts filled since the pay caps were introduced have fallen outside of Monitor guidelines.
364 shifts have been outside of the cap rates.
I trust that your request has been satisfactorily answered, but I should advise you that you have the right to complain about this response by reference to the complaints procedure of the Weston Area Health NHS Trust, in which case you should write to me at this email address.
If you remain dissatisfied with the decision of the Trust following your complaint, you may write to the Information Commissioner, whose address is:
Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF.
Yours sincerely,
Jo Ward
on behalf of Gillian Hoskins
Associate Director of Governance and Patient Experience
Weston Area Health NHS Trust
Telephone: 01934 647002
February 16
Enquiry 16
Please find below the response to your recent Freedom of Information enquiry from Weston Area Health NHS Trust.
1. How many permanent positions for doctors did the trust undertake recruitment to fill in 2015?
22 - Permanent
2. What was the trust’s total spend on recruiting doctors in 2015?
£20,101 including relocation and agency introduction fees.
3. What was the average length of time taken to fill vacant doctor posts in 2015?
We are unable to answer this question as we do not record this information.
4. What was the trust’s total spend on employing locum doctors in 2015?
5. What was the trust’s total spend on employing locum doctors to cover unfilled permanent posts in 2015?£3,225,133.23
6. What was the trust’s total spend on locum agency fees, for the recruitment of doctors, in 2015?
I trust that your request has been satisfactorily answered, but I should advise you that you have the right to complain about this response by reference to the complaints procedure of the Weston Area Health NHS Trust, in which case you should write to me at this email address.
If you remain dissatisfied with the decision of the Trust following your complaint, you may write to the Information Commissioner, whose address is:
Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF.
Yours sincerely,
James Gardener
on behalf of Gillian Hoskins
Associate Director of Governance and Patient Experience
Weston Area Health NHS Trust
Telephone: 01934 647002
Enquiry 17
1) How many applications has your trust made to increase its ceiling for agency nurse spend? 0
2) How many of these applications were successful? 0
Questions on the agency pay caps – specifically regarding nurses – as per the rules introduced on November 23, 2015:
3) On how many shifts has your trust overridden the rules for hourly rate agency caps – specifically for nurses - since the rules were introduced? 461
4) Across how many weeks have these breaches (in question 3 above) occurred? 11 weeks
5) How many band five nurses has your trust overridden the rules for? 461
6) How many band six nurses has your trust overridden the rules for? 0
7) How many band seven nurses has your trust overridden the rules for? 0
8) How many band eight nurses has your trust overridden the rules for? 0
I trust that your request has been satisfactorily answered, but I should advise you that you have the right to complain about this response by reference to the complaints procedure of the Weston Area Health NHS Trust, in which case you should write to me at this email address.
If you remain dissatisfied with the decision of the Trust following your complaint, you may write to the Information Commissioner, whose address is:
Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF.
Yours sincerely,
James Gardener
on behalf of Gillian Hoskins
Associate Director of Governance and Patient Experience
Weston Area Health NHS Trust
Telephone: 01934 647002
March 16
Enquiry 18
Please could you send me the agency locum spend for the trust for the last financial year. I would like the spend for doctors only.
Please include the agency spend in each specialty breaking it down into the different grades (SHO, Middle Grade, Consultant).
LevelMedicine*Surgery**Anaesthetics/ITUGynaePaediatrics/CAMHSDermatology Haematology ED/
CT1/2£189,575.55£85,854.37£35,516.25£1,744.82£74,119.14 £113,471.73
Spec Dr£14,973
Cons£484,134.11£91,875.78£,1320£16,942£357,808£70,102£161,767.50 £49,435.96 £11,793.75
Please could you also provide the spend on introductory fees for doctors for each specialty based on Doctors taken onto NHS contracts.
During the financial year 14/15 the Trust spent £62,910.85 on Agency Introductory fees, this was for the Emergency department, we did not appoint agency introductions to other specialties during that year.
I trust that your request has been satisfactorily answered, but I should advise you that you have the right to complain about this response by reference to the complaints procedure of the Weston Area Health NHS Trust, in which case you should write to me at this email address.
If you remain dissatisfied with the decision of the Trust following your complaint, you may write to the Information Commissioner, whose address is:
Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF.
Yours sincerely,
Jo Ward
on behalf of Gillian Hoskins
Associate Director of Governance and Patient Experience
Weston Area Health NHS Trust
Telephone: 01934 647002
Enquiry 19
April 16
Please find below the response to your recent Freedom of Information enquiry from Weston Area Health NHS Trust.
I would like the following information under the Freedom of Information Act
- How much spend on agency and bank workers for 2015?
Under Section 1 the Trust is unable to answer this as the figures have not yet been calculated until the year end.
- How much spend on agency and bank workers for 2014?
- How much spend on agency and bank workers for 2013?
- Total cost of Staffing: Full time, part time, Agency, Bank and other for 2015?
Under Section 1 the Trust is unable to answer this as the figures have not yet been calculated until the year end. It will be available within the annual report
- Total cost of Staffing: Full time, part time, Agency, Bank and other for 2014?
This information can be found at within the relevant year
- Total cost of Staffing: Full time, part time, Agency, Bank and other for 2013?
This information can be found at within the relevant year
- The number of shifts filled by agency and bank staff in December 2015 in hospitals under the agency price cap rules ?
- How many of (answer 7) were breaches of the new pay caps that recently came into effect.”?
- The person and theemail of the person responsible for temporary staffing.
The Trust does not provide details of staff below the level of Associate Director via FOI. All managers can be approached using their job title by telephone on 01934 636363.