Please Enter Your 2017-18 Proposed Lodge Name Here

Please Enter Your 2017-18 Proposed Lodge Name Here

Please enter your 2017-18 proposed lodge name here:

Click or tap here to enter text.


Office of Housing and Residential Education



Questions should be directed to Josh Feng (), Mayfield Living Learning Lodge Graduate Program Coordinator or RC Stabile (), Area Coordinator of Highland Quad.

Please have the contact person email your lodge’s completed application


to Josh Feng (), Mayfield Living Learning Lodge Graduate Program Coordinator AND RC Stabile (), Area Coordinator of Highland Quad with the subject line Mayfield Project Application – PROJECT NAME. The Mayfield Project selection committee will provide updates on your lodge’s progress to the contact person.

Should you experience any trouble with the application form itself, please reach out to Josh and RC via the e-mails provided above. In the subject line, please state “MAYFIELD APP Trouble.”


Office of Housing and Residential Education



The Program: The Office of Housing and Residential Education will set aside an appropriate number of Mayfield Lodges from the usual "lottery" assignment process for groups of ten students whose proposals for Living Learning Lodges are approved by a selection committee for assignment to Lodges for the 2017-2018 academic year.The residents of each of the Living Learning Lodges will be living together to achieve a specific educational or service-learning purpose based upon the idea that a meaningful learning opportunity involves both experience and critical reflection.Lodge residents are expected to construct and participate in a year long, structured learning experience.

Program Goals: The Living Learning Lodges provide opportunities for students to develop an understanding of and appreciation for living in a residential learning community.First, a community of ten students – with the help of the lodge’s faculty/staffadvisor – sets specific learning goals, articulates a plan or project for achieving those goals, documents their activities in a monthly report, and evaluates their accomplishments with the Mayfield Living Learning Lodge Program Coordinator in a monthly meeting.To assist in evaluating the quality of the program, participants are expected to complete the Quality of Life Survey and other research instruments. Second, Mayfield Living Learning Lodge residents will be expected to participate in programs on community development and/or service learning, as relevant to their needs and as directed by the Mayfield Living Learning Lodge Program Coordinator/Highland Quad Area Coordinator.Third, through their projects, students will come to understand what membership in a residential learning community means.

Proposed Project Themes:Proposed project themes should not overlap with the programs offered by the McGill Project or with the current target languages (Spanish, German, French, Chinese, Japanese, Italian, and Russian) of the McTyeire International House (note: students wishing to study other languages and cultures are welcome to apply for the Mayfield Living Learning Lodge Program).

Groups are encouraged to draw members from a variety of schools, majors, classes and cultural, racial, religious, and ethnic identities. A Lodge can house members of any gender. Each Lodge must have an advisor who is either a faculty member or an approved Vanderbilt University official, and who is committed to playing a key role in helping students reflect on what they are learning.

Over the last several years, many of the Mayfield Living Learning Lodge proposals have involved community service themes.Examples of the themes chosen by Lodges for previous years include: Education and the Digital Divide, Multiculturalism through the Arts, and Exploration of Medical Ethics. All groups, whether directly related to community service should reach the Service-Learning Supplement found on page 5 of this application.

Please Note:Several years ago, the Mayfield Living Learning Lodge Selection Committee made a recommendation to the Office of Housing and Residential Education to encourage groups to submit thematic proposals based upon topics other than community service.In the program’s history, some of the strongest Mayfield Living Learning Lodges have focused their themes on academic as well as service-centered projects.

Liability Waivers:Each and every member of a group must sign the liability waiver included in the application packet.If a member is under 18, the member's parent or legal guardian must sign the waiver.


Office of Housing and Residential Education



Program Requirements:By accepting an offer of assignment to a Mayfield Living Learning Lodge, each and every member of the Lodge makes a commitment to participate in the program of activities outlined in the group's proposal. This participation includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Participating in special programs, such as Orientation & the Annual Mayfield Showcase, organized for the benefit of Mayfield Living Learning Lodge residents.
  • All members of a lodge will hold a lodge position (Mayfield Council Rep, Treasurer, PC Liaison, etc.) to be assigned upon acceptance.
  • Assisting with the preparation and dissemination of monthly reports documenting the Lodge’s activities and programs.
  • Involving the Lodge’s faculty/staff advisor in significant and continuous ways.
  • Completing the required assessments and other research instruments.
  • Sharing what you have learned with other projects in the Mayfield Living Learning Lodge Program and the Vanderbilt community proper.
  • Agreeing to pay dues of$30 per year to support Mayfield community activities at the Fall Orientation. Lodges will submit one lodge check for $300 addressed to Vanderbilt University.
  • Actively supporting community building activities, including engaging the efforts of The Mayfield Council.

Failure to meet this commitment and/or to meet the requirements of the Mayfield Living Learning Lodge Program may result in the reassignment of individuals or an entire group to available spaces on campus. Such reassignment will be made at the discretion of the Residential Education professional staff members. Individuals or groups who fail to meet program requirements will be formally warned, after consultation with the Mayfield Lodges Program Coordinator and Highland Quad Area Coordinator, by the Assistant Director for Residential Education and be given an opportunity to improve their performance during a specified probationary period.


Office of Housing and Residential Education



The Mayfield Living Learning Lodge application process requires (1) the submission of a written proposal and (2) an interview with the selection committee. If more than 30 applications are submitted, a screening committee of faculty, staff, and students will select 30 applications for the interview process. In completing Mayfield Living Learning Lodge proposals, applicants should be as detailed as possible in order to provide the selection committee with the information required to make a sound decision in the selection process. The instructions and guidelines below have been developed to assist students in the thorough completion of proposals. Students should meet with Josh Feng () Mayfield Living Learning Lodge Program Coordinators, before submitting the final proposal.

Instructions for Mayfield Living Learning Lodge Proposal Form:

1)The contact is the student participant who will serve as the liaison between the participants and the Office of Housing and Residential Education throughout the application process.This person will be responsible for submitting the proposal and related documents.Should a group change its contact person for any reason, it is the responsibility of the group to inform Josh (Program Coordinator) and RC (Area Coordinator).

2)The statement regarding the focus of the proposed Mayfield Living Learning Lodge should describe the program's theme or general area of interest and indicate a departmental affiliation, if any. Examples include the arts, history, world religions, cultural awareness, etc.If several departments are involved in the project, all should be listed.

3)The application item relating to Residential Education’s Guiding Principles should be expanded upon to not only identify a primary area of focus, but also to go deeper in providing a detailed account of how this project will not only benefit the 10 members of the lodge, but their peer lodges, the Vanderbilt Community, and local and global communities.

4)An advisor is required for each interest area. (An "interest area" may consist of one or more Lodges.) Desired advisors are those who have faculty status, although administrators may be considered as advisors. Participants selecting non-faculty advisors should consult the Mayfield Program Coordinators before contacting their proposed advisor. Participants may wish to consult appropriate deans and department chairs before beginning to recruit their advisors. By providing your anticipated advisor’s contact information on page 10 of this application you are acknowledging that you’ve spoken with this advisor and that they have agreed to serve in such capacity. The Mayfield Program Coordinator and Area Coordinator will reach out to the advisor you list for confirmation. Do not wait until the last minute to seek out an advisor.

5)Participants in a Lodge may be of any gender. All of the participants must complete individual statements of interest and commitment. For educational purposes, groups are encouraged to achieve as much diversity as possible, recruiting members of the various classes; from the several undergraduate schools; from among a variety of majors; and from a variety of cultural, racial, religious, and ethnic identities.

6)The selection committee will interview three to five representatives from each group in February. Some helpful hints: Interviews will be based upon the submitted application. The committee will ask questions about what the members of the group hope to learn from their experience of living in a residential learning community. What sorts of transformative experiences, skills and knowledge will you gain from participating in this project?How will you measure and evaluate what you have learned? Why do you need to live together in a Lodge to complete this project?


Office of Housing and Residential Education



TO:Mayfield Living Learning Lodge Applicants

FROM:Joshua Feng, Mayfield Living Learning Lodge Program Coordinator; RC Stabile, Area Coordinator of Highland Quadrangle; Matthew Sinclair, Assistant Director of Residential Education; Traci R. Ray, Director of Residential Education.

SUBJECT:ServiceLearning at Vanderbilt and the Mayfield Living Learning Lodges

Frequently, we receive applications for Mayfield Living Learning Lodges from groups interested in pursuing community service projects. In the past, many groups have submitted proposals that merely outlined action plans for community service projects. Generally, these groups were not selected for assignment to Mayfield Living Learning Lodges by the Selection Committee. Why? Such proposals did not meet the selection criteria or purposes of the Mayfield Living Learning Lodge program.

There is no doubt that in community service the old idea that "experience is the best teacher" is true, assuming that we reflect critically upon that experience. We often learn more about ourselves, others, and our local communities by volunteering our time and efforts to creating some good that would not otherwise occur. This is the purpose behind the Mayfield Living Learning Lodge program: not simply to do good, but to arrive at a better understanding and deeper insight in the process of doing that good. Unlike traditional classroom learning, however, the Mayfield Living Learning experience will challenge you to see the connection between service to your community and the knowledge that you gain about yourself and your community.

It is clear that service gives volunteers a chance to contribute and to "give something back" to their communities. But the Mayfield Living Learning Lodges are not just service projects. This program attempts to engage community service more broadly as an opportunity to learn; it occurs under the direction of a university, and the first purpose of any university is higher education. If you want to contribute only your time and resources to this community, there are plenty of worthy opportunities outside Vanderbilt, and please feel encouraged to pursue them.

Therefore, as a participant in a servicelearning project you need not only to identify the service you seek to provide various groups within the local community, but most importantly, you need to identify the learning goals you seek to accomplish during your project. You will be held responsible for evaluating on a regular basis throughout each semester whether or not you have achieved those learning goals, what you have actually learned from your service, and the ways you might revise your learning goals in light of the realities of service to various groups of people. You also will be held accountable for continually working with your Faculty/Staff Advisor to refine and enhance the possibilities of learning through community service.

So, it is important that you not only see those that you work with as clients or the less fortunate who need your help.You must also approach them as your teachers, asking yourself, "What have I learned from serving them?"Likewise, you should approach each opportunity for service as a teachable moment, asking yourself, "What have I learned from this situation?" You may well find that you do not possess the skills and knowledge required for success in your community service project and must receive additional training. You may have to ask yourself, "What must I learn to help realize the goals of this project?"

To begin this process of reflection, you must meet with the community service agency with whom you will work before submitting your proposal. Make sure that your proposed program is practically feasible and that the agency can help you learn what you need to learn to be successful. The Mayfield Living Learning Lodge Program Coordinator and your Faculty/Staff Advisor can assist you in identifying learning objectives and help you enhance and enrich your Living Learning experience.

You may be clear about the personal qualities that you have to bring to a service project. The Mayfield Living Learning Lodge program is intended to challenge you to clarify and articulate what you can take away from a servicelearning project.


Office of Housing and Residential Education


  1. Contact Name:Click or tap here to enter text. Hall: Click or tap here to enter text. Room #: Click or tap here to enter text. Cell Phone:Click or tap here to enter text.

School: Click or tap here to enter text.Major: Click or tap here to enter text.Class:Click or tap here to enter text. Email: Click or tap here to enter text.

  1. Project Title: Click or tap here to enter text. Advisor: Click or tap here to enter text. Dept: Click or tap here to enter text.
  2. Supporting Materials:
  1. ☐Statement of Purpose, Goals, & Programs B. ☐Faculty/Staff Advisor(s) contact information
  1. ☐Individual statements of interest and commitment by participants (10)
  1. Participants (Please Type):

NAME / VUnet ID / Gender / School / Major / Class / Hall / Room # / Cell Phone
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