Saturday 1st October 2016
Venue: / High Wycombe Judo Centre, Barry Close, High Wycombe, Bucks, HP12 4UE
Tel 01494 461838 Email:
Eligibility: / This tournament is for men and women aged 15 years and over holding a valid BJA full licence
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4 / Male Novice to Green Belts U66, U73, U81, U90, U100, +100
Male Blue/Brown Belt U66, U73, U81, U90, U100, +100
Female Novice to Green Belts U52, U57, U63, U70, +70 (if +70Kg state actual weight)
Female Blue/Brown Belts U52, U57, U63, U70, +70 (if +70Kg state actual weight)
Weighing In Times: / Groups 1, 3 and 4 08.15 to 09.00hrs
Group 2 Only 10.30 to 11.15hrs
Male competitors must weigh-in wearing competition acceptable judogi trousers, 0.5kg allowance.
Female competitors must weigh in wearing competition acceptable judogi trousers and plain white T-shirt, 0.6kg allowance.
Method of Competition: / Pools, KO and Repechage or double KO – all dependent on numbers
BJA rules will be strictly adhered to throughout the tournament.
Please Note /
  • Where numbers are insufficient, some weights may have to be combined.
  • Groups will not be combined unless agreed by the Competition Controller and the players involved.
  • If there is a large disparity in weights in the + categories, then extra weight categories will be created

Please produce a valid full BJA or an affiliated association licence when booking in. Unfortunately we are not able to allow participation without a valid full licence nor are we able to refund entry fees.
High Wycombe Judo Centre has an on-site café and only food and drink purchased from our café is permitted to be consumed in our social area. No food or drink (only drinking water) is to be taken into the do-jo.
Entries: / Entry by online submission at
Or by postal entry (See postal form)
ENTRY FEE: £18.00 Spectators fee on the day - Adults £4.00 Children Free
LATE ENTRY FEE: £23.00 (fees non-refundable)
Grading / Time and numbers permitting there will be a grading
(Theory up to 1st Kyu and a 1st Kyu to 1st Dan grading) for those who have entered the Championships

Saturday 1st October 2016
Forename: ______Surname:______
Postcode: ______Tel: ______
DOB: ______Age:______Email: ______
Group: ______Weight Category: ______(please state actual weight if in + category)
BJA Licence Number: ______
Grade:______Date of Last Grading:______
 Please tick if you would like confirmation of receipt of your entry by e-mail
 Please tick if interested in grading
CLOSING DATE: 23rd September 2016, Maximum entry 140

Please enclose your entry fee of£18.00 (£23.00 for late entry) per compet