**Please consider the environment before printing this entire document as it exceeds 20 pages!**
Market Management
Application of Policy Document
Market Location
Market Timings
Stall Applications
Restrictions on Items for Sale
Site Sizes
Site Fees
Fee Payment
Upfront Payments
On the Day Payments
Food Stalls
Documents on Display
Food Safety Program
Food Tasting
Food Labelling
Children’s Amusements
High Risk Children’s Amusements
Stallholder Communication
Stall Equipment Requirements
Lighting and Power
Gas Equipment
Vehicle Movement On and Around the Site
Setup & Onsite
Vehicle Movement & Pack Down
Waste and Rubbish Removal
Exceptional Circumstances
Fire Permits
Market Management
Established in 2002, the Nagambie Lakes Community Market (NLCM) is a community event runtosupport a wide range of activities within the Nagambie community. Operating on the first Saturday of each month plus extra markets to coincide with community and tourism events,the market runs with the aim of providing market visitors with a wide range of products and services in a family friendly environment.
Application of Policy Document
This policy applies to all stallholders regardless of their legal status or business structure. It applies to all stallholders in the market, both potential and current.
Market Location
The market is located in the centre median strip of High St Nagambie, immediately adjacent to the main shopping precinct. The location is VicRoads property, managed by Strathbogie Shire.
Market Timings
Below are the timings for normal markets. If speciality markets are added to our calendar the timings for those will be advised separately.
6.30amAccess to site available
8.30amAll stallholders to be onsite and ready to trade by this time
9am to 1pmTrading time – no setting up or packing down during this time – even if you have sold all your product
1pm to 2.30pm Pack down time
2.30pmAll stallholders to be offsite
Stall Applications
All stallholders are required to complete & submit an application form. This is available at Attachment 1 of this document. Application forms are to be submitted via email or post. It is a legal requirement that we hold an application form (and applicable documentation) for all stallholders.
Each application is assessed on its merits and the composition of other approved market stalls, so as to have a well balanced mix of items. Stallholders will be advised of the success or otherwise of their application, and whether they are placed on a waiting list based on the composition of the market at that time.
On occasion, new applicants may be advised that they can sell some but not all of their nominated product range (particularly when a stallholder has a large range of products they wish to sell). This is to reduce the occurrence of multiple stalls with the same items which has been a problem in the past.
Stallholders are advised to await confirmation of the result of their application as all applications are subject to approval. Applications will be assessed as they are received and stallholders will be notified as soon as practical (usually within one week of being received).
Once a stallholder secures a site, they cannot change the products offered at their site from those detailed on their application. Please be very specific about what you intend selling as you will not be permitted to add to your product list unless you complete another application form.
The market is looking for stalls that deliver a note of difference in order to offer a wide variety of products to the public.
Restrictions on Items for Sale
The market prohibits the sale of certain items:
- Restricted,prohibitedoroffensivegoods.
- Goodsthatdonotmeetnationalorstateregulationsorstandards.
- Dangerous,anti‐socialoroffensiveitemsincludingpornography,drugparaphernaliaor weapons (genuineorreplica).
- Second hand electrical items, regardless of whether these items have been checked and certified by a qualified electrician.
- Any item that may confuse the end user as to how the product may be used. This may be due to the product itself or to the packaging it is contained in (for example raw milk).
Site Sizes
A standard site is 3 metres x 3 metres (standard Marquee size). Multi sites are available. Where a stallholder requests multiple sites, these sites must be located together.
Sites are normally located immediately adjacent to other sites (no gaps in between). Given the landscape of the market location, there may be occasion for some gaps to occur due to the location of the trees and other park facilities. Wherever possible, site locations will be placed to utilise the maximum space available without stallholders being impacted by these other facilities.
Site sizes do not include any space for vehicles – if your site requires a vehicle to be located immediately adjacent or a vehicle is your site (such as a small van or trailer) then please speak to the market coordinator about what size site you will need to request before submitting your application.
Trucks will be reviewed on a individual basis depending on the type and size of truck – so please contact the Market Coordinator and ask what size site you will need to have prior to sending in your application.
Site Fees
3 metres x 3 metres (1 site):$25
6 metres x 3 metres (2 sites):$40
9 metres x 3 metres (3 sites):$55
6 metres x 6 metres (4 sites):$70
9 metres x 6 metres (5 sites):$85
9 metres x 9 metres (6 sites):$100
Site fees are payable either in advance or on the day of the market. In the case of special markets, such as the March market which coincides with the Nagambie on Water Festival, all stallholders will be required to pay in advance. Where payment for a special event market is required in advance, stallholders will be advised of this when making their booking.
Anyone potential stallholder requiring a site other than a size listed above should contact the Market Coordinator for a price on the desired stall size prior to making you application.
Normally refunds will only be provided in exceptional circumstances. If you believe exceptional circumstances exist, you may apply in writing, explaining your reason for such a request. Supporting documentation may be required based on the circumstances of the refund. Refunds will only be provided to stallholders who have paid in advance.
If a refund is approved, it will be for 75% of the actual site fees paid.
Any such refund will be at the discretion of market management.
If a stallholder has paid in advance and subsequently notifies the market coordinator that they are unable to attend for a particular market they have paid for, they are able to defer the payment for a period of up to three (3) months, after which time a refund will be considered.
Upfront Payment
The appropriate fees for your stall can be paidupfrontvia bank deposit. If you pay your fees via bank deposit then a copy of the bank deposit slip, or if done electronically the receipt of transfer must be provided.
If your site fee & insurance (where applicable) is being made by bank deposit, the account into which you must make your payment is:
BSB: 083798
On the Day Payments
Preference is for payments to be made in advance. Where payments are made on the day, a receipt will be provided.
The Market Coordinator, Shire of Strathbogie and any other individual or group associated with or assisting in the running of the market either directly or indirectly accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage to any person’s property or goods during the running of the market.
To ensure that stallholders are protected whilst in attendance at the market, they are required to have Public Liability Insurance (minimum of $10 million dollars).
All stallholders are required to provide proof of insurance prior to attending the market.
If you do not have your own stallholder insurance, you will be required to purchase insurance from the market operator. There are restrictions to this so please speak to the Market Coordinator before assuming you are eligible to purchase insurance from us.
Food Stalls
Under the Food Act 1984, it is a requirement for all Food Premises to be registered with their local council, this includes temporary premises at public events. All premises must ensure that they comply with the Food Act and Food Safety Standards. This will ensure the public receives food that has been prepared and stored in a manner that stops it being contaminated or spoiled. It is the responsibility of the stallholder to ensure the food they provide to the public is safe. They must ensure that all the food handlers are aware of the requirements when handling and preparing food for sale.
Any site that sells food of any kind must have a valid Streatrader registration (Food Registration Certificate). For the purposes of a Streatrader Registration, “FOOD” includes the following:
- Anything that people eat or drink
- Live, raw, prepared or partly prepared food
- Live animals and plants
- Ingredients of a food, including additives to a food
- Drinks, including water, alcohol, milk, tea, coffee, fruit juice and soft drinks
- Chewing gum, including ingredients and additives
A copy of your Food Registration Certificate (not a Statement of Trade) must be provided at the time you submit your application form. (If you are unsure as to whether Streatrader applies to you, please contact your local council for more information.) Streatrader applications can be completed at:
Documents on Display
Your Statement of Trademustbe clearly displayed as part of your site during the event. Your Food Registration Certificate must also be available at your stall siteshould the appropriate authority be conducting an inspection and request to view this document.
All sites that include the preparation and/or cooking of food (normally classed as 2 with regards to their food permit) are required to have current food handling certificates on display. The certificates on display must be for people actually working on the site on the day of the event.
Food Safety Program
Each stallholder is responsible for ensuring that a current Food Safety Program covers all the activities that are occurring on their stall. This may be through the Food Safety Program that they have for a registered Food Premises with additional sections for their temporary food premises. For those premises without a Food Safety Program, you may download the applicable template for your stall at:
If you are unable to download a copy of the template from the website, contact the Environmental Health Officer (or similar) at your local council.
The Food Safety Program for your stall must be onsite as you may be asked to show this to the Strathbogie Shire Environmental Health Officer, Market Coordinator or any other authorised person at any time during the market. The relevant record sheets should be completed and be able to be provided on request.
The Food Safety Program is not the Application for a Temporary Food Premises. The Food Safety Program is the document that outlines what the stall needs to do with regards to food safety. Both the Food Safety Program and Application for a Temporary Food Premises must be completed for each stall.
Temporary stalls deemed Class 2 during their Application for a Temporary Food Premises, must have a Food Safety Officer unless they comply with one of the following:
- Use a Quality Assurance Food Safety Program prepared under a declared QA code, or
- Is a community group running a food premises for an event for only 1 or 2 days duration, where those handling the food are all or mostly volunteers.
Class 3 or 4 stalls do not need a Food Safety Officer; however, the person in charge of the stall must ensure all staff have the skills and knowledge to handle food safely in the work environment provided.
Stalls which sell food or consumables are required to ensure that they are complying with correct food handling procedures at all times and have correct labelling (as per Food Act 1984). The Market Coordinator, the Strathbogie Shire Environmental Health Officer, or any other authorised personhave the authority to test food or consumables during the market for correct storage temperatures & labelling (as required by Streatrader and any food registrations you may have), and this information will be made available to the Shire of Strathbogie Environmental Health Officer. Should a less than acceptable situation by identified, the stallholder will be notified and advised of any rectification processes required.
All potentially hazardous food must be kept under strict temperature control:
- All food requiring chilling must be stored in a cool-room or refrigeration unit at a temperature at or below 5°C. Cooler boxes (such as eskies) are not appropriate for events longer than 4 hours (except for the purposes of canned soft drinks or bottled water).
- All food must be cooked to a minimum of 75°C and then stored in a Bain Marie capable of maintaining a temperature of 60°C or above.
- Any food on display which is not stored as required above, must be clearly marked “Display Purposes Only” and cannot be offered for sale or otherwise provided to the public.
- Any food storage device which requires a specific temperature to be maintained, an appropriate thermometer must be available and clearly visible for inspection purposes during the event.
Food Tasting
Where food for tasting is provided the following guidelines MUST be followed:
- Only small amounts are to be on display
- Covers should be provided for the food when not in use
- Do not allow customers to serve themselves. Provide toothpicks
- High risk foods must be chilled/served hot
- High risk foods requiring refrigeration not to remain on display for more than four hours
- Keep display portions small and change on a regular basis.
Food Labelling
All food sold in packaging, regardless if the stallholder prepared the item or not, requires the following minimum labelling information:
- The name and address of the business (who made the item)
- The ingredient list
- Lot / batch no (or date made)
- Date marking (use by or best before date)
- Nutrition information panel (commercial businesses only)
Children’s Amusements
Where a stall includes children’s amusements or activities of any kind, including rides, face painting, tattooing, craft or anything which involves the stallholder either supervising or potentially touching a child as part of the operation of the stall, all persons working on that stall must have a Working With Children’s Card (WWCC).
If the stall is being run for benevolent purposes, i.e. that all of persons on that site are working voluntarily (not for money) for the purposes of raising funds for a registered not for profit or community organization, the WWCCs can be a Volunteer type card - clearly designated with a “V” on the card. Where persons working on the site are “employed” whether that means direct employment or it is their stall (self employed) then the type of card must be “E” or Employment type of card.
Any person requiring a WWCC must provide a copy of their WWCC with the application form. Where theperson/s to being employed on the stallare not known at the time the application is submitted, copies of the WWCCs for those persons must be provided no later than the Wednesday immediately preceding the market. Any site which includes children’s amusements which does not provide copies of WWCCs will not be permitted to operate at a market until such time as this matter is rectified.
It is also mandatory that any person working on a stall who requires a WWCC to work on the stall, have their WWCC in their possession at all times during the operating hours of the event. The Market Coordinator or an authorised representative have the right to randomly check WWCC’s during the course of the market.
Any person unable to show their WWCC on the day of the event, will not be permitted to work at the event – NO EXCEPTIONS.
High Risk Children’s Amusements
If the activity is deemed high risk, such a jumping castles and similar such amusements, the stall will require risk assessment documentation to be provided. This documentation is required at the time of making your application.
From time to time, there may be the situation where a stall providing alcohol may be permitted to trade at the market.
Such stalls will be required to provide a copy of their Liquor Licence at the time of applying.
Such stalls are also required to comply with the same regulations for food stalls and are required to have a valid Streatrader registration. Such stalls are not eligible to purchase insurance from the market.
During the operation of such stalls, the Liquor Licence applicable to the stall is to be clearly displayed.
Stallholder Communication
All stalls are required to provide as part their application, a contact mobile phone number and (preferably) an email address. Should the person or the contact details change prior to a market from that supplied on the application form, current information is required no later than the Wednesday immediately preceding themarket.
This contact number must be available in the days leading up to the market and on the day.
This information is mandatory – it is required by event management and emergency services (police, fire & ambulance) as it forms part of our Event Management and Emergency Plan.
Stall Equipment Requirements
All equipment required to operate a stall is required to be provided by the stallholder. Such equipment must be in a serviceable nature which provides no foreseeable danger to any persons attending the market. Any equipment which is later found to be the cause of any incident will negate your insurance.
If a marquee is part of the equipment on a stall, it must be secured down by some sort of weighted device – no pegs allowed. Whatever you require for that weighted device, be that water, sand or something else, you are required to supply that yourself.