Post:EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT(maternity cover)
Closing date: Thursday16thNovember 2017 at 9.00am
Please note interviews are planned to take place on27thNovember 2017
This form should be returned to:
Museums Galleries Scotland (Attn: Recruitment), Waverley Gate, 2-4 Waterloo Place, Edinburgh, EH1 3EG
Please note that details supplied on this form may be held in electronic and paper files for administration purposes only during the recruitment process. We retain recruitment files for six months following the date of interview, after which they are shredded and disposed of.
All information provided by applicants will be treated as confidential. Additional information may be attached on extra sheets if necessary but please note that CVs will not be accepted in lieu of a completed application form. Canvassing directly or indirectly in connection with the appointment disqualifies.
Please complete the form in black ink for photocopying purposes.
First name:
Post code: / Tel. (home):
Tel. (work): / Tel. (mobile):
Museums Galleries Scotland strives to be an equal opportunities employer and welcomes applications from all sections of the community. We welcome applications from disabled people and will make reasonable adjustments necessary for candidates to participate on equal terms in the recruitment process and fulfil the duties of the post if selected.
I certify that the statements and information provided in this application are, to the best of my knowledge, correct.
Signed: / Date:If you require this application form in an accessible format, e.g. large print please contact our main office on 0131 550 4100.
Are you able to travel to meet the requirements of the post? YES NO
Do you have legal permission to work in the UK? * YES NO
* You will be asked to provide documentary evidence if called for interview. We will provide guidelines.
Tertiary Education (College, University)
Institutions / Subjects / Results/GradesOther Qualifications and Training
Details / QualificationsMembership of Professional Body
Name of Institute/Professional Body / Class of Membership / Length of AdmissionSecondary Education
Particulars of School Attended and Exams / QualificationSECTION 3: EMPLOYMENT
Present or most recent employment
Name of employer:Address:
Job title:
Dates of employment:
Notice required:
Final salary/wage:
Brief description of duties and responsibilities (up to 150 words):
Reason for seeking other employment:
Previous Employment
(In reverse chronological order - add extra rows if required)
Employer's Name and Address / Dates / Job Title and Brief Details of DutiesSECTION 4
Experienceand Suitability for the Post
Summarise below any experience, skills or training you have which are relevant to the post and indicate the qualities which you would bring to the position.
Give the name and address of two referees, at least one of whom should be relevant to your most recent employment.
Reference 1 / May contact be made prior to an interview? YES NOName:
Relationship to you:
Reference 2 / May contact be made prior to an interview? YES NO
Relationship to you:
Equal opportunities monitoring form
Please note that details supplied on this form may be held in electronic and paper files for administration purposes only during the recruitment process. We retain recruitment files for six months following date of appointment, after which they are shredded and disposed of.
Museums Galleries Scotland (MGS) has an equal opportunities policy. MGS is monitoring details of applicants' sex, ethnic origin, marital status, age and disability so that we can ensure that our recruitment is fair and does not discriminate against any group. We would be grateful therefore if you would complete this form.
The information provided in the monitoring form is not used in the selection process. It is used purely to monitor the effectiveness of MGS’s Equal Opportunities Policy.
The selection and interview panels do not see the information contained in these monitoring forms.
Age:Country of residence:
Where did you hear about this post?
For the below three questions, please select one answer for each:
1Gender Male Female
2Marital StatusMarried Unmarried*
Ethnic origin questions are about colour and ethnic group. UK citizens can belong to any of the groups listed.
3What is your ethnic group? Choose one section from A to E, and then tick the appropriate box to indicate your cultural background.
A: White / B: Mixed / C: Asian, Asian Scottish, Asian English, Asian Welsh, or other Asian British / D: Black, Black Scottish, Black English, Black Welsh, or other Black British / E: Other ethnic backgroundScottish / Any Mixed background / Indian / Caribbean / Any other background
please state here / Pakistani / African / please state here
Other British: / Bangladeshi
English / Chinese / Any other Black background
Welsh / please state here
Other / Any other Asian background
please state here / please state here
Other White background
please state here
Access requirements
Museums Galleries Scotland welcomes applications from all sections of the community. We welcome applications from disabled people and will make reasonable adjustments necessary for candidates to participate on equal terms in the recruitment process and fulfil the duties of the post if selected.
Museums Galleries Scotland would be grateful if you could provide the following information. You do not have to disclose any disability, but if you do, you will be protected under the terms of the Equality Act 2010 and will allow Museums Galleries Scotland to make any reasonable adjustments necessary to the recruitment process and to provide any auxiliary aids or support necessary for you to fulfil the duties of the job.
Name:Do you consider yourself to be a disabled person under the terms of the Equality Act (2010)?
If yes, what is the nature of your disability?
Do you have any disability-related access requirements? (e.g. BSL / English Interpreter, accessible premises to attend interview, information in an alternative format or other adjustments?)