FC Progress Reports
Faculty Collaboratives
Winter/Spring 2014-2015
Please complete and send to Susan Albertine bythe following dates:
January 30th; March 27th; April 24th; May29th; June 26th
Please indicate in your email if we may post your report to the public Toolkit.
Date submitted:
Submitted by:
Progress toward goals for current reporting period:
Planning for Contingent, new, and contract Faculty / As reported last month, the Utah FC met on July 7th to determine the purpose of the workshops and their content. Included will be the introduction of contingent, new, and regular faculty to the national dialog on creating a quality general education program which includes the ELOs, DQP, HIP, and inclusiveness. The application of Tuning will be used to determine learning outcomes, assessments, well-articulated skills in student learning, and intentional curricula.Gap Analysis / We met with the General Education Task Force (GETF) on August 17th and the FFs asked the GETF members to identify five people on their campuses to participate in focus groups to be held in various regions of the state. The GETF members are waiting to receive these lists. Many faculty are still away and will return within the next week. Thus, we wait. As we said in the last report, the workshops will be developed to address institutional needs and will use the ELOs, DQP, HIPs and inclusivity to think about quality in GE and student-learning.
The GETF spent much of its time working on the agenda for the ‘What is an Educated Person?’ conference. The theme this year is on the diversity of our changing student demographics, how we are teaching, do we know they are learning, and what we must change to support the success of more diverse students. The elements of the conference – teaching strategies, the DQP, HIPs, etc.- will work themselves into our FC workshops. As typical of Utah, we tie our efforts together so that all of our work converges and informs these efforts.
Determining materials and certification / We are still sorting this out and will continue to do so.
The Hub / See below. Dan has worked out a scheme that will serve the Utah FC very well. It is clear, intuitive and will contain everything we need to support a successful project. He will present the Hub design to the liaisons next week while lazy Teddi is vacationing in Vancouver. Below is the design which lazy Teddi screwed up when trying to copy it to this report.
Please describe any current challenges you are facing in meeting your FC Project goals:
Suggestions or Questions for AAC&U FC Staff:
None right now.Below is the budget report for this first year.
Goals will be updated as we learn from the focus groups and as we test our workshops. We also will be informed by our ‘What is an Educated Person?’ conference.