Please complete all fields and email completed form to

Jenissia Jeanty, and cc Yasmin Davis, .

Details / Additional Notes
Name & Email
Phone Number
Date and time of event
Remember to include setup and clean-up time in your request.
Room(s) requested
532 Side A or B; 532 A/B; 923
Number of attendees
Please list the details of your event.
Will you need AV?
For 923, you need to bring your own laptop and projector.
For 532, all AV equipment/tools must remain in the room and in their original state. Laptops, mice, and pointers MUST NOT be removed or unplugged.
Will you have food?
If yes, when finished, please remove all leftover food and paper supplies, wipe off the tables, and clean up any spills and/or items from the floor.
The setup of tables and chairs in 532 is the responsibility of the requester.
Do not remove tables and chairs.