Wasted Appointments!!

Please CANCEL your appointment if you don’t need it

Every month lots of appointments are made by people who then don’t turn up.

In January 201356 appointments were wasted in this way, and in February 201348appointments were made but not used.

This obviously impacts on how easy or hard it is for you to get in to see us.

Many more appointments were wasted by people cancelling, but at very late notice so that we couldn’t re-book the appointment.

If you need to cancel your appointment, please do so AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, by:

▪ phoning on the normal number

▪ send a text to0781 308 0452

Include your name, date of birth and appointment date and time, and we will cancel the appointment for you

via the practice website

(See reception for details of how to register for this service)

Text Alerts

Would you like a reminder about your appointment?

If you give your consent we will text you the day before your appointment to remind you, we hope this will be both helpful to patients and reduce the number of patients that do not attend their appointments.

How are we doing?

We always strive to offer the best service possible to our patients and work hard to improve our systems so that they work better for you, our patients.

To know whether we are heading in the right direction we always appreciate your feedback, and any constructive ideas that you can give us.

You may leave comments or observations regarding appointments or any other aspect of the practice via the suggestions box, practice website or by becoming a member of our patient group. Ask reception for details or see patient group notice board.


Getting a Doctors Appointment/Version04/0313


Prospect Surgery




Dr Jane Senior (female)(Mon to Thu)

Dr Graham Cole (male)(Mon to Thurs)

Dr Adrian North(male)(Tues to Fri)

Dr Mary Kemshell (female)(Mon to Wed)

Dr Zoe Wragg(female)(Mon to Fri)

Dr Rowen Fernando(male) Mon, Wed to Fri)

Locum(s) & Registrars

Dr Shahana Quadri(female) (Tues, Thu & Fri)

Practice Manager:

Mr Chris Nicholls

Telephone number for appointments and enquiries:

01924 274 123

Text number forcancelling appointments:

0781 308 0452

Getting an Appointment

To make an appointment please call on the main surgery number:

01924 274 123

You can also register to book doctors appointments via the practice website. Registration details can be obtained from reception.

Appointments are available between:

08:40 to 11:00 Monday to Friday


14:00 to 17:40 Monday to Friday

We also provide early morning surgeries every Tuesday morning from 07:00 and late evening surgeries every Wednesday until 21:15. These are intended for people who work through the week and struggle to get in to surgery during normal surgery times, and can only be booked in advance.

So that as many patients as possible can see their ‘usual’ doctor appointments are made available to book up to 4 weeks in advance so that you can plan your visit. You should be able to get an appointment within a few days. Appointments are available on a daily basis foron the day booking and emergencies, these may not be with the doctor of your choice.

Which Doctor?

“Please try to plan ahead”

We would like to encourage you to see the same doctor wherever possible, so that you get to know them and they know more about you, and can help you better.

In an emergency, or with an acute illness, you will have to see the available doctor at that time.

But if you can plan your appointment ahead so that we can help you to see the doctor you know, this should help you and us. Please note that no doctor works every day, so try to plan your appointment days or weeks in advance (see front page).

If you are unsure who your “usual” doctor is don’t worry, the reception staff will be able to tell you, so that you can book with them if possible.

One Phone Call

We try whenever possible to give you an appointment that suits you and the doctor the first time you ring, so that you don’t have to phone back every day.

Telephone or face to face?

We have telephone and face-to-face appointments for you to book into, depending on what suits you best.

A number of telephone appointments are available with the doctors and nurses each day, where we can give you advice, or test results.

We feel that this suits people who work, so that they don’t need to take time off to come into the surgery where a phone call will help to sort out the problem.

If you want to speak to the doctor rather than come in to the surgery, please mention this to reception when you ring for an appointment.

Emergency Appointments

We save a number of appointments every day for things that are a new or acute problem, or an emergency, but these are only 5 minute appointments and can only be used for one problem.

Please try to only use these in the case of an emergency.

If people use these wrongly we won’t be able to offer as many appointments in advance so that you can see your own doctor.