Please Attach Medical Records As Appropriate. ______

Please Attach Medical Records As Appropriate. ______

Name / Appointment Date / Appointment Time

 Please attach medical records as appropriate. ______

Concern (Please rank by priority)
Example: (headaches) / Onset
(June 1978) / Frequency
(4 times/wk) / Severity

What are your goals for this visit? ______



What aspect of your pain, or which pain is the most bothersome to you?


Pain Intensity:

On a scale of 1-10 with “0” representing no pain, “1” representing a nuisance which would not interfere with daily activities while “10” would be the most severe pain imaginable, which number best describes your pain?

What is your worst pain?0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Overall average pain?Less pain0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10More pain

What is your pain like today?0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

How many extremely bad days (horrible or excruciating pain) in a week do you experience?______

Check the box which best gives the intensity of your type of pain:

Mild Moderate SevereUnbearableLocation

1. Sharp    ______

2. Shooting    ______

3. Throbbing    ______

4. Cramping    ______

5. Stabbing    ______

6. Gnawing    ______

7. Hot Burning    ______

8. Aching    ______

9. Heavy    ______

10. Tender    ______

11. Splitting    ______

12. Tiring/Exhausting    ______

13. Sickening    ______

14. Fearful    ______

15. Punishing/Cruel    ______

How much time during an average day (24 hour period) are you in pain?

 Pain is not present daily Less than 1/3 of the time Almost 50% of the time

 Almost 2/3rds of the time Almost 24 hours Anytime that I am not laying down

Do any of the following make your pain change?

No Somewhat A Lot Somewhat Complete


1. Sitting     

2. Standing     

3. Walking     

4. Bending forward     

5. Bending backward     

6. Bending to same side     

7. Bending to opposite side     

8. Lying Down/Resting     

9. Driving     

10. Lifting     

11. Coughing/Sneezing     

12. Cold weather     

13. Damp weather     

14. Sexual activity     

15. Overhead activity     

16. Other______

Are you able to perform any of the following without assistance?

1.Walk Yes  No4. Climb Stairs Yes  No

2.Sit Yes  No5. Dress Self Yes  No

3.Stand Yes  No6. Drive Car Yes  No

Please mark the box which best describes the changes in your desire to participate in the following activities since the onset of your pain?

No Decreased Decreased

IncreasedChangeSome Quite a Bit Disappeared

Personal Hygiene     

Household cleaning     

Family activities     

Recreation and hobbies     

Sexual relations     

Physical exercise     

Watching television     

How often do you have to stop your activities and sit down or lie down to control your pain?

 Rarely (not daily) Approximately once a day Several times a day

 I spend almost all day lying or sitting down to control my pain

Sleep Pattern

1. Has your sleep pattern changed due to pain?  Yes  No

2. Do you have trouble falling asleep? Yes  No

3. How many times do you wake up at night? ______How many nights a week? ______

4. How many hours do you actually sleep?______

5. How do you feel when you wake up in the morning? ______

6. Do you take sleep aids?  Yes  NoIf so, what?______

Previous treatments for this pain complaint and where:

 Chiropractor ______ Physical Therapy ______

 Psychotherapy ______ Epidurals ______

 Nerve Blocks ______ Cortisone Injections ______

 Oral Cortisone ______ Operations______

 Other ______

Previous Studies:

 X-Rays CT Scan MRI  Myelogram Bone Scan Nerve Conduction Study

 Other ______

Prior experiences you have had with alternative medicine? ______


Are you involved with any other therapies such as massage, acupuncture, chiropractic now? Previously?


What medications are you taking now? (Include prescription and over-the-counter drugs)

MedicationReasonWhen StartedDosage per DayCost








Medication Side Effects:ConstipationSwelling Sweating Sleepiness Other: ______

Allergic reactions to medications





Allergic reactions to chemicals/substances





What vitamins/mineral/supplements are you taking now?

Brand or Other NameReasonWhen StartedDosage per DayCost









What physical activity do you participate in? ______


What are the major stressors in your life? ______


What do you do to relax? ______


Past Operations






Past Family Medical History

FatherMotherGrandparents SiblingsChildren

Heart Disease _____ _____ ___________ _____

Hypertension _____ _____ ___________ _____

Cancer _____ _____ ___________ _____

Diabetes _____ _____ ___________ _____

Lung Disease _____ _____ ___________ _____

Hepatitis _____ _____ ___________ _____

Digestive _____ _____ ___________ _____

Seizures _____ _____ ___________ _____

Thyroid Disease _____ _____ ___________ _____

Other ______ _____ _____ ___________ _____

Other ______ _____ _____ ___________ _____

Other ______ _____ _____ ___________ _____



Are you presently working? Yes No 

What interests/hobbies do you have? ______

With whom do you live? (Include roommates, friends, partner, spouse, children, parents, relatives, pets)






Tobacco Never used Smoked from age _____ to ____. ____ packs per day.

Alcohol Never used Estimated drinks per day ____.

Other Drugs Never used Frequency ____.

What other things would you like us to know? ______



Who would you like us to send a consultation report to? ______


Check symptoms you currently have.
❑Chills / ❑ Shortness of breath / Pain, Weakness/Numbness: / ❑ On blood thinners
❑ Depression/Nervousness / ❑ Wheezing / ❑Neck ❑Chest / ❑ On platelet inhibitors
❑ Dizziness/Fainting / ❑ Short winded at rest / ❑ Arms ❑ Hands / ❑ Free bleeding with injury
❑ Fever / ❑ Short winded w/activity / ❑ Back ❑ Shoulders / ❑Known anemia
❑ Forgetfulness / ❑Chest pain with breathing / ❑ Hips ❑Knees
❑ Headache / ❑ Legs ❑Feet / GENITO-URINARY
❑ Loss of sleep / CARDIOVASCULAR / ❑ Blood in urine
❑ Loss of weight / ❑ Chest pain / NERVOUS SYSTEM / ❑ Frequent urination
❑ Numbness / ❑ High/Low blood pressure / ❑Numbness / ❑ Lack of bladder control
❑ Sweats / ❑ Irregular/Rapid heart beat / ❑ Tingling / ❑ Painful urination
❑ Poor circulation / ❑Upper extremities / ❑ Scars
ENDOCRINE / ❑Swelling of ankles / ❑Lower extremities / ❑Sore that won't heal
❑Excessive eating / ❑ Varicose veins / ❑Convulsions
❑ Excessive drinking / ❑Falls/near falls / MEN ONLY
GASTROINTESTINAL / ❑Clumsiness / ❑ Erection difficulties
ALLERGY & IMM / ❑Poor appetite / ❑ Lump in testicles
❑Allergic rhinitis / ❑ Bloating / PHYSCHIATRIC / ❑ Penis discharge
❑ Sensitivity to dander/ / ❑ Bowel changes / ❑Anxiousness / ❑ Sore on penis
pollen/food / ❑ Constipation / ❑Stress / ❑Prostate Problems
❑Hives / ❑ Diarrhea / ❑Depression / ❑ Other
❑ Excessive thirst / ❑ Suicidal thought
EYE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT / ❑ Gas / ❑ Alcohol/Drug abuse / WOMEN ONLY
❑ Bleeding gums / ❑ Hemorrhoids / ❑ Insomnia / ❑ Abnormal pap smear
❑ Blurred vision / ❑ Indigestion / ❑Memory loss / ❑ Bleeding between periods
❑ Crossed eyes / ❑ Nausea / ❑ Breast lump
❑ Difficulty swallowing / ❑ Rectal bleeding / SKIN / ❑ Extreme menstrual pain
❑ Double vision / ❑Stomach pain / ❑ Bruise easily / ❑ Hot flashes
❑ Earache/Ear discharge / ❑ Vomiting / ❑ Hives / ❑ Nipple discharge
❑ Hay fever / ❑ Vomiting blood / ❑ Itching/rash / ❑ Painful intercourse
❑ Hoarseness / ❑ Change in moles / ❑ Vaginal discharge
❑ Loss of hearing / ❑ Scars / ❑ Other
❑Sore that won't heal
Check if you have had in the past or presently have any of the following conditions:
❑Appendicitis / ❑Diabetes / ❑ Liver Disease / ❑Rheumatic Fever
❑Arthritis / ❑Emphysema / ❑Measles / ❑Scarlet Fever
❑Asthma / ❑Epilepsy / ❑Migraine Headaches / ❑Stroke
❑Bleeding Disorders / ❑ Glaucoma / ❑Multiple Sclerosis / ❑Thyroid Problems
❑Cancer / ❑Heart Disease / ❑Mumps / ❑Tuberculosis
❑Cataracts / ❑ Hepatitis / ❑Pacemaker / ❑Ulcers
❑Chemical Dependency / ❑Herpes / ❑Pneumonia / ❑Venereal Disease, HCV,
❑Chicken Pox / ❑Kidney Disease / ❑Polio / HBV, HIV, Other